EasyFrame 3.0.0 Network framework instructions
EasyFrame3.0.0 is a network processing architecture implemented by RxJava and Retrofit, using Glide as the picture processing architecture. Library project has uploaded Jcenter and Maven libraries, GitHub address: github.com/QiYuan007/E… The usage is as follows:
The compile 'com. Qy. Easyframe: easyframe: 3.0.0'Copy the code
< the dependency > < groupId > com. Qy. Easyframe < / groupId > < artifactId > easyframe < / artifactId > < version > 3.0.0 < / version > <type>pom</type> </dependency>Copy the code
A network request. The callback interface to ResultSubscriber OnResultListener in request network interface or business logic implement this interface and implement the three methods of the interface, respectively is:
Void onStart(int requestType); Void onError(int requestType,Throwable e); Void onResult(IModel model, int requestType);Copy the code
The three methods can be identified by their names. The requestType field identifies different network requests and can be differentiated by itself. The IModel class is the common parent of the JavaBean class corresponding to the returned JSON field. All Response classes must inherit the IModel class.
Define your network request interface for Retrofit as follows:
/** * @author: qiyuan * @data: 16/4/12 2:57 PM * @description: Public interface INetInterface {/** * get request * @param city * @return */ @get ("data/cityinfo/{city_id}") Observable<WeatherResponse> getWeather(@Path("city_id") String city); /** * post request * @param body javabean request * @return */ @post ("data/cityinfo/") Observable<WeatherResponse> postWeather(@Body WeatherRequest body); /** * post request * @param params form * @return */ @post ("data/cityinfo/") Observable<WeatherResponse> postWeather2(@fieldMap) Map<String, String> params); }Copy the code
The following interface needs to be customized:
- Replace the string in the request annotation with its own address other than the host address or the entire address (usually an address other than the host)
- Observable generics are JavaBean objects corresponding to JSON strings returned from network requests, which inherit from the IModel parent class
- Method name is of course your own name.
Pay attention to
This interface cannot have inheritance relationships
Iii. Define the implementation class of step 2 network request interface as follows:
/** * @author: qiyuan * @data: 16/10/25 3:24 PM * @description: Public class HttpRequest {public HttpRequest() {} / private static class SingletonHolder {private static class SingletonHolder { private static final HttpRequest INSTANCE = new HttpRequest(); } / * * * for singleton @ return * * * / public static HttpRequest getInstance () {return HttpRequest. SingletonHolder. INSTANCE; } /** * get get network data ** @param cityId */ public Subscriber getWeather(String cityId, int resultType, ResultSubscriber.OnResultListener listener) { Observable<WeatherResponse> observable = HTTPHelper.getInstance().init(Constant.BASE_PATH, INetInterface.class).getWeather(cityId); return HTTPHelper.getInstance().doRequest(observable, resultType, listener); } /** * post method to obtain network data ** @param body */ public Subscriber postWeather(WeatherRequest body, int resultType, ResultSubscriber.OnResultListener listener) { Observable<WeatherResponse> observable = HTTPHelper.getInstance().init(Constant.BASE_PATH, INetInterface.class).postWeather(body); return HTTPHelper.getInstance().doRequest(observable, resultType, listener); } /** * Customize headers * @param cityId * @param resultType * @param listener * @return */ public Subscriber getRecommendDetails(String cityId, int resultType, ResultSubscriber.OnResultListener listener) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("X-Token", "595a6e93-bddb-47af-a7ce-e63801315fd9"); // Headers headers = Headers.of(map); // Observable<T> observable = (Observable<T>) HTTPHelper.getInstance().init(Constant.BASE_PATH, INetInterface.class, headers).getRecommendDetails(assetId); Observable<WeatherResponse> observable = HTTPHelper.getInstance().init(Constant.BASE_PATH, INetInterface.class, map).getWeather(cityId); return HTTPHelper.getInstance().doRequest(observable, resultType, listener); }}Copy the code
This class is an implementation of the interface class in step 2
HTTPHelper.getInstance().init(Constant.BASE_PATH, INetInterface.class)Copy the code
Method, just pass in the class object of the interface in step 2.
HTTPHelper.getInstance().doRequest(observable, resultType, listener)Copy the code
This method returns the Subscriber object, which can be used to interrupt network operations, such as during interface destruction.
Activities or fragments or other services
For example, in the click event in demo, the method of the interface implementation class in the previous step is directly called and the corresponding parameter is passed. mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Log.i(TAG,"onClick"); HttpRequest.getInstance().getWeather("101010300.html",CODE,MainActivity.this); }});Copy the code
Three steps to implement the network request 1. Realize ResultSubscriber. OnResultListener listen 2. Implement the interface class for network requests. 3. Implement the interface class. 4Copy the code
The initialization method in the HTTPHelper class is as follows
<T extends IModel> Subscriber doRequest(<any> observable, int resultType, ResultSubscriber. OnResultListener listener) to initialize static observer HTTPHelper getInstance () to obtain a singleton Interceptor getInterceptor () <I> I init(String baseUrl, Class<I> clazz) Headers Headers) <I> I init(String baseUrl, Class<I> clazz, long timeOut) Class<I> clazz, long timeOut, Headers Headers) HTTPHelper setTor (Interceptor mInterceptor) Sets the InterceptorCopy the code
Glide picture tool class usage method and description
Static void initImageIcon(int ID) initializes the default loading graph static void into(android.content.context Context, File File, Android.widget.imageview view) glide: Static void into(Android.content.context Context, File File, android.widget.ImageView view, int width, Static void into(android.content.context Context, int resourceId, Android.widget.imageview view) glide from android.content.context Context static void into(android.content.context Context, int resourceId, android.widget.ImageView view, int width, Static void into(android.content.context Context, String url, Android.widget.imageview view) glide load image from string (web address or local address) static void into(Android.content.context Context, android.widget.imageView) glide load image from string (web address or local address) String URL, Android.widget.imageView view, int defaultId) Glide loads the image (network address or local address) from a String, static void into(android.content.Context context, String url, android.widget.ImageView view, int width, Static void into(android.content.context Context, android.net.Uri uri, Android.widget.imageview view) glide load image from URI static void into(Android.content.context Context, android.net.Uri URI, android.widget.ImageView view, int width, Static void intoBlur(android.content.context Context, String url, android.content.context) Android.widget.imageview view) static void intoDefault(Android.content.context Context, int ID, android.widget.imageView view) Android.widget.imageview view) default Glide, Static void intoDefault(Android.content.context Context, String URL, Android.widget.imageView View) Static void intoRound(Android.content.context Context, int id, int radius, Android.widget.imageview view) static void intoRound(Android.content.context Context, String URL, int radius, Android.widget.imageview view) static void intoRound(Android.content.context Context, String URL, int radius, Android.widget.imageview view, int defaultId) loads a circular image (web address or local address) from a stringCopy the code
Database processing methods
The database is extracted xUtils 3.0 framework. For details, please visit xUtils 3.0
About the author — ape
Email: 496121717@qq.com, lzp4796121717@gmail.com If you have any suggestions or problems in use, you can send me emails. You can also join QQ group: 163411187 for technical exchange and idea sharing.
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