The quality of the weekly report is mainly determined by two parts:

  1. How many high quality articles are included
  2. Are your comments on the article professional

For the second, we think we’re good enough, but for the first, we don’t have the confidence to say we’re good enough. At present, the articles of the weekly newspaper are mainly recommended by several active editors, but even if we collect them actively, it is only a drop in the ocean.

We also always hope that readers who follow the weekly newspaper can provide some articles and feed back to our Github in the form of issue. However, the current situation is that only a few people participate in this link.

So we decided to modify the format slightly, hoping to encourage more people to participate in the recommendation of weekly articles. That is, we have a separate line at the end of each article review with references. As long as the length is within one line, do not include vulgar, malicious information. Personal micro blog, blog, company technical team can be. Such as:

Recommended by Xiao Wang, who is looking for an internship.

One wishes to improve the team popularity of the old driver technical team recommendation.

This blog is kind of awesome.

Qizhi Technology Hangzhou recruit an iOS engineer recommended.

Anyway, this is our way of paying you back for not saying anything out of line.

I hope you can be active here:… Share articles that you want to find high quality with the rest of the community.