1 why do I choose the front end

I used to make special effects for film and television, mainly with Houdini, and used VEx language and Python to make special effects. From then on, I became a little interested in programming. At that time, I was fascinated by Houdni procedural modeling, the tutorials of the lake House, and the making of particles, rigid bodies and fluids. As time goes by I find! I'm not interested in the Houdini! It's programming!Copy the code

2 the front

  • What is a front end? My understanding is that what you see in the browser window is the front end

3 share

3.1 MDN

These are the official documents of MDN. You can search them yourself if you encounter them

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • HTTP

So how to search?

Type in the noun you want to find, and then add MDN

When I put the picture, I always put it badly. I went to Google. It has to be like this

<div align=light><img src="Https:// your image links" width = 70% height = 70% />
Copy the code

3.2 Some common websites are recommended

  • CSS

    • The W3C CSS specification
    • Zhang Xinxu’s blog
    • Scale layout
  • JavaScript

    • Net,
    • ES6
    • Deep understanding of JavaScript
    • JavaScript Secret Garden
    • 33 Concepts JavaScript Developers should Know

4 Learning Route

It’s highly recommended that it contains almost everything, and I’ve read a lot of it myself (just the basics).

  • Fly book document
  1. HTML (quick)
  2. CSS (Quick pass)
  3. Computer Fundamentals (Principles of computer composition, Linux operating system, computer network, HTTP protocol)
  4. JavaScript | Data Structures and Algorithms (key! The difficulty is prototype, this, AJAX)
  5. MVC
  6. Webpack
  7. React/Vue/React
  8. Node.js

Five other

  • Icon icon library
  • vim
  • JQuery
  • Homebrew Cask
  • Small crane double play (used to double play, now not full play =-=)
  • I was looking at this primer.

The above is some of my own understanding, everyone has everyone’s learning methods, if there are mistakes, welcome to correct, if there are other recommendations, welcome to share!!