Is the first time that I change my job, for the first time to write a resume (internship very accidental school recruit paper-and-pencil tests, the same night wrote down what he would have been told to interview the day), sitting in front of a computer stunned the morning don’t write a few words, ask for two colleagues, explained the resume should be how to write to me, what should be highlighted, They sent me their resume and gave me their 500 dollar account number. I really appreciate them. I do not want to have the same experience with the small white have too much confusion, so probably summed up next bar, this article may be suitable for small white see, big god they need not waste time.


My resume is divided into the following six modules: Personal information, job intention, professional skills, educational background, work experience, project experience

Personal information

Personal information must be concise and to the point, it is better to display your information in 1-2 lines (mine is 2 lines, because the photo is added on the right side).

The approximate format can be written as follows:

Name age | | | | working life work area telephone | mailbox

Basic information can be presented in a single line


In fact, I think the interview is a two-way selection process. If you give me an interview opportunity but fail because you ask my age at the end, it will waste a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to write my personal advice.

Working fixed number of year

This is very important, many HR will directly through the years of work screening

Telephone no.

The best wechat signal is also the phone number, because I found that the vast majority of interviewers or HR if interested in you or directly add wechat, the phone number format is best separated by delimiters such as: 123-4567-8901, so that it is convenient to contact you, details are always necessary.


You can add a photo if you think it’s a plus, but make sure it’s formal, not too casual, and respectful


Position Regional salary time of entry


Clearly state the position you are applying for, such as: Senior Android Development Engineer


Salary I write is salary negotiable, because oneself compare, do not know how much, think to see the interview situation to decide again. If you have a clear position on yourself, I think it’s better to write a range

In the time

Since I am on the job, I did not write down the exact date, but employers are very concerned about this item

Professional skills

Interview tips from here (don’t write that you don’t know how to do it)

You have to write 10 skills anyway (this is what my awesome colleague told me)

I also looked at a lot of resumes, write is the same, familiar with Java, familiar with UI drawing process, etc., too many such written (I recruited interns last year, casually noticed some successful resumes), after reading there is no bright spot.

After 3 to 5 years of work, everyone is familiar with Java and UI drawing process, so why should you be interviewed? You need to show the interviewer that you are really familiar with these things, so point out what you are familiar with the knowledge points, and what is the use of them, for example:

It’s easy to see that you really know what you’re writing about, and a qualified interviewer will discuss most of your questions based on your expertise. I don’t think a good interview is a question-and-answer format, it’s a discussion based on specific points. For example, if the JVM is mentioned in your resume, if the interviewer asks you about JMM, you can make a general summary: Thread private, thread public, garbage algorithm, memory collection, and then specify when garbage collection algorithms were used. If you continue to dig into Eden and two Survivor zones, it’s natural to be able to explain the generation algorithm, the replication algorithm, and when objects will reach the old age (objects entering the old age directly, objects entering the old age with 15 health). How to determine whether an object needs to be recycled leads to accessibility analysis GCRoot…… All the way down to memory optimization, common leak points, etc. A surface pilot if you extend the better, basic half an hour in the past, and can reflect your learning to apply.

In fact, every knowledge point can be expanded, and you need to think about how you can extend the knowledge and how it will be reflected in the project. For example, familiar with UI drawing process, familiar with what is the use of it, now everyone attaches great importance to performance optimization, hierarchy nesting, excessive rendering, these two why time-consuming, which node time-consuming, and how to solve…… It is better to give direct comparison of performance tests such as SM, frame rate, rendering level, etc.

Education background

You can write more if you’re cool

Work experience

Summarize in a few short sentences what you are doing at the company. Don’t use paragraphs

Project experience

Time flashbacks, one or two sentences summarizing project functions, and responsibility descriptions using data as much as possible


Keep your resume short and to the point, using data as often as possible, preferably no more than two pages.

I wanted to continue sharing interview tips, but I decided not to. I’ve only interviewed with a few companies, so don’t mislead anyone.

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