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During development, we often encounter that the current value is not the type we expect, so we need to do a manual conversion. There’s more than one way to switch, so which one do you usually use? Why is that?
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String(null) and (null).toString()?
1.tosting () and (1).tostring () why is the result different?
parseFloat(“123.45.67”) and Number(“123.45.67”)?
Previous review: JS operators you didn’t know!
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, so
JS other types are converted to strings
Display conversion String(value)
The String(value) function can convert any type of numeric value to a String, including null and undefined
let value = true; console.log(typeof value); // boolean value = String(value); // Now, the value is a string of "true" console.log(typeof value); // stringCopy the code
The toString () method
The toString() method returns a string representation of the corresponding value
let value = true; value = value.toString(); // String "true"Copy the code
Values, booleans, objects, and string values all have toString() methods, but null and undefined do not and will report an error
PS: If it is a numeric value, the toString() method will return an error!
Reason: The JavaScript interpreter steals the “.” after the number (as the decimal point of the preceding number), similar to the following:
Use + “”
Add the converted value to a string “”
JS other types are converted to numeric types
Display convert Number(value)
Can be used to convert any data type to a value
let str = "123"; console.log(typeof str); // string let num = Number(str); // Change to number type 123 console.log(typeof num); // numberCopy the code
Number type conversion rule:
value | To the result of type number |
undefined | NaN |
null | 0 |
True and false | 1 s and 0 s |
string | The number contained in a purely numeric string with the leading and trailing Spaces removed.0 .NaN . |
// 123 console.log( Number(" 123 ") ); Console. log(Number("123z"));Copy the code
Conversion functions parseInt() and parseFloat()
Js provides two conversion functions parseInt() and parseFloat(). Used specifically to convert strings to numbers.
ParseInt () converts the value to an integer
console.log(parseInt("Axjy01")) //NaN console.log(parseInt("01Axjy")) //1 Copy the code
ParseFloat () converts values to floating point numbers
The parseFloat (" 123.4567 ") / / 123.4567 parseFloat (" 123.. 4567") //123 parseFloat(" qWER123.4567 ") //NaN parseFloat("123.45.67") //123.45Copy the code
looks at each character starting at position 0 until the first invalid character is found, and then converts the string preceding that character to a number;
The first decimal point that occurs is a valid character. If there are two decimal points, the second decimal point is considered invalid
Using js variable weak type conversions (not recommended)
In arithmetic functions and expressions, number type conversions are performed automatically.
For example, when division/is used for non-number types
Console. log("6"/"2"); console.log("6"/"2");Copy the code
This feature can be used to perform operations such as subtracting 0 (not recommended)
Var STR = '012.345'; console.log(typeof str); // string str = str-0; Console. log(typeof STR); // numberCopy the code
Boolean conversion
Show transform Boolean(value)
Boolean type conversion rules:
value | Cast to Boolean result |
0, null, undefined, NaN, “” | false |
Other values | true |
console.log( Boolean(0) ); // false console.log( Boolean("0") ); // true console.log( Boolean("") ); // false console.log( Boolean(" ") ); // Blank, also true (any non-empty string is true)Copy the code
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Type Conversions
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