Test process :(only the records of the first process are obtained for each test.) i. ebshop does not change, and the latest backend-ms code is deployed 1. Open the WebShop simulator app 3. Execute all API II. The latest backend-MS does not change, pull the latest Webshop code to deploy 1. Open the WebShop simulator app, 3. Implementation of all API puzzles: Here’s a list of some of the things I found a little strange, which might help me figure out why. In logs, each communication between Backend-MS and Webshop, require, and response are recorded only once.

However, backend-MS and simulator communicate, request and response records are more than one time. For example, the confirmRequest request has three confirmRequest. The second time adds clientAddress than the first time, the third and second time contents are repeated here because wsServer has multiple log statements during the processing of the request?

(log_latestBackend_with_oldFrontend) The response of FieldUpdate time has four responses, each with a different clientSocketID. But I only had one page open, corresponding to the fourth (and last) Response’s clientSocketID. At the beginning of the log, there is only one record of webShop access. The screenshot below is from the second test. The first test also has the same questions, but only two responses. The screenshot is attached below.

(log_latestBackend_with_latestFrontend) Also, only one Webshop is opened, and the corresponding clientSocketID of the webshop corresponds to the second (last) response.

(Screenshot from log_latestBackend_with_oldFrontend) Before analyzing logs, we should eliminate all interference factors as much as possible to make accurate judgment.

  1. Before analyzing logs, stop the server and clear the log files.
  2. Make sure you start a server that only your web shop can use. This can be done through my previous description on wechat, that is, modifying the listening ports in the server configuration file to start a new set of servers, whose listening ports are different from those of the servers Oliver and his team used in normal tests. So people can work in parallel without interfering with each other.
  3. Each Web Shop instance sends a request to the WebSocket server with its own unique ID(Human readable), which the WebSocket server prints out when it receives the request. This way the server knows which specific Web Shop instance initiated the request.

    For more of Jerry’s original articles, please follow the public account “Wang Zixi “: