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Front knowledge

  • Java class loading, the Java virtual machine | class loading mechanism

  • Java compiler: Java | compilation process (compile front-end & compile the back-end)

1. Delegate model for Java class loading

Java class loading is a parent delegate mechanism, meaning that in addition to the bootstrap classloader, each classloader has an associated parent classloader field. When a class loader is ready to perform a class load, it first delegates to a parent loader, which may then delegate up, recursively. If the parent constructor cannot load, it will return to load itself.

More content: class loading: Java virtual machine | class loading mechanism

2. Class loaders in Android

In Java, the JVM loads.class files, while in Android, Dalvik and ART load dex files. Dex files here are not just files with the.dex suffix, but any file that carries the classed. Dex entry (e.g. Jar/zip/apk).

In this section we will examine the class loaders in the Android ART VIRTUAL machine:

This implementation class role
BootClassLoader Load the classes in the SDK
PathClassLoader Load the application’s classes
DexClassLoader Loads the specified class

2.1 BootClassLoader Class loader

In Java/Android, BootClassLoader is the top-level loader in the delegate model. As the last member of the delegate chain, it is always the first to try to load a class.

  • BootClassLoader is a singleton. Each process has only one BootClassLoader object and is started when the JVM starts.
  • The parent field of the BootClassLoader is empty, and there is no parent class loader (you can check whether a ClassLoader#getParent() is empty).
  • BootClassLoader#findClass(), and finally call native methods.

BootClassLoader is a non-static internal class of ClassLoader.

Class BootClassLoader extends ClassLoader {public static synchronized BootClassLoader getInstance() {singleton} public BootClassLoader() {no parent class loader, parent is null super(null); } @Override protected Class<? > findClass(String name) {notice the ClassLoader argument: pass null classForName(name, false, null); } @Override protected Class<? > loadClass(String className, Boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { > clazz = findLoadedClass(className); If (clazz == null) {clazz = findClass(className); } return clazz; } } ------------------------------------------------- static native Class<? > classForName(String className, boolean shouldInitialize, ClassLoader classLoader)Copy the code

2.2 BaseDexClassLoader Class loader

In Android, Java code is compiled in dex format bytecode, so the Android system provides a BaseDexClassLoader to load classes from dex files.

public class BaseDexClassLoader extends ClassLoader { private final DexPathList pathList; @Override protected Class<? > findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {load Class c = pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions); if (c == null) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(...) ; } return c; } addDexPath public void addDexPath(String dexPath, Boolean isTrusted) {pathList. AddDexPath (dexPath, isTrusted); Public void addNativePath(Collection<String> libPaths) {pathList.addnativePath (libPaths); }}Copy the code

As you can see, the BaseDexClassLoader delegates the task of findClass() to the DexPathList object, which specifies the path to search for classes and the so dynamic library.


2.3 PathClassLoader & DexClassLoader Class loader

PathClassLoader & DexClassLoader is a subclass of BaseDexClassLoader, from the source can be seen, they actually do not rewrite methods, so the main logic is still in BaseDexClassLoader. And they are only different before Android 9.0:

DexClassLoader. Java – Android 8.0

public DexClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent) {
    super(dexPath, new File(optimizedDirectory), librarySearchPath, parent);
Copy the code

DexClassLoader. Java – Android 9.0

public DexClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent) {
    super(dexPath, null, librarySearchPath, parent);
Copy the code

public PathClassLoader(String dexPath,  String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent) {
    super(dexPath, null, librarySearchPath, parent);
Copy the code
parameter describe
dexPath Path to load the dex file
optimizedDirectory Path to load odex file (optimized dex file)
librarySearchPath Path to load the so library file
parent The parent class loader

As you can see, prior to Android 9.0, the DexClassLoader constructor needed to pass in the optimizedDirectory argument. Starting with Android 9.0, DexClassLoader does not need to pass this parameter, so from Android 9.0 the two classes are exactly the same.

3. Program execution: compilation & interpretation

Programmers write programs in source code, while cpus can only recognize/run native code. There are two ways to convert source code to native code: interpret and compile.

  • Interpretation: through the interpreter while translating, repeatedly executing the same code requires repeated interpretation and translation, low efficiency, but better portability;

  • Compilation: complete translation of the source program into local code through the compiler, the compilation of the product can be repeatedly executed, high efficiency, but time-consuming compilation.

The term “compile” is understood differently in narrow and broad senses. Narrow compilation refers to the process of converting file to a *.class file or a.dex file, also known as a compile front end. In the broad sense, compilation also includes just-in-time (JIT) compilation or (static) AOT compilation Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation, which is called the Compile backend.

