APK hardening process
Packaging APK
The./gradlew assembleRelease command is used to package the APK, which is not hardened and does not meet security requirements
Log in to the Tencent cloud to perform security hardening
Reinforcement using Tencent cloud -> mobile application security -> application security reinforcement scheme, reinforcement services need authentication, choose their own way on the line
After the authentication succeeds, the application hardening page is displayed
Click “Harden” and click “Reinforce Now” to upload the application successfully
Click Confirm. The online hardening takes several minutes. After the hardening is complete, the hardening result is displayed
Viewing hardening Results
At this time the reinforcement is completed, download the reinforcement package on the line
The signature again
Tencent cloud application security requires that the APK signature information be deleted before hardening. Therefore, the hardened installation package does not have signature information. You need to re-sign the hardening package
Use jarsigner, the signing tool in the JDK
Run Jarsigner, and if the PATH environment variable is not set, it can be found in the bin directory under the JDK installation PATH
$ jarsigner -helpJarsigner [option] jar-file alias jarsigner-verify [option] jar-file [alias...] [-keystore <url>] keystore location [-storepass < password >] password for the integrity of the keystore [-storetype < type >] keystore type [-keypass < password >] private key password (if different) [-certchain < file >] name of the replacement certificate chain file [-sigfile < file >].sf /.dsa file name [-signedjar < file >] name of the signedjar file [-digestalg < algorithm >] name of the summary algorithm .Copy the code
Signature command
Jarsigner -verbose -keystore keystore file path -signedjar APK path generated after the signature ApK path to be signed Alias AliasCopy the code
The signature file keystore and apk are in the same directory, and the signed apk1.apk file is also in the local directory
$ jarsigner -verbose -keystore .\my-release-key.keystore -signedjar .\myapp1.apk .\myapp.apk my-key-aliasEnter KEY store passphrase: adding: meta-INF/manifest.mf Adding: meta-INF/my-key-a. sf Adding: meta-INF/my-key-a SA Signing: Lib /arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so lib/arm64-v8a/libbetter. Signing: Assets /0OO00l111l1l Signing: tencent_stub [Trusted Certificate] JAR Signed. Warning: Signer certificates are self-signed certificates.Copy the code
So the signature is successful.
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