Too many open files : E Parcel : dup() failed in Parcel::read, i is 1, fds[i] is -1, fd_count is 2, error:Too many open files

Solution: Linux application processes are generally allowed to enable 1024 file descriptors (FD), which can be easily exceeded if resources are occupied and forgotten to be released, such as opening anonymous shared memory or opendir not calling Closedir in JNI

Check application PID. 2. Ls -a -l /proc/<pid>/fd Check abnormal file descriptors and handle them accordinglyCopy the code

FFMPEG YUV video extraction frame

$ ffmpeg -y -s 1088x1920 -i /Users/loki/Desktop/tmp_live1_0.yuv .. /test.jpgCopy the code

FFMPEG video extraction frame

$ ffmpeg -i vid.avi -r 20 mmm%5d.png
Copy the code

Thread tied nuclear

#define __USE_GNU
static int getCores(a) {
    return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);

 jint  JNI_bindToCpu(JNIEnv *env,jclass type, jint cpu) {
    int cores = getCores(a);if(cpu>=cores){
        return 2 -;
    cpu_set_t mask;
    if(sched_setaffinity(0.sizeof(mask), &mask)==- 1) {return - 1;
    return 0;
Copy the code
$ adb shell ps -t -p -c
Copy the code

It can be seen that both the Test thread and the JNI internal thread are running on the 1 core

Android Studio NDK issues

NDK not configured. Download it with SDK manager. Preferred NDK version is ‘20.0.5594570’.log: /Users/loki/Desktop/work/proj_out/PassengerMock/moc2/.cxx/ndk_locator_record.json

Configure the ndk.dir in the project local.propertiesCopy the code

Failed resolution of: Landroidx/localbroadcastmanager/content/LocalBroadcastManager;

Implementation ‘Androidx. Legacy :legacy-support-v4:1.0.0’

Use the command to re-sign the system

$ java -Djava.library.path=. -jar signapk.jar platform.x509.pem platfrom.pk8 app.apk out.apk
Copy the code