
  1. Google is adding 117 new emojis to Android 11, which comes out this fall

  2. Google plans to disable overly distorted beauty filters by default in Android 11

  3. Google is likely to launch the Nearby Share feature for Android devices above 6.0 in August

  4. Google offers free Kotlin and Android development courses

  5. Android 11 Beta 2 and platform stability milestones

The tutorial

  1. A dependent database update caused by the bloody case: QQ number was frozen technical analysis

  2. ARCore Depth API Depth analysis: algorithm principles and development details

  3. Coroutines of cancellation, and an abnormal | processing steps

  4. Kotlin Vocabulary | the only “object”

  5. Toutiao Android ‘second’ level compilation speed optimization

Open source library

  1. ColorSeekBar

    A colorful SeekBar for picking color

  2. pine

    a dynamic java method hook framework on ART runtime, it can intercept almost all java method calls in this process.

  3. ExpandableRecyclerView

    Expandable RecyclerView(with expand and close animation)

  4. ticktock

    A timezone data management library for the JVM and Android targeting java.time APIs in Java 8+

  5. Pdf-Viewer

    A Simple PDF Viewer library which only occupies around 125kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies upto 16MB space.

  6. PINkman

    a library to help implementing an authentication by a PIN code in a secure manner.

  7. XRefreshView

    A universal Android pull up pull refresh framework, perfect support recyclerView

  8. logback-android

    The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Android

  9. Pump

    A smart tool for Android Download,support BreakPoint, MultiTask and MultiThread.

  10. M3U8Downloader

    M3U8 download library, can achieve M3U8 video download, support M3U8 redirection, at the same time support other formats of file download, such as MP4 files, currently support KOTL

  11. HandyGridView

    HandyGridView is a high performance GridView that simulates Alipay, netease News tags can be dragged to sort.

  12. AppAuth-Android

    Android client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.

  13. mojito

    Transfer effect of wechat, Bilibili big picture, long picture, GIF, video and custom view

  14. UnPeek-LiveData

    LiveData: don’t ask, ask is unpredictable – Perfect alternative to SingleLiveEvent, supporting multiple observers.

  15. AirLocation

    An android library to simplify the usage of Google Play services location APIs, to get the user’s most precise live location via a callback!

  16. android-places-ktx

    Kotlin extensions (KTX) for the Places SDK for Android

  17. SCardView-master

    A class CardView control SCardView that can be configured with shadow direction and color

  18. AndroidKTX

    Some very useful Kotlin Extensions for Speed Android Development! Speed up your Android development with the awesome Kotlin extension!

  19. LoadingHelper

    A highly expandable Android library for decoupling the code of toolbar or loading status view.

  20. MarkdownEditText

    A native Rich text editor for android based on Markwon library with export to Markdown option

  21. ImageStackViewer

    This library provides an activity to show list of images in full screen with pinch to zoom support.

  22. AndroidBottomBar

    A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.

  23. NiceVieoPlayer

    IjkPlayer/MediaPlayer+TextureView, supports lists, perfect for switching full screen, small window Android video player

The plug-in

  1. ServiceAgency

    A gradle plugin that decouples through detach interface and its implementation. This is a Gradle plug-in that completely separates the interface from the implementation, suitable for scenarios where decoupling occurs when using third-party frameworks

The sample

  1. TrickyNavigationSample

    This repository contains some tricks about Android Navigation Component. 3rd party libraries not used.


  1. android-backup-extractor

    Utility to extract and repack Android backups created with adb backup (ICS+). Largely based on from AOSP.

  2. adb-event-mirror

    Mirror the touch/key/button events of one device onto one or more other devices in real-time


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