
With the continuous increase of business and demand,Android packaging has become a tedious and boring thing, so today we will learn how to free their hands, the so-called “good work is good work, After a period of learning finally let their own projects can automatically package upload third-party hosting market and their own server, so we start from the environment.

This article is mainly to build ** Docker + Jenkins + Github ** in liunx environment to achieve sustainable packaging

** Preparations: ** First we must prepare a server, or build a virtual machine locally, then the environment is set up:

1: The kernel version of the docker system is higher than 3.10. Run the uname -r command to check whether the current kernel version supports docker.

Sudo yum update

3: Install the required package, yum-util provides yum-config-manager functionality, Y y yum install device-utils device-mapper-persistent-data LVM2

4: set the yum source: sudo yum – config – manager – add – repo…

5: you can view all all docker version in the warehouse, and select a specific version installed: yum list docker – ce – showduplicates | sort – r

6: Install docker: sudo yum install docker-xxx

7. Start and set Enable the startup command: sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker

8: Verify whether the installation is successful (client and Service indicate that the installation and startup of docker are successful) : Docker version

9: Check the docker startup status: systemctl status docker


1: check out docker installed a package: yum list installed | grep docker

Yum remove docker-xxx yum remove docker-xxx