Vue is divided into two versions

One is the full VueVue.js

Features include a compiler, which can compile the template string into the code of the JS rendering function. Views are written on top of HTML or in the Template option. In the CDN reference, the end is vue.js, and in the production environment, the end is vue.min.js. If you use Webpack import, you need to configure alias. Additional configuration is required to import using @vue/cli.

The other is the Vue incomplete version, also known as the runtime version

No compiler, views are created by writing tags in the render function using h and h, which were written by Yuxi and passed to Render. When imported through the CDN, the file ends in vue.runtime.js. In the production environment, the file ends in vue.runtime.min.js. Whether using webpack or @vue/ CLI, it has been configured by Yu Xi and Jiang Haoqun and is the default state.

Template and render

How to write Vue code using

  1. IO /, don’t click signin, click Create Sandbox; Choose the Vue; Now you can write code normally; When you’re done, click File — Export to zip in the upper left corner to Export the code.