Give the standard configuration directly
The layout of
app:menu="@menu/menu_main_nav" />
Copy the code
All properties have been configured
<style name="BottomNavigationItemViewStyle">
<! -- Water ripple effect when pressed, remove water ripple @null -->
<item name="itemRippleColor">@null</item>
<! -- In "Selected" TAB visibility mode, whether items pan horizontally -->
<item name="itemHorizontalTranslationEnabled">false</item>
<! -- Auto selected labeled unlabeled-->
<item name="labelVisibilityMode">labeled</item>
<! -- Set background: itemBackground overwrites Android :background, either one -->
<! -- <item name="android:background">? android:attr/windowBackground</item>-->
<! -- <item name="itemBackground">? android:attr/windowBackground</item>-->
<item name="itemBackground">@color/white</item>
<! The color style of the icon and text + the size of the icon, using the selector to control the STATE_checked property
<item name="itemIconSize">@dimen/dp_20</item>
<item name="itemIconTint">@drawable/sel_main_nav</item>
<item name="itemTextColor">@drawable/sel_main_nav</item>
<item name="itemIconPadding">@dimen/dp_20</item>
<! Font size: 12sp / 14sp / 14sp / 12sp / 14sp / 14sp
<! - code way need to use reflection, do not recommend - >
<item name="itemTextAppearanceInactive">@style/BottomNavigationItemViewText</item>
<item name="itemTextAppearanceActive">@style/BottomNavigationItemViewText</item>
<! - shadows: - >
<item name="elevation">@dimen/dp_5</item>
<! - if defines the different pictures to switch, not just simple change color, need to code setup: BottomNavigationItemView. ItemIconTintList = null -- -- >
<style name="BottomNavigationItemViewText">
<item name="android:textSize">@dimen/font_12</item>
Copy the code
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:color="@color/color_main_theme" android:state_checked="true" />
<item android:color="@color/color_font_black" android:state_checked="false" />
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The effect
All attribute declarations in the source code
<declare-styleable name="BottomNavigationView">
<! -- Background tint for the BottomNavigationView. -->
<attr name="backgroundTint"/>
<! -- The menu resource to inflate and populate items from. Attribute type definition is in navigation package. -->
<attr name="menu"/>
<! -- Whether navigation items display with a label, without a label, or with a label during selected state. Can also be "auto", which uses the item count to determine whether to show or hide the label. -->
<attr name="labelVisibilityMode">
<! -- Label behaves as "labeled" when there are 3 items or less, or "selected" when there are 4 items or more. -->
<enum name="auto" value="1"/>
<! -- Label is shown on the selected navigation item. -->
<enum name="selected" value="0"/>
<! -- Label is shown on all navigation items. -->
<enum name="labeled" value="1"/>
<! -- Label is not shown on any navigation items. -->
<enum name="unlabeled" value="2"/>
<! -- The background for the navigation items. Attribute type definition is in navigation package. -->
<attr name="itemBackground"/>
<! -- The ColorStateList to use for a ripple background. This only exists because creating ripples in drawable xml based on theme colors is not supported pre-23. This will be ignored if itemBackground is set.-->
<attr format="color" name="itemRippleColor"/>
<! -- The size to provide for the navigation item icons. -->
<attr name="itemIconSize"/>
<! -- The tint to apply to the navigation item icons. Attribute type definition is in navigation package. -->
<attr name="itemIconTint"/>
<! -- The text appearance to apply to the inactive navigation item labels. Setting android:textColor in itemTextAppearanceInactive will take precedence over android:textColor in itemTextAppearanceActive. Instead, set itemTextColor with a ColorStateList to make the text color stateful. -->
<attr format="reference" name="itemTextAppearanceInactive"/>
<! -- The text appearance to apply to the active navigation item label. You should not set android:textColor in itemTextAppearanceActive. Instead, set itemTextColor to a ColorStateList to make the text color stateful. -->
<attr format="reference" name="itemTextAppearanceActive"/>
<! -- The color to apply to the navigation items' text. Setting itemTextColor will take precedence over android:textColor in itemTextAppearanceInactive or itemTextAppearanceActive. Attribute type definition is in navigation package. -->
<attr name="itemTextColor"/>
<! -- Whether the items translate horizontally when in "selected" label visibility mode. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="itemHorizontalTranslationEnabled"/>
<attr name="elevation"/>
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Get rid of the long toast
(BottomNavigationView.getChildAt(0) as? ViewGroup)? .children? .forEach { it.setOnLongClickListener {true}}Copy the code
That is, eat every long press listener in BottomNavigationItemView. But vivo phone will have long press vibration problem, this can not be blocked… -_ – | |
Handling double click events
Need from BottomNavigationView. SetOnNavigationItemSelectedListener
// Quick click events
val fastClick=object :NoShakeClickListener2(){
override fun onFastClick(item: Any?). {
Log.e("123"."onFastClick Click")
// Handle double click refresh logic...
BottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener {
Copy the code
Attached NoShakeClickListener2 source
/** ** event stabilization * Note: this applies not only to View, but also to other controls such as MenuItem. It applies to both a single 'View' event and an 'ItemView' event in 'Adapter'. If the event is to jump to a new 'Activity', the 'Activity' launch model should be 'Android :launchMode="singleTop" */
open class NoShakeClickListener2 @JvmOverloads constructor(interval: Long = 500L) {
private var mTimeInterval = 500L
private var mLastClickTime: Long = 0 // The time of the last click
private var mLastClick: Any? = null // The last click on the View or MenuItem...
init {
mTimeInterval = interval
fun proceedClick(a) {
if (isFastClick(null, mTimeInterval)) onFastClick(null) else onSingleClick(null)}fun <T> proceedClick(item: T?). {
if (isFastClick(item, mTimeInterval)) onFastClick(item) else onSingleClick(item)
/** * is a quick click on **@paramItem Click control View or MenuItem... *@paramInterval Time interval (ms) *@returnTrue: yes, false: no */
private fun <T> isFastClick(item: T? , interval:Long): Boolean {
val nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val timeInterval = abs(nowTime - mLastClickTime)
return if (timeInterval < interval && item == mLastClick) {
// Quick click events
} else {
// Single click events
mLastClickTime = nowTime
mLastClick = item
false}}protected open fun onFastClick(item: Any?). {}
protected open fun onSingleClick(item: Any?).{}}Copy the code
Here’s a reference to my other blog post: Android View Event Stabilization
Auxiliary tools classBottomNavController
The BottomNavController is applicable to both the bottom navigation scheme of the BottomNavigationView and the RadioGroup+RadioButton scheme.
class BottomNavController(private val containerId: Int, size: Int = 5) {
private val fragmentArray = SparseArray<Fragment>(size)
private lateinit var navView: BottomNavigationView
private lateinit var fragmentManager: FragmentManager
fun attach(navView: BottomNavigationView? , fragmentManager:FragmentManager?). {
if (navView == null) {
throw RuntimeException("BottomNavigationView can`t be null")}if (fragmentManager == null) {
throw RuntimeException("FragmentManager can`t be null")}this.navView = navView
this.fragmentManager = fragmentManager
fun putFragments(vararg arrayOfPairs: Pair<Int, Fragment>?) {
if (arrayOfPairs.isNullOrEmpty()) returnarrayOfPairs.forEach { p -> p? .apply { fragmentArray.put(first, second) } } }fun switchDefaultPage(pageId: Int) {
.apply {
fragmentArray.forEach { key, value ->
add(containerId, value, key.toString())
fun switchPage(id: Int) {
.apply {
fragmentArray.forEach { key, value ->
if (key == id) show(value) else hide(value)
//Copy from androidx.core.util.SparseArrayKt.forEach
private inline fun <T> SparseArray<T>.forEach(action: (key: Int.value: T) - >Unit) {
for (index in 0 until size()) {
action(keyAt(index), valueAt(index))
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Used in MainActivity:
class MainActivity : BaseMvvmActivity<ActivityMainBinding>() {
private lateinit var navView: BottomNavigationView
private lateinit var navViewController: BottomNavController
override fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?). {
navView = findViewById(
navViewController = BottomNavController(containerId =, size = 3)
navViewController.attach(navView, supportFragmentManager)
navViewController.putFragments( to HomeFragment(), to RepoFragment(), to MineFragment()
// Screen long press toast
(navView.getChildAt(0) as? ViewGroup)? .children? .forEach { it.setOnLongClickListener {true}}// Quick click events
val fastClick = object : NoShakeClickListener2() {
override fun onFastClick(item: Any?). {
(item as? MenuItem?) ? .apply {//val fg = fragmentArray.get(itemId)
//if (fg.isAdded) fg.refreshData()
navView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener {
true}}private fun prepareLogin(a){ repo.loginByToken()? .observe(this) { r ->
if(r? .isSuccessful ==true) { r.body? .apply { ... isLogin =true
// Select the HomeFragment page after successful login
} else {
AppRouter.toLogin(this)// No login jumps to the Registration/Login page}}}}Copy the code
android:layout_weight="1" />
app:menu="@menu/menu_nav_main" />
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