Due to the earnest digging friends found serious payment loopholes in the nuggets pamphlet, in order to avoid greater economic losses caused by the payment loopholes, the nuggets pamphlet has been removed from the shelves from June 15.

During the offline period, many Juju friends came to ask us about the time to resume online every day. Some juju friends were in urgent need of purchasing a certain volume due to work projects and job changes, but they could not meet their requirements for the time being. The closure also affected sales of a number of small volumes that hit shelves in June; It also affected the application of new volumes; For everyone to bring a lot of inconvenience, the nuggets team with leap soil to say sorry to everyone 🙇.

After our technical repair and re-evaluation by the financial department, we have decided to restore the payment function of the booklet and restore the normal operation of the booklet.

Finally, thank you all for your support to the Nuggets. We will continue to work hard and make progress together with you.

💡 Important note: during the period when the booklet stopped selling, some users received new coupon, but finally expired. We will conduct data backtracking, and all the users involved can go to the PC page of the booklet after the activity to re-claim the coupon for the new person that was invalid before.

In order to make up for everyone’s loss, the booklet decided to open a welfare campaign for all users.

1️ ONE:

In order to make up for everyone’s loss, the booklet decided to open the event of limited time concessions.

⏰ : September 25, 2019 (Wednesday) ~ September 30, 2019 (Monday)

🎁 specific discount: full station booklet 20% discount. All volumes participate in the discount! Click to buy now

2️ activities 2:

Pay attention to the gold digging technology community micro blog, participate in the lottery. Entry address

3️ three:

Scan the code to pay attention to the “nuggets booklet” public account to participate in the lucky draw