This is the 18th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
1. Response mode of the server
In traditional mode, the server responds to the client by forwarding or redirecting. When using this pattern, the server usually responds to the client with a page, and this pattern is not conducive to the current Internet architecture! Because now there are more and more types of clients, for example: Computer web client, Android mobile phone APP, iOS mobile phone APP, Android tablet, iOS tablet, other smart devices, there are obvious screen size differences between different devices, if the same web page response to different clients, it is extremely inappropriate! Therefore, the traditional response mode can only be applied to some simple application scenarios without multiple clients, such as small unknown websites and internal office systems.
Currently, the recommended response is that the server only responds to the client with the necessary data (not including the page)! For example, in the process of registration, after the client submits the request to the server, the server processes the registration request, and responds 0 to the client to indicate that the registration fails, or responds 1 to indicate that the registration succeeds. As for how the page is handled, the client program decides by itself.
This is a “front and back end separation” mode. The server side is the “back end”, and all clients are collectively called the “front end”.
When the front and back ends are separated, each time the server responds, the data volume is smaller, the transmission time is shorter, the user experience is better, and the bandwidth cost of the server is greatly reduced.
2. Format of the response body
Suppose the client submits a “user registration” request to the server. After processing, the server can respond to the client with data of 0 or 1 or other values.
Assumption is submitted by the client to the server “to check the details on user data” request, the server will eventually need to complete information on a user’s response to the client and may include a username, password, age, phone number, E-mail and other data, however, when performing response body, the server response data of nature is a string, Using a string is not convenient to represent the above information, for example:
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If the response string is extremely unreasonable, even completely unavailable, so the server to the client response data, not only just a matter of “contains the value”, also the data must be organized into a particular format, so that the client receives the data, can be used to resolve the need of individual data part!
Early on, it was recommended to use XML syntax to organize the response data, for example:
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When the client receives the data from the above XML organization, it can use XML parsing techniques to get the value of each attribute!
Currently, the preferred format for organizing data is JSON:
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Using JSON-formatted data, compared to XML statements:
- Fewer bytes;
- Easy to parse.
3. The JSON format
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It is based on a subset of ECMAScript (the JS specification of the European Computer Association) and uses a text format that is completely independent of the programming language to store and represent data. The simplicity and clarity of the hierarchy make JSON an ideal data exchange language. Easy to read and write, but also easy to machine parsing and generation, and effectively improve the efficiency of network transmission.
The syntax for JSON is:
- Use a pair of braces
Box is inJSON object, the entire JSON data is a JSON object; - inJSON objectYou can configure the mapping between several attributes and values. Use commas (,) between the configurations
Space; - Use colons between attribute names and values
Space; - Attribute names are strings and require a pair of quotes
Box; - If the value of the attribute is a numeric or Boolean value, the literal value is written without any symbols, and if the value is a string, a pair of quotes is used
Box; - The value of the property can also be array type, i.eJSON array, is to use a pair of brackets
Box, and use commas between elements.
Space; - The value of the property can also be another JSON object.
"username":"root"."password":"1234"."age":25."phone":"13800138001"."email":""."skills": ["MySQL"."Spring"."SpringMVC"."Mybatis"]."group": {"id":3."name":"Administrators"}}Copy the code
4. The server responds the DATA in JSON format to the client
First, add the Jackson-Databind dependency to the project’s POM.xml file:
<! -- -->
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If the client needs to respond to a User’s data, declare a User class first, and declare all the data attributes in this class:
public class User {
private String username;
private String password;
private Integer age;
private String phone;
private String email;
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In the method that handles the request, use the User created above as the return value type and return the matching object:
// http://localhost:8080/ajax/user/info
public User info(a) {
User user = new User();
return user;
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Note: This must be added before the SpringMVC configuration class@EnableWebMvc
In the controller, the @responsebody annotation is added before the declaration of the method handling the request, indicating the “ResponseBody.” the object returned by the method handling the request is returned to the client and is not treated as a “view name” or used to perform forwarding, redirection, etc.
SpringMVC uses a Converter to process the “Response body”, which processes the object returned by the method and the information in the Response Headers. For SpringMVC framework supports a variety of converter, and, according to different types of return value, will be automatically using a specific converter, for example, when the return value type is a String, for SpringMVC framework will use StringHttpMessageConverter converter, When a Jackson framework is added and the return value is of a type not recognized by SpringMVC by default, the Jackson framework converter is automatically used. The converters in the Jackson framework work in the following modes:
- Organize the returned objects into JSON-formatted data;
- Set Response Headers
The value is:application/json; charset=utf-8
So, in general, if you need to respond to JSON-formatted data in your project, you must first add Jackson framework dependencies and, in the request method, return objects of types that SpringMVC does not recognize by default (as long as they are custom data types).
Typically, when developing a project, a specific data type is created as a generic data type to respond to the client’s results (regardless of the user’s request), such as:
public class JsonResult<T> {
// Operation status, for example, 1- Succeeded, 0- failed......
private Integer state;
// In the event of an operation failure, a message is sent to the client, for example, "Login failed. The user name does not exist."
private String message;
// If the operation succeeds, data needs to be returned to the client
private T data;
// Getters & Setters
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5. jQuery – AJAX
Ajax, Asynchronous Javascript And XML, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. Ajax= asynchronous JavaScript and XML (a subset of the standard Common Markup Language). Ajax can use web pages for asynchronous updates by exchanging small amounts of data with the server in the background. This means that part of a web page can be updated without reloading the entire page (no refresh technique). A traditional web page (without Ajax) must reload the entire page if it needs to update its content.
First, create a registration page in the webApp folder of your project and store the jQuery files there.
Examples of page code:
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>User registration</title>
<h1>User registration</h1>
<form method="post">
<p>User name:<input id="inp-username" name="username"></p>
<p>Password:<input name="password"></p>
<p>Age:<input name="age"></p>
<p>Mobile Phone Number:<input name="phone"></p>
<p>Email address:<input name="email"></p>
<p><input type="button" onclick="reg()" value="Registered"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Jquery - 3.4.1 track. Min. Js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function reg() {
// --------------------------
// Note: You need to configure the ID in the "User name" input box
// --------------------------
// alert(" Ready to submit registration... ") );
The $.ajax() function makes an asynchronous request to get the result of the response
// the $.ajax() function takes a JSON object
// Note: The names of the properties of the JSON object are case sensitive
// url: Where to submit the request
// data: request parameters to be submitted to the server
// type: request type
// dataType: the dataType of the server-side response
// success: the function that will be called back when the server responds successfully (HTTP response code is 200). The parameter of the function is the JSON object of the server response
"url":"user/"."data":"username=" + $("#inp-username").val(),
"type":"post"."dataType":"json"."success":function(jsonData) {
if (jsonData.state == 1) {
alert("Registration successful!");
} else {
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Note: Server side configurationDispatcherServlet
Change the mapping path to*.do
And the request path configured in the controller class also needs to be
As a suffix.
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And finally, don’t forget or