The part of the project that was stripped out

<template>  <el-form    :model="titleInfo"    :rules="titleInfoRules"    :inline="true"    ref="titleInfo"    class="pane-con pane-con-10"  >    <div class="pane-top">      <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-plus" @click="addTitleInfoRow"        >添加</el-button      >    </div>    <div class="common-table">      <el-table        ref="table"        :data="titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo"        style="width: 100%"        max-height="500"        class="table-wrap"      >        <el-table-column          prop="recognitionCertificationUrl"          label="凭证"          min-width="280"        >          <template slot-scope="scope">            <el-form-item              label=" "              :prop="                'teacherTitleInfo.' +                  scope.$index +                  '.recognitionCertificationUrl'              "              :rules="titleInfoRules.recognitionCertificationUrl"            >              <!-- 仅预览删除可用下面注释掉的代码 -->              <!-- <el-upload ref="upload"                  class="small-uploader"                  action="#"                  accept=".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.JPG,.JPEG,.GIF"                  list-type="picture-card"                  :file-list="scope.row.titleFileList"                  :http-request="(file)=>{return handleBeforeUpload(file,'title',scope.$index)}"                  :on-remove="(file, fileList)=>{return handleRemoveTitle(file, fileList,scope.$index,'title')}"                  :on-preview="handlePreviewTitle">                  <i class="el-icon-plus"></i>              </el-upload> -->              <el-upload                :ref="'title' + scope.$index"                class="small-uploader"                action="#"                accept=".jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.JPG,.JPEG,.GIF"                list-type="picture-card"                :file-list="scope.row.titleFileList"                :http-request="                  (file) => {                    return handleBeforeUpload(file, 'title', scope.$index)                  }                "              >                <i slot="default" class="el-icon-plus"></i>                <div                  class="commodityPoster-img"                  slot="file"                  slot-scope="{ file }"                >                  <img                    class="el-upload-list__item-thumbnail"                    :src="file.url"                    alt=""                  />                  <span class="el-upload-list__item-actions">                    <span                      class="el-upload-list__item-preview"                      @click="handlePreviewTitle(file)"                    >                      <i class="el-icon-zoom-in"></i>                    </span>                    <span                      class="el-upload-list__item-delete"                      @click="handleDownload(file)"                    >                      <i class="el-icon-download"></i>                    </span>                    <span                      class="el-upload-list__item-delete"                      @click="                        handleRemoveTitle(                          file,                          scope.row.titleFileList,                          scope.$index,                          'title'                        )                      "                    >                      <i class="el-icon-delete"></i>                    </span>                  </span>                </div>              </el-upload>              <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisibleTitle">                <img width="100%" :src="dialogImageUrlTitle" class="avatar" />              </el-dialog>            </el-form-item>          </template>        </el-table-column>      </el-table>    </div>    <div class="info-row-center">      <el-button        class="save-btn"        type="primary"        @click="saveTitleInfo('titleInfo')"        >保存</el-button      >    </div>  </el-form></template><script>export default {  name: 'infofillComponent',  data() {    return {      titleInfo: {        teacherTitleInfo: [          // 职称信息          {            recognitionCertificationUrl: [],            titleFileList: [],          },        ],      },      titleInfoRules: {        recognitionCertificationUrl: [          { required: true, message: '请上传凭证', trigger: 'change' },        ],      },      dialogImageUrlTitle: '',      dialogVisibleTitle: false,    };  },  methods: {    // 多图片显示    imgsShow(imgArr, tag, index) {      if (imgArr && imgArr.length > 0) {        imgArr.forEach((item) => {          const obj = { url: item, uid: '' };          if (tag === 'title') {            this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[index].titleFileList.push(obj);          }        });      }    },    // 图片自动上传到服务器    imgUploadAuto(option, tag, index) {      const { file } = option;      console.log(file);      const fileType ='.') + 1);      const imgTypeList = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF'];      if (imgTypeList.indexOf(fileType) < 0) {        this.$notify({          message: '请选择图片',          type: 'warning',        });        if (tag === 'title') {          let list1 = [];          list1 = this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[index].titleFileList;          list1.push({            url: '',            uid: '',          });          list1.splice(list1.length - 1, 1);        }        return;      }      const size = file.size / 1024 / 1024 / 2;      if (size > 2) {        this.$notify.warning({          title: '警告',          message: '图片大小必须小于2M',        });        return;      }      this.uid = file.uid;      const formData = new FormData();      const time = new Date().getTime();      formData.append('file', file,;      formData.append('t', time);      if (tag === 'basic') {        // 单张图片        formData.append('path', 'primaryPic');      } else {        formData.append('path', 'listPic');      }      console.log(formData);      this.$api.uploadImg(formData).then((res) => {        if (res.success) {          let list = [];          if (tag === 'title') {            list = this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[index].titleFileList;            this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[              index            ].recognitionCertificationUrl.push(;            this.$refs.titleInfo.validateField(              `teacherTitleInfo.${index}.recognitionCertificationUrl`,            );          }          list.push({            url:,            uid: this.uid,          });        }      });    },    // 上传图片之前的钩子    handleBeforeUpload(file, tag, index) {      this.imgUploadAuto(file, tag, index);    },    // 点击文件列表中已上传的文件时的钩子    handlePreviewTitle(file) {      this.dialogImageUrlTitle = file.url;      this.dialogVisibleTitle = true;    },    // 文件列表移除文件时的钩子    handleRemoveTitle(file, list1, index, tag) {      const list = this.$refs[tag + index].uploadFiles;      console.log(list);      for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {        if (list[i].uid === file.uid) {          list.splice(i, 1);          list1.splice(i, 1);          if (tag === 'title') {            this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[index].titleFileList = list1;            this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo[              index            ].recognitionCertificationUrl.splice(i, 1);          }        }      }    },    handleDownload(file) {      const a = document.createElement('a');      const event = new MouseEvent('click');      // =; = '职称信息凭证';      a.href = file.url;      a.dispatchEvent(event);      console.log(file);    },    addTitleInfoRow() {      // 职称添加      this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo.push({        recognitionCertificationUrl: [],        titleFileList: [],      });    },    delTitleInfoRow(index) {      this.titleInfo.teacherTitleInfo.splice(index, 1);    },    saveTitleInfo(formName) {      // 职称信息保存      this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => {        if (valid) {          // 传参调接口        }      });    },  },};</script><style lang="scss">.pane-con {  padding: 10px 20px;  width: 80%;  .info-row {    width: 100%;    display: flex;    justify-content: space-between;    .info-cell {      width: 50%;      .info-cell-item {        width: 100%;      }    }    .info-cell-10 {      width: 100%;    }    .info-cell-7 {      width: 70%;    }    .info-cell-3 {      width: 30%;    }    .lable-lang .el-form-item__label {      width: 200px;    }    .lable-lang .el-form-item__content {      width: calc(100% - 230px);    }    .el-cascader,    .el-date-editor.el-input {      width: 100%;    }  }  .role-dialog-input {    position: relative;    width: 100%;  }  .pane-top {    width: 100%;    display: flex;    justify-content: space-between;    align-items: center; 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