“This is the 28th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”
What is a concurrent search set
A data structure is a data structure, and the word “set” should be split into three words to explain “set” : “set”, indicating that the data structure is used to operate on the “union” of sets: “merge”, indicating that the data structure contains a method to merge two disjoint sets together: That is, “find”, which means that in this data structure, you can find out which collection an element in it belongs to
Of course, it may not be intuitive to know what this data structure can do based on the concept of looking up sets, so let’s talk about what problems can be solved by looking up sets
What problem does searching set solve
And the problem that the collection is good at solving is the connectivity problem that the title says (don’t type, let me give an example)
In the beginning, everyone is alone and has no friends
Behind someone active, and another man became friends, and the other one and others became friends, then these three men formed a circle of friends, if someone else want to join the circle of friends, only need to and one of the men in the circle of friends will become friends, the will and the rest of the circle of friends become friends
So how do you finally merge two circles of friends into one? All you need is one person from each group to become a friend
In this way, we can easily find out which group of friends a person belongs to, or how many groups there are in total
Above, we use the “circle of friends” to explain the concept of “and look up collection”, which can also be extended to “relatives problem” and “province problem”, but these are specific problems. In fact, parallel search set is an abstract concept, it can solve the problem depends on your imagination, as long as you can use the connectivity of the set to think about the problem, most can use and search set to achieve or solve
Four ways to implement and look up sets
A, Quick – the Find
Quick-find means that each “circle of friends” has its own keepsake. When a new friend joins the circle of friends, the keepsake of the circle of friends will be given to the new friend. If two circles of friends are combined, the keepsake of one circle of friends will be given to all the people in the other circle of friends. In the end, each “moments” will have a sponsor, and the token in his hand is the token from the beginning. Therefore, we just need to check how many people have the same token as the beginning, and then we can judge how many “moments” (sets) there are
Code implementation
class UnionSet {
constructor(n) {
this.colors = []
// Initialize the array, each point is separate
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.colors[i] = i
// Find which collection the element belongs to (return the color of the collection)
find (v) {
return this.colors[v]
// Merge two sets
merge (a, b) {
let ca = this.find(a), cb = this.find(b)
// If the two dots have the same color, they are already in the same set. No operation is required
if (ca === cb) return
// Replace all node colors in one set with colors in another set
for (let i = 0; i < this.colors.length; i++) {
if (this.colors[i] === cb) this.colors[i] = ca
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Second, the Quick – Union
Quick-union method uses a kind of tree structure, which is similar to the relationship between companies. To find out which company a person belongs to, you need to look up one layer after another until you find the chairman of the board. The merger relationship is similar to the acquisition relationship between companies. The chairman of the acquired company can only answer to the chairman of the acquired company (i.e. a number of root nodes mounted under the root of another tree)
Code implementation
class UnionSet {
constructor (n) {
// fa records the parent of each node
this.fa = []
// The parent node is itself at first
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.fa[i] = i
// Find which collection the element belongs to (return the root node of the collection)
find (v) {
// If the parent node equals itself, the root node is found
if (this.fa[v] === v) return v
// Otherwise continue to find the parent of the parent node
return this.find(this.fa[v])
merge (a, b) {
// Find the root node of each node
const sa = this.find(a), sb = this.find(b)
// If the root node of two sets is the same, it means that in the same set, there is no need to merge
if (sa === sb) return
// Attach the SA node to the SB node
this.fa[sa] = sb
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The next two methods are optimizations for Quick-union
3. Rank optimization
There is one criterion for evaluating and looking up the efficiency of a set — average lookup time (average lookup times = total lookup times of nodes/number of nodes)
In the Quick-union method, we merge two sets by randomly mounting the root node of one set to the root node of the other set, so that in the worst case, the structure of the linked list will be presented after mounting, and the sum of The Times for nodes to find the root node is the largest in the linked list, as shown in the figure below
How to solve this problem? This problem can be solved by mounting a shorter tree to a taller tree, or by mounting a tree with fewer nodes to a tree with more nodes. So which mounting method should be used to be more efficient? So let’s do it together
Suppose there are two sets A and B, their total number of node lookup times is La and lb respectively, and their number of nodes is SA and SB respectively
If set A is mounted to set B, the search times of each node in set A will be +1, and the sum of the search times will be +sa, obtaining the formula average search times = (La + lb +sa)/(sa + sb)
If set B is mounted to set A, the average number of searches can be obtained similarly = (la + lb + sb)/(sa + sb)
It can be seen that the average search times after merging are related to the number of nodes in the tree, and the search efficiency can be improved by mounting the nodes with fewer nodes to the ones with larger nodes
Code implementation
class UnionSet {
constructor (n) {
this.fa = []
// Record the number of nodes in each collection
this.size = []
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.fa[i] = i
// Each collection has only one node of its own, so the initial size is 1
this.size[i] = 1
find (v) {
if (this.fa[v] === v) return v
return this.find(this.fa[v])
mergr (a, b) {
const sa = this.find(a), sb = this.find(b)
if (sa === sb) return
// If a has a small number of nodes and a is mounted to B, b's size needs to be added to the number of sets of A
// If b has a small number of nodes and b is mounted to A, the size of A needs to be added to the number of sets of B
// If it is equal, it can be mounted on anyone
if (this.size[sa] > this.size[sb]) {
this.fa[sb] = sa
this.size[sa] += this.size[sb]
} else {
this.fa[sa] = sb
this.size[sb] += this.size[sa]
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Fourth, the Path – Compress
In the current management mode, flat management is advocated, wishing that all people report to only one person, so that there is no need to go through layers of reporting, and the efficiency is the highest. Similarly, if all nodes are mounted under the root node, the search times of each node except the root node are 1, so that the average search times are the least and the search efficiency is the highest
This approach is called path compression, and path compression occurs during the Find lookup phase
Code implementation
class UnionSet {
constructor (n) {
this.fa = []
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.fa[i] = i
find (v) {
if (this.fa[v] === v) return v
const root = this.find(this.fa[v])
// During the search process, mount each point in the collection directly to the root node, so that the next search is faster
this.fa[v] = root
return root
merge (a, b) {
const sa = this.find(a), sb = this.find(b)
if (sa === sb) return
this.fa[sa] === sb
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In practical application, different optimization methods will be selected according to the situation. For example, rank-by-rank optimization + path compression may be selected in business code, but in the process of competition, path compression may be directly used in order to improve the speed of problem solving