Thinking inspiration:

Every time a friend asks me how to get started, IN fact, I always say one thing: it is important to lay a good foundation. What you’ll find is that in groups, if you analyze a lot of the questions that new people ask, the bottom line is that they don’t have a solid foundation. Many like to learn advanced technology first, but often forget to lay a good foundation in front, which is the cart before the horse.

Watching videos is often the fastest and easiest way to learn, so today I recommend some video tutorials.

Dry goods sharing:

Today’s foundation is the theme of the article, began to share some dry, teach them to fish than teach them to fish, and at the same time as a staple of this series of articles, so a recent article I’ll share some introduction to the Android must master basic skills, share, and I have been learning some of the better learning website, video tutorials and other materials. This article will continue to be serialized, you are welcome to continue to pay attention to.

The first big threshold for Android entry is JavaSE foundation. When it comes to Java foundation, I believe you can say some necessary knowledge of JavaSE: object-oriented, IO, multithreading, containers, reflection, generics, annotations, basic Socket programming, etc.

But it’s not enough to know how to use the API, and most people get annoyed when they’re asked questions like how to implement the underlying ArrayList.

So here to recommend some Java SE basic and advanced learning video tutorials, I hope you support, information are collected and the network, not for commercial sale.

The following is the Java basic video, the introduction of small white must see series:

1. Horse Soldier Java video tutorial:

Mr. Ma Junjun was my first programming teacher in my freshman year. His teaching methods and programming ideas have influenced my entire programming career.

2. Mars Java Tutorial

Even with rapid technological advances, the basics are mostly timeless (note the majority here), so good video never gets old. Mars was also one of my first teachers, and even though he’s now a founder, he rarely makes new videos, but his previous videos keep circulating online.

Let’s start with the Java Advanced video:

3. A horse Java foundation enhancement video:

Java advanced class video, need in-depth study of JDK1.5 to 1.8 new features of rare video, such as annotations, generics, reflection, dynamic proxy and other commonly used interview, practical development of common technologies. In addition, JDK1.9 new feature video is being collected, you can continue to pay attention to this public account.

4. Java video of a thinking circle in Beijing:

In addition to the basics of Java, this video provides you with an in-depth look at JDK source code implementation (such as container class source code analysis), JVM low-level implementation, class loading, and more. At present, only the free version is collected online, please buy the genuine version.

How to get video: pay attention to the public number Android development advanced, in the background reply Java+ corresponding serial number.

If you feel that my text is helpful to you, welcome to pay attention to my public number Android development progress:

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