This is the 13th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021


Recent projects meet a demand, need to dynamically calculate the height of the according to the list, and then the dynamic display list need to display the contents of the elements, began to think, is very simple, is asynchronous data parsing out before loading list, and then calculate the height, to put content is assigned to the data source with respect to OK, what do you think, this is over? That you are wrong, the problem is big, such asynchronous request back data, may display incomplete, may display disorder… So how to solve it, tried a lot of methods…

Get the height of the TextView asynchronously

There are many kinds of asynchronous TextView text height, online, a brief introduction:

1) by onPreDrawListener

tempTextView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public Boolean onPreDraw () {/ / this callback will be called many times, to get the number of rows. Remember to log off to monitor tempTextView getViewTreeObserver () removeOnPreDrawListener (this); int noteContentHeight = (int) (tempTextView.getLineCount() * textSize); noteTotalHeight = noteTotalHeight - noteContentHeight; . return false; }});Copy the code

2) Obtain asynchronously through the post method of the View Runnable() { @Override public void run() { tempTextView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); int noteContentHeight = (int) (tempTextView.getLineCount() * textSize); }});Copy the code

TextSize = textSize+ LineSpacingExtra;

Two, encountered problems, solve the problem

But this is not enough, because TextView needs to be drawn to get the content of the line height, otherwise the return is all 0, so you can write an invisible TextView in the layout of the Activity, the background is set to transparent, does not affect the interface display, to load the content, then can get the height. Then according to the need to display the height, do comparison, different types of content height are calculated, and then calculate the height, exceeding the content of this type will not be displayed, not exceeding the content display array.

if (index < contentList.size()) { ContentModel model = contentList.get(index); if (model.getType() == 0) { tempTextView.setText(model.getContent()); tempTextView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public Boolean onPreDraw () {/ / this callback will be called many times, to get the number of rows. Remember to log off to monitor tempTextView getViewTreeObserver () removeOnPreDrawListener (this); int contentHeight = (int) (tempTextView.getLineCount() * 69); contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - contentHeight; tempContentList.add(model); if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { tempContentList.add(model); } return false; }}); } else if (model.getType() == 1) { contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - 89; if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { tempContentList.add(model); } } else if (model.getType() == 2) { contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - 83; if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { tempContentList.add(model); }}}Copy the code

Something like this,89 or 83 is a different type of height, and I’ll write a fixed value here, and I’ll calculate it as needed, and of course there could be more than three types, so in theory, isn’t it possible to put the content that you want to display in the content display list, return it, reassign the data to the source, and just display it? But the actual result is that the text is not show, have displayed disorder, for the simple reason that tempTextView. GetViewTreeObserver () addOnPreDrawListener (), Or Runnable() {}) is an asynchronous operation, the list data has been loaded by other modules, this result may not return, so the above result is called. Later I thought, can we wait for the height of the text to be calculated, and then perform the next data processing? Of course we can, recursive, after optimization:

private void getContentList(ContentCallBack contentCallBack) { if (index < contentList.size()) { ContentModel model = contentList.get(index); if (model.getType() == 0) { tempTextView.setText(model.getContent()); tempTextView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public Boolean onPreDraw () {/ / this callback will be called many times, to get the number of rows. Remember to log off to monitor tempTextView getViewTreeObserver () removeOnPreDrawListener (this); int contentHeight = (int) (tempTextView.getLineCount() * 69); contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - noteContentHeight; tempContentList.add(model); if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { index++; getContentList(contentCallBack); } else { if (noteContentCallBack ! = null) { contentCallBack.success(tempContentList); } } return false; }}); } else if (model.getType() == 1) { contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - 89; if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { tempContentList.add(model); index++; getContentList(contentCallBack); } else { if (contentCallBack ! = null) { contentCallBack.success(tempContentList); } } } else if (model.getType() == 2) { contentTotalHeight = contentTotalHeight - 83; if (contentTotalHeight > 0) { tempContentList.add(model); index++; getContentList(contentCallBack); } else { if (contentCallBack ! = null) { contentCallBack.success(tempContentList); } } } } else { if (contentCallBack ! = null) { contentCallBack.success(tempContentList); } } } private interface ContentCallBack { void success(List<ContentModel> contentModels); }Copy the code


getNoteContentList(new ContentCallBack() { @Override public void success(List<ContentModel> contentModels) { .... Processing data}});Copy the code

Outer calls also need to use recursion. You can’t use a for loop to calculate the height of each item. The for loop doesn’t wait for the next index to finish the asynchron. Principle of concrete implementation is not posted here, know is very simple, so after using two recursive, the returned data is correct, and no confusion, don’t show that long give a sigh, is so complicated, according to a then even on my beloved millet 10 testing machine, run up and look at the results, cough cough cough, perfect, no matter how the data refresh, There will be no confusion and display exception problems. But it always feels like it’s too complicated… Two recursive

Three, optimize

After work, the road is still thinking about this problem, there is no simple method, one step in place, and no asynchronous nor recursive, how to calculate the number of lines of TextView, after home on the Internet to look, a little look at the source, found the following method:

*/ public static int getTextViewLines(textView, textView) int textViewWidth) { int width = textViewWidth - textView.getCompoundPaddingLeft() - textView.getCompoundPaddingRight();  StaticLayout staticLayout; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { staticLayout = getStaticLayout23(textView, width); } else { staticLayout = getStaticLayout(textView, width); } int lines = staticLayout.getLineCount(); int maxLines = textView.getMaxLines(); if (maxLines > lines) { return lines; } return maxLines; } /** * sdk>=23 */ @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.M) private static StaticLayout getStaticLayout23(TextView textView, int width) { StaticLayout.Builder builder = StaticLayout.Builder.obtain(textView.getText(), 0, textView.getText().length(), textView.getPaint(), width) .setAlignment(Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL) .setTextDirection(TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR) .setLineSpacing(textView.getLineSpacingExtra(), textView.getLineSpacingMultiplier()) .setIncludePad(textView.getIncludeFontPadding()) .setBreakStrategy(textView.getBreakStrategy()) .setHyphenationFrequency(textView.getHyphenationFrequency()) .setMaxLines(textView.getMaxLines() == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : textView.getMaxLines()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { builder.setJustificationMode(textView.getJustificationMode()); } if (textView.getEllipsize() ! = null && textView.getKeyListener() == null) { builder.setEllipsize(textView.getEllipsize()) .setEllipsizedWidth(width);  } return; } /** * sdk<23 */ private static StaticLayout getStaticLayout(TextView textView, int width) { return new StaticLayout(textView.getText(), 0, textView.getText().length(), textView.getPaint(), width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, textView.getLineSpacingMultiplier(), textView.getLineSpacingExtra(), textView.getIncludeFontPadding(), textView.getEllipsize(), width); }Copy the code

The premise of this method is that we need to know the width of the TextView, and the newline inside the TextView is handled by a StaticLayout class, And the getLineCount() method we call ends up calling the getLineCount() method in the StaticLayout class, so we just need to create a StaticLayout that is the same as the one inside the TextView, Then call staticLayout. GetLineCount () method to obtain and current TextView as the value of the rows.


Can only say that their own part involves little, the first thought is still through the general implementation of logic to solve the problem, not carefully to study the principle, may take more detours, but also increased knowledge, I hope to help students who encounter similar problems.