Recently, the team started to set up OKR for 2020, and I feel that 2019 is already over. A few friends were chatting with each other, feeling the schedule they had set for 2019. “I set the beginning, but didn’t guess the end 😂”! Yes, we should write down our 2019 goals all over again. What I think is even harder than writing down your goals is reviewing your 2019.

Checking 2019

1. 2019 Plan Summary

Open your mobile phone, open your tag, and turn to the plan you wrote down late at night in 2019.

House & Car

It has been more than 5 years since I graduated. I finally settled down in the city where I work this year. I was promoted to be a dad last year, so my biggest goal for this year is to settle down. Years after come back to work, I set out to look at the things of the house, because the more sufficient preparation in advance, about two days things settle down, the house is behind the process of waiting for a long procedure, back and forth about 3 months time to go through the formalities for handover of all, on May 20, 2019 officially moved into new home, Finally in this weak second-tier city has a family nest.

In the middle of the year, considering that my wife often went back to live in the countryside for a period of time, it was not convenient to go back, and it was not very convenient to go out with a baby, I bought a mobility scooter in the middle of the year, which was also the first car in my life.

Spend time with your wife and baby

Since the baby was born, my wife has quit her job to stay at home with the baby. We haven’t seen a movie in a year, let alone go out to have a nice dinner. A person at home with children very hard, may be busy at night work or learn some skills, so spend time on his family would be much less, so use on Friday or Saturday night in 2019, set aside time at home with his wife and see in TV shows and movies, weekend with the baby to the park or amusement park.

Read a book a month

In early 2018, I resigned from IFlytek and joined Shenze Data. In the second half of 2018, I was influenced by many new colleagues, so I set the goal of reading one book every month in 2019. Up to now, I have read 17 books on Wechat Reading, as well as some paper books in the company. Overall, we’ve done our job.

Lose weight with your wife

Around September, I tried my weight loss goal and it was too hard. The plan is to run a few miles every morning, then walk after lunch and run for 20 minutes when you get home from work in the evening. I did lose weight for a while, but I’ve since regained it. 😔 is a failed plan. But in this process, I also constantly challenged the limits, such as running 10 KM for the first time.

Improvement of professional skills

I briefly listed what I needed to research and read some technical books I was going to buy.

Coding record:

Generally speaking, the completion degree of this part is about 60%. For example, the research on Flutter full buried point and ASM technology has only done some basic learning, but not in-depth learning. Therefore, it is necessary to continue planning in the 2020 planning.

In 2019, the overall plan is calculated, the completion of the situation is still relatively satisfied, if give yourself a score, about 85 points, 2020 continue to come on!

2. Working methods benefited from the work in 2019

1. Checking

Review is a way of doing things advocated by our company. The purpose is to constantly urge everyone to reflect on and summarize their shortcomings, and the ultimate purpose is to make everyone progress.

In the past year, there have been big and small mistakes in the work, for each mistake also do the corresponding review, to recognize where they do not do well, to prevent similar mistakes in the next time.

2. Be ritualistic about important things

This is one of the words I realized after becoming the TL of the group this year. For example, some work plans arranged must be formally said, rather than casually mentioned, important things must have a sense of ceremony, or many people will not pay attention to this matter, or forget. I have worked as a development team leader in the past 5 years, but this year is the first time I have become a TL ideologically. I really appreciate the guidance from my immediate Leader, but I still have a lot of things to think about myself.

3. If you do the hard things, you get it

This is something I learned from the CEO. You get more out of doing the hard things. Whether it’s what the company gives you or what you can do to improve yourself, you will always benefit the most from doing the hard things.

Here is a list of three simple records, usually reflection to do inadequate place, will be recorded.

3. The big picture of 2019

At the end of 2018, the IT environment was not very good, and in 2019, the environment is not very good. I remember when I first learned Android development in 2015, mobile development was still a hot technology. Four years later, it can only be said that the mobile development industry has become more mature. Now the cost of developing an App certainly cannot be compared with a few years ago, a mature framework employed to decrease the threshold, also introduces the development of more early, intermediate students, and because of the economic environment is not very good, and the trend of mobile Internet to retreat, so the threshold of the overall job raising continuously, let everybody feel the environment is not very good.

We all know that the technology of the IT industry changes with each passing day, so as IT practitioners should keep learning constantly, to prevent being eliminated by the technology environment. For example, when Kotlin first came out, was it necessary to learn more? The way I see it is: if there is a business need, there is a need to learn more, and this could be an opportunity for you to take the next step. If the company has no related business, you can do a brief understanding. For example, if you are looking for a new job after the New Year, a good command of the language will be a plus in your interview.

2020 plans and Aspirations

1. Life

  • Call your parents more often
  • Take a family trip
  • Family health, work smoothly

In the New Year, I hope I can spend more time with my family so that they will be healthy and happy at work.

Work 2.

  • Read more books
  • ASMDeep and comprehensive learning of technology
  • Become a qualified TL
  • Complete the team OKR
  • Open source project learning

The current work content and study plan are more focused on the business of the company, trying to do something in our company. The company gives everyone great freedom and resources. If you don’t work hard to do something, I don’t think you will have such a good opportunity even if you change to another company. Of course, we should not forget to improve our ability. Come on 2020!!

The last

I hope you can achieve your goals by 2020. 2020 come on!!

Denver annual essay | 2019 technical way with me The campaign is under way…