1 instructions

The project is based on MIT protocol and uses SpringBoot framework. The source code is open source. After strict testing, there are no major bugs, the code structure is clear, and the annotations are detailed. Of course, it can also serve as the foundation for enterprise technology framework, accelerate project progress, and is a very good learning resource for junior individual developers.

The main functions include: distribution (support level 3), group purchase (Pin-Duo mode), seckill, coupons, and other functions, and the front and back end are all open source.

2 Technical Framework

Core framework: Spring Boot2.1.6 Security framework: Apache Shiro 1.2 Persistence layer framework: MyBatis Plus Database connection pool: Alibaba Druid 1.0 Log management: SLF4J 1.7, Log4j JS framework: Vue 2.5.1, iView, Layer 3.0.3, jquery 2.2.4, JQGrid 5.1.1 CSS framework: Twitter Bootstrap3.3.7 Rich text: froalA_editor1.2.2

3 Development Environment

IDE: IDEA DB: Mysql5.8 JDK: JAVA8 CACHE: Redis4.0

To avoid confusing errors, developers use the above environment whenever possible.

4 Quick Experience

The management end

Import project source code into IDEA through Maven; You need to download Redis and start importing shop.sql data files. Note: the database uses UTF-8 encoding; Modify database Settings in platform-admin/application-dev.yml; Modify j2cache. The properties file Redis connection information Start directly covered directory PlatformAdminApplication access backend address: http://ip | domain name/project name/administrator account, user name: admin password: admin

The small program end

Import project source code into IDEA through Maven; You need to download Redis and start importing shop.sql data files. Note: the database uses UTF-8 encoding; Modify database Settings in platform-api/application-dev.yml; Modify the Redis connection information in the J2cache. properties file to directly launch the ApiApplication in the package root directory

5 deployment

Open the applets tool; Select the source code you downloaded for the WX-Mall applets project; Enter your AppID; Fill in your project name; After entering, modify the api.js file in config folder, change NewApiRootUrl to your background interface address and run immediately.

6 part effect display

Applet effect

The main interface

The menu

Well, the need for small partners, the project has been open source, need to pay attention to the public number [Java technology select] background reply [small program mall] can get the source download and more information oh!