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In a complex distributed system, it is often necessary to uniquely identify a large amount of data and messages. The service ID must meet the following requirements
- Global uniqueness: No duplicate ID numbers, which is a basic requirement since they are unique.
- Increasing trend: The MySQL InnoDB engine uses clustered indexes. Since most RDBMS use b-tree data structure to store index data, we should try to use ordered primary keys to ensure write performance.
- Monotonically increasing: Ensure that the next ID is greater than the previous ID. For example, the transaction version number, IM incremental messages, and sorting are required.
- Information security: if the ID is continuous, malicious user pickpocket work is very easy to do, directly in order to download the specified URL; If it is the order number, it is even more dangerous, the competitor can directly know our daily order. Therefore, in some application scenarios, irregular and irregular ids are required.
The standard form of UUID consists of 32 hexadecimal digits, hyphenated into five paragraphs of 36 characters of the form 8-4-4-4-12, as shown in the following example: 550E8400-E29B-41D4-a716-446655440000, so far there are 5 ways to generate UUID in the industry. For details, see the UUID specification published by the IETF. A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace
- Very high performance: local generation, no network consumption.
Not easy to store: UUID is too long, 16 bytes 128 bits, usually represented as a string of 36 lengths, which is not suitable for many scenarios.
Information insecurity: The algorithm that generates UUids based on MAC addresses can cause MAC addresses to leak, a vulnerability that was used to find the creator of Melissa’s virus.
When the UUID is used as the primary key, there are some problems. For example, when the UUID is used as the DB primary key, there are some problems.
- MySQL recommends that primary keys be as short as possible. A UUID of 36 characters is not acceptable.
All indexes other than the clustered index are known as secondary indexes. In InnoDB, each record in a secondary index contains the primary key columns for the row, as well as the columns specified for the secondary index. InnoDB uses this primary key value to search for the row in the clustered index. If the primary key is long, the secondary indexes use more space, so it is advantageous to have a short primary key.
- Bad for MySQL indexes: If used as the primary key of the database, in the InnoDB engine, the disorder of the UUID may cause the data location to change frequently, which seriously affects the performance.
public static function v4(a) {
return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x'.
// 32 bits for "time_low"
mt_rand(0.0xffff), mt_rand(0.0xffff),
// 16 bits for "time_mid" mt_rand(0.0xffff), // 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version", // four most significant bits holds version number 4 mt_rand(0.0x0fff) | 0x4000. // 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res", // 8 bits for "clk_seq_low", // Two most significant bits hold zero and one for variant DCE1.1 mt_rand(0.0x3fff) | 0x8000. // 48 bits for "node" mt_rand(0.0xffff), mt_rand(0.0xffff), mt_rand(0.0xffff) ); } Copy the code
Class snowlack
This scheme is basically an algorithm that generates ids based on a partition of the namespace (UUID counts as well, so it is common to analyze it separately). In this scheme, 64-bit bits are divided into segments to identify machines, times, etc. In Snowflake, 64-bit bits are represented as follows:

The 41-bit time can represent (1L<<41) /(1000L360024*365)=69 years. The 10-bit machine can represent 1024 machines respectively. If we have requirements for IDC division, we can also divide 10-bit into 5-bit for IDC and 5-bit into working machines. In this case, 32 IDCs can be represented. Each IDC can contain 32 machines, which can be defined based on your requirements. Twelve auto-increment serial numbers can represent 2^12 ids. Theoretically, Snowflake’s QPS is about 409.6 W /s. This allocation ensures that any machine in any IDC will generate a different ID in any milliseconds.
The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are:
The number of milliseconds is high, the increment sequence is low, and the whole ID is trending upward.
It does not rely on third-party systems such as databases, and is deployed as a service, providing higher stability and high performance in ID generation.
You can allocate bits according to your service characteristics, which is very flexible.
If the clock on the machine is dialed back, the number may be repeated or the service may be unavailable.
