Android development tutorial -1. Build the development environment

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 3, ADT 4, SDK Tools

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1, install Java JDK, build the Android development environment does not need to set environment variables, after the installation is completed, open the “command prompt” window and enter Java -version to check the JDK version information, if the following screen is displayed, the installation is successful:

2, install Eclipse, decompress the downloaded Eclipse to the directory you want to save, directly run the decompressed “Eclipse. exe”, open the interface as follows:

3, Install ADT, in the open Eclipse interface click “Help” ->”Install New Software…” , click the “Add” button of the pop-up “Install” form:

In the “Add Repository” window that pops up: “Name”; “Location” input… Click “Ok” to return to “Work with:” in the “Install” form, after you select the address just added, “Developer Tools” and “NDK Plugins” will appear below, and then click “Next” step by step to complete the installation.

4. Set the path for saving Android-SDK, click “Window “->” Preferences”->”Android”, click” Browse “, select a path for saving Android-SDK, and click “Ok” to confirm:

5. Download android-SDK, click “Window” -> “Android SDK Manager” in the Eclipse interface after opening, and all SDK versions available for download will be listed in the “Android SDK Manager” Window that pops up. Check and download the corresponding SDK version as required:

6. Create AVD, click “Window” -> “Android Virtual Device Manager” in Eclipse interface. Click “New” in the “Android Virtual Device Manage” window to create a Virtual Android Device:

Enter the name and select the SDK version and click “Ok” to save and return to the “Android Virtual Device Manage” window. You can see the name of the Virtual Android Device you just added. Click to select the Device and click “Start” ->”Lunch” to run the Virtual Device:

After the virtual device runs successfully, the following interface is displayed:

At this point, the development environment is set up.