Instead of taking the extreme of fully interpreted execution or compiled execution, Java takes something in between. Both.class and.dex files are just an intermediate part of the compilation process and are not fully compiled into native code. At run time, the virtual machine is also required for interpretation execution or further compilation.

Next, let’s discuss program execution on the Dalvik and ART virtual machines.

4. Dalvik

4.1 JIT on Dalvik

In the early version of Dalvik, there was only an interpreter. The same code needed to be interpreted and translated repeatedly, which was inefficient. In order to optimize this problem. Since Android 2.2, a JIT compiler has been added. JIT compiles native code at run time, which speeds up execution by eliminating the need to repeatedly interpret translations.

While JIT compilation can speed up code execution, compilation itself is time consuming, so only “hot” code should be compiled. So how does the just-in-time compiler detect hot code? There are two main types: sample-based and counter based

JIT in Dalvik adopts hotspot detection based on counters, and the main process is as follows:

  • 0. Set a threshold for “hot” code;
  • 1. Check whether compiled native code exists. There are implementation;
  • 2. Otherwise, log the number of times the code is executed, and check each time to see if the threshold is reached.
    • 2.1 Yes, send immediate compilation requests to the compiler and execute methods in an interpreted manner;
    • 2.2 Otherwise, the method shall continue to be interpreted;

— Quoted from Paul. pub/ Android-dal… Strong Wave by Huawei

4.2 dexopt optimization

In the Dalvik VIRTUAL machine, dexopt optimization is performed during application installation. This process is to optimize the. Dex file in APK to Odex (Optimized dex) file, save it in the data/ Dalvik-cache directory, and delete the. Dex file in the original APK. The main advantages of this are:

  • 1. Optimized the DEX file;
  • 2. Extract the.dex file from APK in advance, and the startup speed is slightly faster.

5. ART

Since Android 4.4, the ART Virtual Machine has been integrated with Android, but it is not enabled by default and needs to be manually enabled in the developer options. Since Android 5.0, the ART virtual machine has been officially enabled.

5.1 AOT on ART (Android L 5.0)

In the ART virtual machine, AOT compilation is performed during application installation. That is, the dex2OAT tool is used in advance to change the.dex file in APK into OAT file before the program runs. OAT files follow the ELF format and are executable files on Unix systems. When the program is running, it can execute the compiled code directly, which is equivalent to using AOT compilation in advance.

— Picture quoted from Internet

5.2 JIT Regression (Android N 7.0)

AOT compilation can produce native code ahead of time, but pure AOT compilation can cause users to wait too long in two cases:

  • 1. The application installation time is too long;
  • 2. During the system version upgrade, all applications need to be AOT compiled again.

— Picture quoted from Internet

In order to solve the problem of users waiting too long, Starting with Android N 7.0, Android reintroduced JIT with a mix of AOT compilation, interpretation, and JIT compilation. The main working process is as follows:

  • 1. AOT compilation is no longer performed during application installation (installation is faster);
  • 2. Use explain execution + JIT compilation at program execution time, and record JIT compiled hot methods in profile profile;
  • 3. When the device is idle, the compile daemon performs AOT compilation according to the hot code recorded in the profile.

— Quoted from Paul. pub/ Android-dal… Strong Wave by Huawei

6. Summary

  • 1. Java class loading is a delegate mechanism. When a class loader is ready to perform a class load, it first delegates to a parent loader, which may then delegate up, recursively. If the parent constructor cannot load, it will return to load itself.

  • 2. JVM loads.class files, while Dalvik and ART load dex files. In Android, class loaders are mainly BootClassLoader & PathClassLoader & DexClassLoader.

  • There are two ways to convert source code to native code: interpret and compile. Interpretation is executed while translating. The same code needs to be interpreted and translated repeatedly, which is low in efficiency but better in portability. Compilation is to translate the source program into local code. The product obtained by compilation once can be executed repeatedly, which is highly efficient but time-consuming to compile.

  • 4. Dalvik uses JIT compilation since Android 2.2. Dalvik also uses dexopt to optimize dex files into Odex files.

  • 5. ART is officially enabled from Android 5.0, and AOT compilation is adopted to generate OAT files. There are side effects of user waiting time during installation/system upgrade. Starting with Android 7.0, Android reintroduced JIT with a mix of AOT compilation, interpretation, and JIT compilation.

The resources

  • Debug ART Garbage Collection — Android Developers
  • ART Virtual Machine on Android by Qiang Bo (Huawei)
  • Dalvik VIRTUAL Machine on Android by Qiang Bo (Huawei)
  • In Depth understanding the Java Virtual Machine (version 3) (chapters 10 and 11). By Zhou Zhiming
  • Understanding Android in Depth: Java Virtual Machine ART by Deng Fanping
  • Understanding JVM Bytecode in Depth (chapters 4 and 5). By Ya Zhang

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