An overview of mall architecture, functionality, and database structure

Mall Project Introduction

Mall project is a set of e-commerce system, including the front mall system and background management system, based on SpringBoot+MyBatis. The front desk mall system includes home page portal, product recommendation, product search, product display, shopping cart, order process, member center, customer service, help center and other modules. Background management system includes commodity management, order management, membership management, promotion management, operation management, content management, statistical reports, financial management, authority management, setting and other modules.

Project presentations

  • The background presentation of the project:…
  • Mobile terminal project presentation:…

The techniques used in Mall

Mall is implemented with modern mainstream technology, covering almost all the technologies used in a typical project.

technology version instructions
Spring Boot 2.1.3 Container +MVC framework
Spring Security 5.1.4 ensuring Authentication and authorization framework
MyBatis 3.4.6 ORM framework
MyBatisGenerator 1.3.3 Data layer code generation
PageHelper 5.1.8 MyBatis physical paging plugin
Swagger-UI 2.7.0 Document production tool
Elasticsearch 6.2.2 Search engine
RabbitMq 3.7.14 The message queue
Redis 3.2 Distributed cache
MongoDb 3.2 No database
Docker 18.09.0 Application container engine
Druid 1.1.10 Database connection pool
OSS 2.5.0 Object storage
JWT 0.9.0 JWT login support
Lombok 1.18.6 Simplify object encapsulation tools

An overview of what Mall implements

Under specific can see demo addresses, personal experience:

  • The commodity module
    • Commodity management
    • Commodity classification management
    • Commodity Type Management
    • Brand management
  • Orders module
    • The order management
    • The order is set
    • Processing of Return application
    • Return Reason setting
  • The marketing module
    • SEC kill activity management
    • Preferential price management
    • Brand recommendation Management
    • New product recommendation management
    • Popular Recommendation Management
    • Thematic recommendation management
    • Home page Advertising management

Mall database table overview

The Mall project currently has 71 data tables, and the business logic is complicated to a certain extent. It is enough to do the project reference at ordinary times.

Description of database table prefixes

  • Cms_ * : table related to content management module
  • Oms_ * : Order management module related table
  • Pms_ * : Table related to commodity modules
  • Sms_ * : Table related to marketing module
  • Ums_ * : Member module related table

The public,

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