Let’s take a look at today’s results:

This article involves some permission application issues, SO I will directly write the first frame of Android photo/video/file selection/get video in the project of the previous chapter (including the full Demo).

The classic analysis

This effect I am using RecyclerView multi-layout with GridLayoutManager() manager to complete the effect

  • Red: Layout 1
  • Yellow: Layout 2

When you click the yellow button, pull up the gallery, select the image, and add it to Layout 1

When the red layout data == 9, then hide the last yellow layout

Click the bottom button to display all RecyclerView data

This RecyclerView used the adapter is BaseQuickAdapter multi layout

Problems encountered in writing this small project

When a RecyclerView item is hidden through GONE, it can be hidden but still occupies its position

As we all know:

  • View. GONE VIEW Hidden, not in position
  • The VISIBLE display View


  • Step 1: Wrap the Item layout with ConstraintLayout

  • Step 2 :(code from the network)
    // Prevent hidden item from appearing blank
    //isVisible true Displays false does not display
    //itemView is passed the root layout
    private fun setVisibility(isVisible: Boolean, itemView: View) {
        val param = RecyclerView.LayoutParams(
        if (isVisible) {
            param.height = ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT// Note the use of the root layout type of your layout
            param.width = ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT// Note the use of the root layout type of your layout
            itemView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        } else {
            param.height = 0
            param.width = 0
            itemView.visibility = View.GONE
        itemView.layoutParams = param
Copy the code


Even if it occupies position but sets its width and height to 0, it will not be displayed

This small project is relatively simple, we directly download the code to see ~

The complete code

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