
The concept of load balancing is often mentioned in our work, because throughout the whole link layer of our system, each layer will use load balancing, from access layer, service layer, to the last data layer, of course, MQ, distributed cache and so on, there will be some load balancing ideas in it; A brief definition of load balancing is to spread requests across multiple units of operation for execution. In fact, it is a divide-and-conquer idea, which is very effective in the face of high concurrency.

The core function

In the brief definition above, we can roughly see two things: dispatch the request, operation unit; In fact, controller + actuator mode, Master+Worker mode, etc., are you familiar with it? Of course, a mature load balancer has not only these two core functions, but also some other functions. Here are some of the core functions:

  • Operation Unit configuration

The operation unit here is actually the upstream server, which is the real executor to handle the business. This needs to be configurable (preferably with dynamic configuration support), so that users can add and remove operation units easily. These operation units are the objects to which the load balancer distributes messages;

  • Load balancing algorithm

Since distribution is needed, how to distribute the message to the configured executor requires relevant distribution algorithms, such as polling, random, consistent hashing and so on.

  • Failure to retry

Since multiple execution units are configured, it is highly probable that a server will break down. Therefore, when we distribute requests to a server that has broken down, we need to have the function of failure retry to redistribute the requests to normal actuators.

  • Health check

The above failed retry means that the server is down only when it is really forwarded, which is an inert strategy. Health check is to rule out the machine that is down in advance. For example, it is common to check whether the actuator is still alive by means of heartbeat.

With the above core functions, a load balancer is basically formed. These principles can be applied in many places, forming different middleware or embedded in various middleware, such as LVS, F5, Nginx, etc., at the access layer, various RPC frameworks at the service layer, message queue RocketMQ, Kafka, Distributed cache Redis, memcached, database middleware Shardingsphere, MyCAT and so on, this idea of divide and conquer is widely used in various middleware. The following is the analysis of how to do load balancing for some common middleware, which can be generally divided into two types: stateless and stateless.


The execution unit itself has no state, in fact, it is easier to do load balancing. Every execution unit is the same. Common stateless middleware include Nginx, RPC framework, distributed scheduling, etc.

Access layer

Nginx is our most common access layer middleware, providing layer 4 to layer 7 load balancing, high performance forwarding, and support for the above core functions.

  • Operation Unit configuration

Nginx provides a simple static operation unit configuration as follows:

Upstream tomcatTest {server; # server tomcat - 8081:8082; #tomcat-8082 } location / { proxy_pass http://tomcatTest; }Copy the code

The configuration is static. If you need to add or delete the configuration, you need to restart Nginx, which is very inconvenient. Of course, it also provides dynamic unit configuration, requiring third-party service registries such as Consul, ETcd, etc. The principle is roughly as follows:

Operation units are registered in Consul when they are started, and outages are removed from Consul as well. The Nginx side starts a consul-template listener that listens for changes in Consul and updates the upstream (preferably reloading upstream).

  • Load balancing algorithm

Common hash options are ip_hash, round-robin, and hash. Configuration is also simple:

Link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link Link Link Link Link Link Link link link link link link link link link link link link link # server tomcat - 8081:8082; #tomcat-8082 }Copy the code
  • Failure to retry
Upstream tomclink {server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=20s; } location / { proxy_pass http://tomcatTest; proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_500; }Copy the code

When max_FAILS fails for the first time in fail_TIMEOUT, the execution unit is unavailable. With proxy_next_upstream, when a configuration error occurs, the next execution unit is retried.

  • Health check

Nginx integrates the nginx_upstream_check_module module for health checks; Supports TCP heartbeat and Http heartbeat detection.

Upstream tomcatTest {server; check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=5000 type=tcp; }Copy the code

Interval: indicates the detection interval. Rise: Indicates the number of successful detections for which the operation unit is identified as available. Fall: How many times after the detection fails, the operation unit is identified as unavailable; Timeout: indicates the timeout period for detecting a request. Type: indicates the detection type, including TCP and HTTP.

The service layer

The main service layer is the micro-service framework such as Dubbo, Spring Cloud, etc., which integrates load balancing strategy internally and is very convenient to use.

  • Operation Unit configuration

RPC frameworks generally rely on the registry component, in fact, Nginx through the registry to dynamically change the operation unit is the same, RPC framework by default already rely on the registry, services are registered to the central, remove services are not available, and automatically synchronized to the consumer side, completely unaware of the user. What the consumer should do is to use the distribution algorithm to load balance according to the list of services provided by the registry.

  • Load balancing algorithm

Spring Cloud provides Ribbon components to implement load balancing, while Dubbo directly builds balancing strategies. Common algorithms include polling, randomization, minimum active calls, consistent Hash, and so on. For example, dubbo configuration polling algorithm:

<dubbo:reference interface="" loadbalance="roundrobin" />
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Ribbon configuration random rules:

public IRule loadBalancer(){
	return new RandomRule();
Copy the code
  • Failure to retry

For RPC frameworks, it is a fault tolerance mechanism. For example, Dubbo has a variety of built-in fault tolerance mechanisms, including Failover, Failfast, Failsafe, Failback, Forking, and Broadcast. The default fault tolerance mechanism is automatic switchover when Failover fails, and retry other servers when failure occurs. Configuring fault tolerance is also simple:

<dubbo:reference cluster="failback" retries="2"/>
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  • Health check

The registry generally has a health check function, which will detect whether the server is available in real time. If not, it will be removed, and the update will be pushed to the consumer end. It is completely unperceptive to the user;

Distributed scheduling separates the scheduler from the executor. The executor is also provided to the scheduler through the registry, and then the scheduler performs load balancing operations. The process is basically similar and will not be introduced here. It can be found that stateless load balancing is actually more from the registry, through the registry to dynamically increase or decrease the execution unit, which is very convenient to achieve capacity expansion and reduction;

A stateful

Stateful execution unit is more difficult than stateless execution unit, because the state of each node is a part of the whole system, not nodes that can be added or removed at will. The common stateful middleware includes message queue, distributed cache, database middleware, etc.

