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SmartRefreshLayout is a pull-down refresh library for Android platform. It was just opened on GitHub today and is still hot. The reason why I recommend it to you is that in actual development, pull-down refresh is a very common interaction, but even though it is common, The user experience would be better if we could make it more interesting. Second, the pull-down refresh library is not only powerful, but also “smart”. It not only supports all views, as other refresh layouts suggest, but also supports multiple layers of nested View structure.

It also takes advantage of various pull-down Refresh libraries, including Google’s official SwipeRefreshLayout, the current very popular TwinklingRefreshLayout, and android-ultra-pull-to-refresh. It has the following common features:

  • Supports all views (AbsListView, RecyclerView, WebView…. View) and a multi-layer nested Layout (detail);

  • Supports customization and already integrates a lot of cool headers and footers.

  • Support synchronous scrolling and ListView and RecyclerView, AppBarLayout, CoordinatorLayout NestedScrolling NestedScrolling;

  • Support for preview effects in Android Studio Xml editor

  • You can set Header and Footer in Default, Xml, and JavaCode respectively.

  • Support automatic refresh, automatic pull-up loading (automatically detect the list to the bottom, without manual pull-up);

  • Support for generic refresh Listener onMultipurpose refresh Listener and more detailed scroll listener onmultipurpose.

  • Support custom rebound animation interpolator to achieve a variety of cool animation effects.

  • Apps that support setting themes to suit any scene will not be cool but awkward;

  • Supports a variety of sliding modes to adapt to various effects of the Header and Footer: pan, stretch, back fixed, top fixed, full screen;

  • Support Content size adaptive content-wrap_content;

  • Support inheritance rewrite and extension functions, internal implementation of no private methods and fields, can be overwritten after inheritance;

  • Support bounce back (Listview, RecyclerView, ScrollView, WebView… The View).

Let’s take a look at some of the effects it supports:

It’s also easy to use:

1. Add dependencies to bld. gradle

2. Add SmartRefreshLayout to the XML layout file

3. Add code to your Activity or Fragment

Of course, you can also add headers and footers to it, as well as various supported attribute methods. For more information, please visit GitHub:

Feel good, can also help the author star to express a kind of support.

Finally, if you want to experience the full effect quickly, you can reply with the keyword “SmartRefresh” to get apK quickly.

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