Line left and right to draw text?
The original project was based on Google satellite maps
Osm was used for the project. It’s handy to draw this:
Marker typesMarker = new Marker(mMapView);
typesMarker.setOnMarkerClickListener((marker, mapView) -> false);
// Set the display position
// Set the text color
// Display text
typesMarker.setTextIcon("Words will do.");
/ / the text background Color typesMarker. SetTextLabelBackgroundColor (Color. ParseColor (" # A9F8F4F4 "));
/ / migration
typesMarker.setAnchor(0.9 f.1.2 f);
// Whether to display
// Set the id parameter
// Rotate the Angle
typesMarker.setRotation(rotation(lng1, lng2));
// Set the object
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1.TextOptions Draw text
In October 2020, we suddenly found that Google was banned in China, so we replaced Baidu Map. Baidu Map has apis:
- Set text float, very happy in the process, found that the text can not be offset,
Lines overlap with words
. Align (,) doesn’t work no matter how you set it. The latter wants to offset dot position. However, the shift of latitude and longitude will lead to too large shifting positions when zooming in and out of the map, which makes it difficult to achieve the effect.
return TextOptions()
.text(avoidNullString(line.types)) // Text content
.bgColor(Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")) / / the background color
.fontSize(21) / / size
.fontColor(Color.BLACK) // Text color
.position(LatLng(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude))
// Dead/alive Settings do not work.....
.rotate(rotation(pointStar, pointEnd))
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2. The power of marker
Without TextOptions, using markers in OSM is really omnipotent.
So it’s natural to try at Marker. Marker solves my problem:
1.MarkerOptions provides icon(BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor). We use the View to draw the view and the Text and so on. 2. Offset can be set as Anchor (0.3f, 1f). 3.View is horizontal and we need to calculate the rotation Angle. This shouldn’t be hard, right?
/ * * *@param
* @lineLine *@whetherToDisplayThePitchWhether types * is displayed@context* Get marker on line */
fun getLineTypeMarker(line: Line, whetherToDisplayThePitch: Boolean, context: Context): OverlayOptions {
val weekContext= WeakReference(context)
val pointStar =, stringToDouble(line.lonA))
val pointEnd =, stringToDouble(line.lonB))
val latLng = LatLng((pointStar.latitude + pointEnd.latitude) / 2, (pointStar.longitude + pointEnd.longitude) / 2)
val viewImag = View.inflate(weekContext.get(), R.layout.activity_bd_map_line_types, null)
val mCurrentMarker =BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromView(viewImag)
return MarkerOptions()
.anchor(0.3 f.1f)
.position(LatLng(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude))
.rotate(rotation(pointStar, pointEnd))
/** * calculates the Angle between two coordinates **@paramThe start point of departure *@paramEnd end point * /
public static float rotation(LatLng start, LatLng end) {
// The direction is consistent
LatLng swap;
if (end.longitude - start.longitude < 0) {
swap = end;
end = start;
start = swap;
double angle = Math.atan2((end.latitude - start.latitude), (end.longitude - start.longitude));
return (float) (angle * (180 / Math.PI));
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After door-to-door analysis, the API provides icon(..) As long as you have a bitmap, you can draw it. Let’s find an image to load.
As long as your view is complex enough, you can basically draw on it, excessive loading of images will cause OOM. So you should know how to load the usual profile pictures and personal information.
Second, layer show and hide
Hide and display of text and Marker on map. Does anyone refresh it by reloading Option? When I switched baidu today, I found that the separate operation MarkerOptions did not work. During the drawing process, I stored MarkerOptions in the collection and controlled it through the button:
var markerOption=MarkerOptions().clickable(false)
.anchor(0.3 f.1f)
.position(LatLng(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude))
.rotate(rotation(pointStar, pointEnd))
// Offset layer
private valPolylineLengthLinkedList: LinkedList < MarkerOption > = LinkedList () polylineLengthLinkedList. Add (MarkerOption) button control to hide and display// Show and hide the spacing -> {
// Display the file spacingWHETHER_TO_SHOW_SPAN = ! WHETHER_TO_SHOW_SPANfor (i in polylineLengthLinkedList.indices) {
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At the end of the run, there is no control over how MarkerOption is shown or hidden. Wrong from the start. MarkerOption is just the Overlay Overlay that provides the property class for setting, not the Overlay itself, so the operation has no effect. Finally we make sure that the code should store Overlay to operate on the collection.
// Draw the line above the type Mark to build the TextOptions object
/ / get MarkerOption
val lineTypeMarkerOption = LineBDUtils.getLineTypeMarker(line, WHETHER_TO_SHOW_MERK, this)
// Initialize the overlay on the map and add it to the map
val overlay= baiduMap.addOverlay(lineTypeMarkerOption)
// Save the initialized overlay to the local collection, then control hiding and display
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Three, line click and custom pop-ups and display problems
Customize popovers and set popovers to follow the line and control the display of multiple popovers.
