
I’ve been secretly sending out resumes lately. Your contract with your old employer is about to expire, and you want to know how you stack up against it so you can renew it, while taking a sneak peek at new job opportunities. Although the market environment is not good, we are in an industry where salary increases depend on job-hopping.

Since I have worked for 5 years and gained more experience, I received many interview invitations, but I didn’t receive any satisfactory offer after half a month of interview. I am really “hurt by the current company” **. Here are some interview questions I summarized, hoping to have some help for those who want to change jobs.

The thirtieth crisis

Some people say that the programmer industry is a youth rice, if you do not turn to the age of management, then you may be eliminated. Faced with such a problem, I also thought about, and now I am also 30 years old, I have been working as a programmer for 7 years, still facing such a crisis.

If you still need to code, consider whether you need to do some management. Is there no way out of writing code all the time? Perhaps every programmer has asked himself at one time or another. Am I still good enough to write programs? Am I going to be 40 and I’m going to have a booth instead of writing basic code.

Although I do not want to admit that programmer is a bowl of youth, but when you get older, you will obviously feel some subtle changes in your body, physical strength is no longer full, easy to feel sleepy. And a lot of it goes into educating the kids. The little things of life hold you back. Let you no longer like 20 years old fearless, forward. You’re stuck with a mortgage, a car payment, and monthly credit card payments. Tired, tired, but still want to wave sleeves, face the distance again with a smile, looking at the distance of the road.

At the end of the article

So is there really no hope of sticking to the programmer line? In fact, under the great waves of the Internet, the best is always left. We do not consider which industry is bad and which industry is difficult to escape these. No matter which industry, there will be his problems, but no matter which industry there will be the group of people standing at the top. What we have to do is to strive to improve themselves, so that they stand at the top, education is not enough to read, knowledge is not enough to learn. Isn’t the ability to solve problems what makes people human? Blocking their own because only their own. Click on my GitHub below to get free Android Hope = skills + interviews

  • skills
  • Interview techniques + interview questions