No matter what type of website, the ultimate significance of existence is mostly inseparable from value transformation. To achieve these values, it is not enough to just build a website, search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. Optimization can help the site more reasonable positioning, in order to show the most important, the most critical position in the process of value transformation.

Website construction and website optimization are not two independent concepts, but permeate each other and influence each other. It is not necessary to consider website optimization after website construction, SEO should be an important issue that needs to be considered in the process of website construction. So in the construction of the site and after the construction of the site, the attention to what aspects of the problem, in order to make a good site more conducive to search engine friendly? Seo data processing techniques to share the following basic levels of common sense can not be ignored.


Content relevance search engines strive to provide the most relevant results to the searcher’s questions. Different search engines have their own internal algorithms to determine exactly how to provide search results, but there are several factors that definitely affect the results, such as the searcher’s location, search history, search time, and so on, all of which are related to relevance.

2 Content Quality Do you regularly post useful, useful, or well-made articles, videos, or other types of media? Do you write these articles with real customers in mind or just for the search engine itself? New data studies show that many search engines are slowly showing a preference for detailed content, articles that truly understand the intent of visitors as a whole, rather than content cobbled together with simple, useful keywords based on common searches.

3 User experience Providing the best user experience produces many advantages that are conducive to website SEO optimization. Simple navigation, easy browsing, relevant content, and relevant internal links are all essential elements for a good user experience. In a nutshell, it’s about putting content on the site that will attract customers’ attention and inspire them to know more.

The speed of web page loading has increasingly become a distinguishing factor for search engines to identify the merits of web sites. In the next few years, many major search engines such as Google and Baidu are likely to start tagging results stored on accelerated mobile web pages.

5 Cross-device Compatibility Does your site and site content look good on any screen size or device? In an era of diverse and rapid development of mobile devices, adaptability of websites is no longer an advantage, but a basic requirement, and Google, the world’s largest search engine, has made it clear that responsive design is its preferred mobile optimization method.

Internal links Making sure your site has clear and easy navigation goes a long way, but there is one thing editors and writers can do when Posting articles that helps drive traffic to their site and signals to search engines that their site is more trustworthy. This operation is: add inner chain.

7 Authoritative websites are the websites trusted by users, the industry, other websites and search engines. Traditionally, having a link from an authoritative site on your website is invaluable, as it is seen as a vote of confidence. The more authoritative links you have and the better your content, the more likely your site is to become an authoritative site.