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  • Author: kaedea

  • Making: android – dynamical – loading

Dynamic loading

The application of dynamic loading technology based on ClassLoader in Android development can achieve the purpose of upgrading APP without installing new APK, and can also be used to fix some urgent bugs.

  • Android Dynamic Loading technology

    1. Background of dynamic loading technology in Android; 2. The dynamic loading of Android can be roughly divided into "loading SO library" and "loading DEX/JAR/APK"; 3. The basis of dynamic loading is the ClassLoader; 4. Three modes of loading DEX/JAR/APK; 5. The function and cost of dynamic loading; 6. Technology to dynamically modify code other than ClassLoader (HotFix); 7. Some open source projects loaded dynamically;Copy the code
  • Android Dynamic Loading basic ClassLoader working mechanism

    1. The creation process of ClassLoader and the process of loading classes; 2. Parent agent mode of ClassLoader; 3. Differences between DexClassLoader and PathClassLoader; 4. Some problems needing attention when using ClassLoader to load external classes; 5. Custom ClassLoader (Hack development)Copy the code
  • Android Dynamic loading supplement loading SD card SO library

    1. How to compile and use SO library 2. How to load SO library in SD card (also a problem to be solved in dynamic loading APK);Copy the code
  • Android Dynamic Loading introduction simple loading mode

    1. How to create the DEX file we need; 2. How to load classes in dex file; 3. Dynamically loading dex files is incompatible with ART VMS.Copy the code
  • Android Dynamic Loading Advanced Proxy Activity mode

    1. How to start an Activity that is not registered in APK? 2.Copy the code
  • Android dynamic load black technology dynamic create Activity mode

    1. How to dynamically create an Activity at runtime; 2. Customize the ClassLoader and replace the class you want to load; Create open source project "Android-pluginMgr" in active mode The difference between the proxy mode and the dynamically created class mode;Copy the code