Mongdb objectID:
The official MongoDB document ObjectID is a method similar to Snowflake. The 12 bytes in time + machine code + PID + Inc are identified as a 24-length hexadecimal word in 4+3+2+3 mode
Database generation
MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table MySQL > alter table
The advantages and disadvantages of this scheme are as follows:
- Very simple, using the function of the existing database system, low cost, DBA professional maintenance. The MONOtonic increment of the ID can realize some services that have special requirements on the ID.
- Strongly depends on DB. When DB is abnormal, the whole system is unavailable, which is a fatal problem. Configuring master/slave replication can increase availability as much as possible, but data consistency cannot be guaranteed in special cases. Inconsistencies during primary/secondary switchover may cause repeated numbers.
- The ID sending performance bottleneck is limited to the read and write performance of a single MySQL server.
WeChat seqsvr
Regardless of the specific architecture of SEQSVR, it should be a huge 64-bit array, and each wechat user occupies a space of 8bytes in this large array, which contains the last sequence allocated by the user: CUR_seq. When each user applies for a sequence, only the user’s cur_seq+=1 is saved back into the array and returned to the user.
Figure 1. Xiao Ming applied for a sequence and returned 101
Pre-allocated middle layer:
Anything that seems simple will become difficult under the massive amount of traffic. As mentioned earlier, SEQSVR needs to ensure that the allocated sequence is increasing (the data is reliable) and also needs to cater for the high volume of traffic (approaching trillions of visits per day). It is tempting to persist data to hard disk if it is reliable, but at the current rate of tens of millions of visits per second (~10^7 QPS), hardly any hard disk system can sustain it.
Background architecture design is often a philosophy of tradeoffs, considering whether one aspect can be reduced for different scenarios in exchange for improvements in other aspects. Considering our requirements carefully, we only require increments, not continuities, that is, large jumps are allowed (e.g., allocated sequence: 1,2,3,10,100,101). So we implemented a simple and elegant strategy:
- Memory stores cur_seq, the last allocated sequence, and max_seq
- When allocating sequence, compare cur_seq++ with max_seq: If cur_seq > max_seq, increase max_seq += step by one step, and persist max_seq
- On reboot, read the persistent max_seq and assign it to cur_seq
Figure 2. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Bai have each applied for a sequence, but only Xiao Bai’s MAX_seq has increased the step size by 100
In this way, by adding a middle layer of the pre-allocated sequence, the performance of the allocated sequence is greatly improved without the sequence rollback. In practice, if the step size of each promotion is 10000, the persistent DISK I/O count decreases from ~10^7 QPS to ~10^3 QPS, which is acceptable. In normal operation, the sequence allocated is in ascending order. Only after the machine is restarted, the first sequence allocated will generate a large jump. The jump size depends on the step size.
Semicolon shared storage:
The hard disk I/O problems caused by the request are resolved and the service can run smoothly, but there is still a problem with this model: a large amount of MAX_SEq data is read and loaded into memory upon restart.
We can simply calculate that with the current maximum of 2^32 UID (user unique ID) and one max_seq 8bytes, the total data size is 32GB, which takes quite a bit of time to load from the hard disk. On the other hand, to ensure data reliability, a reliable storage system is required to store max_SEQ data, and data is loaded from the reliable storage system over the network during restart. If the max_seq data is too large, it will take a long time to transfer data during the restart, resulting in a period of unserviceable time.
In order to solve this problem, we introduce the concept of number segment Section. Users in adjacent uid segments belong to the same number segment, and users in the same number segment share the same max_seq. This greatly reduces the size of max_seq data and the number of I/OS.

Figure 3. Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong and Xiao Bai belong to the same Section, they share the same max_seq. When everyone applies for a sequence, only xiaobai breaks the max_SEq limit and needs to update the MAX_SEq and persist it
At present, a Section of SEQSVR contains 100,000 UUIds and max_SEq data is only 300+KB, which lays the foundation for us to read MAX_SEq data from reliable storage system and restart.
The resources
The article
- Highly concurrent distributed system unique ID generation
- Leaf — Meituan-Dianping distributed ID generation system
- This section describes the Tinyid mechanism
- Architecture design and evolution of wechat serial number generator
Open source projects of major companies
- twitter snowflake
- baidu uid-generator
- meituan leaf
- didi tinyid