
The reality is that 99 percent of jobs are dead-end as they get older. No future is the fate of most ordinary people, promising people do not have to wait until old. Whether there is a future is not important, no matter what line of work, a healthy mind is always the first.

From my personal point of view to write about the feelings of 30-plus years old code workers: it is indeed the age pressure began to increase. Someone in their 20s, for example, might know everything and be familiar with the group. Sometimes I wonder if MY IQ is not enough, if my self-learning ability is poor, if my basic skills are not good, if others are working overtime, you know the crisis feeling of people in their 30s.

360° full performance tuning

First, design ideas and code quality optimization

Second, program performance optimization

3. Optimization of development efficiency

Android framework architecture

I. Advanced UI promotion

Second, Android component kernel

Iii. Necessary IPC for large projects

Data persistence

Five, Framework kernel parsing

Essential skills for architects to build foundations

Dive into Java generics

Two, notes in simple terms

Third, concurrent programming

4. Data transmission and serialization

Principles of the Java VIRTUAL Machine

Reflection and class loading

Seven, efficient IO

NDK module development

C++ and C# data types

C and C++ memory structure and management

C and C++ preprocessing commands and typedef naming existing types

C and C++ structure, common body

C and C++ Pointers

C/C++ multithreading mechanism

C/C++ functions and initializer list

JNI module

Static registration and dynamic registration

Method signature communicates with Java

Local, global, and weak global references

Design ideas read open source frameworks

First, thermal repair design

Second, plug-in framework design

Three, componentized framework design

4. Picture loading frame

Five, network access framework design

Design of RXJava responsive programming framework

IOC architecture design

Android Architecture Component Jetpack

Flutter advanced study notes

Why is Flutter the ultimate choice for cross-platform development

Build the Flutter development environment on Windows

3. Write your first Flutter App

Build and debug the Flutter development environment

Basic grammar for Dart Grammar

Use and source code analysis of the Dart syntax set

Dart syntax chapter collection operator functions and source code analysis

Use of functions in Dart syntax

Object-oriented basics for Dart Syntax

Object-oriented Inheritance and Mixins in Dart Syntax

Dart syntax: Type System and generics

Widgets in Flutter

At the end

I also summarized most of the interview questions and answers involved in the Internet company Android programmer interview, and organized into a document, as well as the system advanced learning video materials, free to share with you. (including Java application, APP in the Android development framework of knowledge, senior UI, all-around performance tuning, the NDK development, audio and video technology, artificial intelligence technology, cross-platform technology such as technical data), hope to be able to help you review before the interview, and find a good job, also save you search for information on the Internet to learn.

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