
Android animation learning record

Android animation is divided into: TransitionandAnimation

Animation is subdivided into View Animation and Property Animation

The Property Animation is subdivided into ViewPropertyAnimator and ObjectAnimator

ViewPropertyAnimator vpa = view.animate(); To obtain; Through the API, perform the required animation

ObjectAnimator oa = objectAnimator.ofxxx (target view, target attribute name, target value); / / to get

Target View: The view to be animated

Target property: The value of the property to be refreshed

Target value (1 or more) : [1: target result value; 2: target start value, target result value; multiple: target start value, transition point 1…n, target result value]

SetInterpolator: interpolator that converts the degree of time completion to the degree of execution completion of an animation.

SetEvaluator: an evaluator that converts the degree of completion of animation execution to the variable value of the property.

PropertyValuesHolder: Animates multiple properties together, executed together (sharing start time, end time, interpolators, etc.)

AnimatorSet: A combination of objectAnimators in any order.

PropertyValuesHolder. OfKeyframe () : the PropertyValuesHolder split multiple time to perform the animation.

ValueAnimator: Does not affect views or properties, only provides the process of data change.