It’s been an extraordinary year

It was an extraordinary year because of the pandemic. At no time has it been harder to live than during the epidemic.

So 2020 is the year I want to live.

There’s nothing better than being alive.

I hope the project will be successful

It has been two and a half years since graduation. The first project, A 3D card H5 project made by Laya, I took it over halfway and devoted all my efforts with my friends, but it was finally cut down.

The second project is a hanging 3DRPG made by Laya. This is the first time for me to participate in such a complex and huge project. I feel very tired but feel a sense of achievement. Thanks to the efforts of our partners in the project group, we can have such results:

The company signed on and is ready to launch.

Let’s hope it goes live and makes money.

The third project, the one I’m working on now, is a 3D card H5 project, yes, back to making cards. I’ve been working on this project for six months, I joined in the middle of it, they did a combat demo before.

After six months of hard work, it is now in decent shape and there should be a beta version before the year is out.

I hope I can finish online smoothly and make a lot of money.


Having worked on the project for so long, I am actually very tired, because I have a lot of work to do, repeatedly.

No matter in which project team, the staff is not much, but there are so many tasks, the boss is so pressing.

How to make development more efficient is what I have been thinking, trying and practicing.

Some work, some don’t. Fortunately, it is more useful.

In constant thinking and practice, I have gained a lot.

Sediment accumulation

Projects vary widely, but the core functional requirements are similar.

It’s something I’ve been feeling all along, and I think I can tease it out.

I want to take my experience and harvest and write a general development framework.

That’s my second flag for 2020. To be alive, do something.

In early December, I opened source this framework:

It is EasyGameFramework

  • Super typescript-based type hints
  • Versatile across engines and highly customizable
  • progressive
  • Zero depends on
  • Comprehensive basic modules (module management, UI framework, event communication, state management, object pool, network module)

This warehouse has harvested 26 stars. Thank you for the recognition and affirmation of these 26 people.

If you feel good about it, you can hit star. Thanks – (· ω ·) Blue

And later, I wrote an article in Nuggets to share my thoughts on the various modules of this framework.

The Birth of Frameworks – Zero: Why write Frameworks?

The birth of the Frame – ONE: I want the frame

The birth of the framework – ii: Positioning

Universal game UI framework design and implementation

Use of typescript-based generic game UI frameworks

A great tool for building complex games/applications: Broadcast

In fact, it was very frustrating to write the first article and see that few people read and liked it.

However, I was greatly helped and encouraged by an article by Po Ge:

After writing more than 200 articles, I summed up my writing experience

I hope that my childish strokes, can let everyone harvest.

2021 outlook

The first is to do a good job of the project in hand with my friends and send it to the line.

Second is EasyGameFramework this framework, I will continue to maintain and develop.

  • More standardized engineering
  • Come and become contributor to this framework.
  • Project templates are automatically generated
  • More General modules
    • Data-driven generic combat module
    • ECS module
    • .
  • More useful tool modules and Cocos components

Finally is to do their own games, dreams or some, is it, ha ha ha 😝

Target: stars and sea ~

The last

On the last day of 2020, no matter how the past, the New Year, easier, easier game development, more harvest, more accumulation ~

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…