1. Line click
- Polylines in OSM allow you to set individual click events for each line
Polyline sets click events for each line
polyline.setOnClickListener((polyline, mapView, eventPos) -> { }
- Baidu Map API we did not find. But listening is provided in BaiduMap and Polyline is returned:
Next we set up the listener:
Val listener. = BaiduMap OnPolylineClickListener {polyline - > / function * * * click map polyline covering event listeners @ param polyline clicked polyline * / Log.e(TAG, "setLineInfoWindow: "+ it. ExtraInfo. ToString ()) whether true / / capture click event} / / set the map Polyline baiduMap mulch click event listeners. SetOnPolylineClickListener (the listener) Click the line to print: because the toString in line is the name variable, the print result is shorter than the value of all the variables. BDMapActivity: setLineInfoWindow: Bundle[{id=3, line= 2#}] BDMapActivity: setLineInfoWindow: Bundle[{id=1, line= 1#}]Copy the code
2. Click the line and a pop-up window appears
- Custom popup, and click the line appears in the middle of the line.
So we’ve got the line click event up here and we can get the line click so we’re going to initialize the popover inside the click event. Baidu map has InfoWindow so we use it as a breakthrough point.There are three initialization methods in the construction parameters, and we also found that we can manipulate images. Next we define it in the online listener callback using the simplest construction parameter.
As the popover position,View custom layout,int offset. So let’s calculate the end of the line, so this is easy,(lat,long)=(lat1+lat2)/2,(long1+long2)/2. The distance between our poles is less than 20 meters, so it is almost a straight line calculation, if you do the calculation across continents certainly not…. .
val listener = BaiduMap.OnPolylineClickListener {
/** Map Polyline overlay click event listener *@paramPolyline the clicked polyline*/
Log.e(TAG, "setLineInfoWindow: " + it.extraInfo.toString())
val linMark: Line = it.extraInfo.getParcelable("line")!!!!!// Compute the midpoint
val latLng = LatLng((linMark.latA.toDouble() + linMark.latB.toDouble()) / 2, (linMark.lonA.toDouble() + linMark.lonB.toDouble()) / 2)
val view: View = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.layout_line_dialog, null)
/ / get the view
val shanchu: TextView = view.findViewById(
val quxiao: TextView = view.findViewById(
val inforWindow = InfoWindow(view, latLng, 10)
yidong.text = "Insert"
// Delete TODO line
shanchu.setOnClickListener { v: View? ->
val views = View.inflate(this, R.layout.activity_map_dialog, null)
val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this).create()
val map_btn_quxiao = views.findViewById<Button>(
val map_btn_queding = views.findViewById<Button>(
map_btn_queding.setOnClickListener { view12: View? ->
map_btn_quxiao.setOnClickListener { view1: View? -> dialog.dismiss() }
// Display the popover.
true // Whether to capture click events
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3. Line deletion
- Delete line, the line is also the Overler so stored in the collection, click on the return polylin to compare with the local collection. If the same to delete the set and overlay can be
/** *line The line returned by the listening event */
private fun removeLineMarker(line: Line) {
// Delete map spacing and type
for (i in polylineLinkedList.indices.reversed()) {
val linOverlay = polylineLinkedList[i]
val lineOfLink: Line = linOverlay.extraInfo.getParcelable("line")!!!!!if (lineOfLink == line) {
// Remove the line line layer from the collection
// Delete the dot layer on the map
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Click run effect:
Four, covering
Here we can see the overlay defined in Baidu map. And if you look at the API, it doesCarry a Bundle
.Because of the different layers we can set the bundle data
, class, id, etc. This allows for a good relationship between layers because the bundle allows external logic to manipulate the overlay.For example, if I click on a layer, other layers associated with this layer will change to other styles or add color backgrounds, etc. You’ve probably seen click-to-draw maps. If you have time, try it out for yourself.
We just need to set the same data when we create the overlay. When we click on the overlay we can find the consistent overlay in the data bundle. Do you understand?// Draw the line above the type Mark to build the TextOptions object
val lineTypeMarker = LineBDUtils.getLineTypeMarker(line, WHETHER_TO_SHOW_MERK, this)
val overlay = baiduMap.addOverlay(lineTypeMarker)
val bundle: Bundle = getBundleFromLine(line)
sets the data flag
fun getBundleFromLine(line: Line): Bundle {
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putParcelable("line", line)
return bundle
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I deleted the line segment from the project and also deleted the corresponding text. So this is the associated overlay and I bundle set up the same line class, so when I click on the selected line, I can quickly find the associated overlay in the collection and delete it. That’s ok.
5. Get rid of the constraint of Marker offset
In the figure above, we can see that 1, 2 and 3 have pictures and text distance, and the tower picture in the middle has angles and distance. So how do we draw around this point something like 3. 1 and 2 are nothing more than MarkerOption’s rotate and Angle calculations. But 3 we find that it has some distance directly from the tower. In the process of drawing, I could not set a large range through anchor, and finally solved the problem through pictures. We could paste our own words in PS into the picture or leave a blank transparent background in the picture. Leave a huge space to make the display range as large as possible, thus adjusting through rotation and anchor. So the top left of H becomes transparent. The H adjustable space in the lower right corner becomes larger.
Into the following