The message queue

High-throughput, high-performance message queues, such as RocketMQ and Kafka, are becoming more and more popular. RocketMQ introduces Message Queue mechanism, Kafka introduces Partition, a Topic corresponds to multiple partitions, using the idea of divide and conquer to improve throughput and performance; A simple diagram of RocketMQ can be seen:

  • Operation Unit configuration

The operation unit in the Message Queue is actually the partition or Message Queue here, for example, RocketMQ can dynamically change the number of read and write queues; RocketMQ also provides the RocketMQ-Console, which can be modified directly;

  • Load balancing algorithm

By default, the production end sends messages to each MessageQueue in turn. You can also customize the sending policy by using MessageQueueSelector. The allocation strategies of the consumer end include paging mode (random allocation mode), manual configuration mode, designated machine room mode, nearby machine room mode, unified hash mode, and ring mode.

  • Failure to retry

For the stateful execution unit, it is not said that downtime can be directly removed, the need to ensure the integrity of the data, normally speaking, generally the master standby processing, the host hung the standby machine to take over; In the case of RocketMQ, each partition has its own backup. RocketMQ’s policy is that the standby zone only ensures data integrity. Consumers can send messages to the standby zone, but do not re-receive data.

  • Health check

Message queues also have a core component, which can be understood as a coordinator or registry. Kafka uses ZooKeeper, RocketMQ uses NameServer, which stores corresponding information such as Topic for Message Queue, If a broker is found to be unavailable, the producer is notified, in much the same way as a registry.

Distributed cache

Common distributed cache is Redis, memcached, in order to accommodate more data will generally do fragmentation processing, fragmentation is a variety of ways, for example, Redis can do client fragmentation, proxy based fragmentation, as well as the official Cluster solution;

  • Operation Unit configuration

Although there are stateful cache, it has its particularity. It pays more attention to the hit ratio and can tolerate data loss. For example, the proxy-based sharding middleware CODIS can add or delete redis instances without affecting the service.

  • Load balancing algorithm

On the premise of ensuring hit ratio, the method based on proxy sharding generally adopts consistent hashing algorithm. The Cluster solution officially provided by Redis, because it has 16,384 built-in virtual slots, can be directly used to complete the sharding;

  • Failure to retry

Stateful shards typically have a standby zone that takes over for failover when the primary zone goes down, such as Redis sentinel mode or middleware built-in functionality like CODIS. There is no need to switch other partitions, and this takeover is completely unconscious to the user.

  • Health check

Take Redis as an example. In sentinel mode, Sentinel monitors nodes in real time through heartbeat and implements fault migration through objective offline. It can be found that health checks are basically detected by heartbeat;

The database layer

Database layer balance processing should be said to be the most complex, the first is stateful, followed by the security of data is very important, common database middleware includes: MyCAT, ShardingJDBC and so on;

  • Operation Unit configuration

Here in table, for example, the operation of the unit is in fact a fragmented data table, data sometimes have exceeded our expectations, it rarely say how many shard fixed assigned to it, is the best way to load algorithm to automatically generate data table, and the best in advance good evaluation algorithm, a load or later if you want to change is difficult;

  • Load balancing algorithm

Mycat, for example, provides a variety of load algorithms: range convention, modular, sharding by date, Hash, consistency Hash, sharding enumeration, and so on; Such as the following daily partition configuration:

<tableRule name="sharding-by-date">
<function name="sharding-by-date" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByDate">
    <property name="dateFormat">yyyy-MM-dd</property>
    <property name="sBeginDate">2021-01-01</property>
    <property name="sEndDate">2051-01-01</property>
    <property name="sPartionDay">10</property>
Copy the code

Specify the start time, end time, and partition days; Because the data is continuous over time, this approach scales well; If you are modulo, you need to consider the number of shards, and then if you want to change the number of shards, it is very troublesome, unlike cache, which can use consistent hash to guarantee hit ratio;

  • Failure to retry

For stateful nodes, the standby library is indispensable. For example, Mycat provides the function of switching from master to slave when the master is down, which is basically the same routine. Data cannot be lost.

  • Health check

Similarly, active detection is also necessary. It is usually based on heartbeat statements to detect the fault periodically, and then perform a master/slave switchover.

The above three types of stateful middleware are common. It can be found that although all of them are stateful, the processing methods are very different according to the different states of data (temporary and final states).

There is another kind of stateful middleware: registries, which can start multiple nodes at the same time, but each node holds the full amount of data. Because registries tend to hold a small amount of data, the balancing strategy can be as simple as stateless.


In conclusion can be found that divide and conquer this idea has been widely used in various kinds of software, big problems, large amount of data, large amount of concurrent, etc., in fact, the core thought is to break up, as to how to split is according to the different needs of the business use different split algorithm or balance algorithm, and you need to keep several basic functions described above.

Thank you for attention

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