🗞 News

Vercel raises $150 million series D funding

Vercel is probably No. 1 in the vertical field of providing services for Web developers. Looking back at the history of Vercel, it also witnessed the booming development of the Web:

2016.10: next.js 1.0 2017.03: next.js 2.0 2017.08: next.js 3.0 2017.10: next.js 4.0 2018.02 Next.js 5.0 2018.05: next.js 6.0, 25000 stars 2018.11: Now 2.0 2019.04: Support local simulation run 2020.12 (Series B) : $450 million valuation, $40 million financing (Series C) : $1.1 billion valuation, $102 million financing Next. Js 12 2021.11 (Round D) : $2.5 billion valuation, $150 million raised

Hopefully, Vercel will continue to provide more and better services to developers with The vision of Make The Web.Faster.

Twitter: Announcing our $150M Series D.

Next. Js strong competitor: Remix officially open source

Remix, a full-stack Web framework created by the original React Router team, is open source and includes the following features:

  • Out of the box
  • Support the SSR/SSG
  • Based on Web infrastructure technology, embracing standards
  • Integrated application development experience
  • Resource preloading
  • &etc.

Remix-build Better Websites

📦 Open Source


Concurrently, CONCURRENTLY, Partitioned is a library that encapsulates child_process to achieve the ability to execute commands concurrently.

Sometimes you need to start multiple file listening services at the same time, for example, starting multiple Webpack DevServers at the same time, usually choose to start two terminals to run two DevServers, but sometimes you just want to run two terminals at the same time, you can try it.

The usage is also very simple, for example, to start two Node services at the same time:

  "scripts": {
    "server_1": "node server_1.js"."server_2": "node server_2.js"}}Copy the code

Normally, two Node services cannot run simultaneously on the same terminal, but it can be used to:

  "scripts": {
    "server": "concurrently 'npm run server_1' 'npm run server_2'"."server_1": "node server_1.js"."server_2": "node server_2.js"}}Copy the code

To start both Node services, simply run NPM Run Server.

Making Repo: open – cli – the tools/concurrently: Run commands concurrently. Like npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less but better. (github.com)

📑 Article

“The other side of TypeScript: Type Programming-1” : the never type in TypeScript

The article is “The other side of TypeScript: In the first chapter of TypeScript programming, we explain the differences between never/any/unknown types in TypeScript in simple terms. We also introduce the usage scenarios of never in real life.

“The other side of TypeScript: Type Programming -1” : Never in TypeScript – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)