
Is MySQL important? Important! Why is it important? Because it is very common in Java enterprise development, because MySQL is open source and free, and easy to extend. Alibaba database system also uses MySQL a lot, so its stability is guaranteed. MySQL is open source, now in the interview, MySQL has become a must-ask knowledge points, but it is not easy to achieve the level of proficiency in MySQL, so deep learning M SQL is really important.

MySQL Notes written by Ali Technical officer are divided into two volumes:

  • The first book is mainly based on the outline brain map, clearly divided knowledge points, every detail is involved, relatively comprehensive.
  • The next volume focuses more on SQL optimization problems and describes many methods and techniques in use.

So there’s nothing wrong with having a complete top and bottom, getting MySQL done, and beating the interviewer. You don’t want the million-dollar skills yet.

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A, Ali MySQL notes (Volume 1)

1. Add data

2. Delete data

3. Modify data

4. Query statements

  • Single standard query
  • Multi-table query
  • Conditions of the query
  • Like fuzzy query
  • Sorting query
  • Aggregation function
  • Grouping query
  • Paging query

5. The constraint

(1) Overview

(2) Classification

  • Primary key constraint
  • Not null constraint
  • The only constraints
  • Foreign key constraints

6. Database design

  • Relationships between multiple tables
  • The paradigm of database design

7. The transaction

  • Basic introduction to transactions
  • Four characteristics of business
  • The isolation level of the transaction


2, Ali MySQL Notes (Volume 2)

1.MySQL database – SQL optimization

  • chart
  • Introduction to MySQL Database engine
  • Storage Engine Management
  • MySQL > Create index ()
  • Common optimization strategies for SQL in MySQL


MySQL+Mycat MySQL+Mycat

  • Get to know Mycat
  • The construction of the Mycat

3. Configure read/write separation for Mycat

  • Mycat primary/secondary backup
  • Mycat read-write separation configuration

4.Mycat configure the database cluster

5. Database cluster load policy

6.Haproxy+Keepalived+Mycat+MySQL to implement high availability cluster

  • Application version
  • chart
  • Set up steps
  • Install Haproxy
  • Haproxy configures the Mycat load balancing cluster
  • Install Keepalived


Additional content: MySQL Advanced interview question 55 Q

  1. Select * from Mysql where ID = 15; select * from Mysql where ID = 15; select * from Mysql where ID = 15;
  2. What are the technical features of Mysql?
  3. What is the Heap table?
  4. What is the default port of the Mysql server?
  5. What are Mysql’s advantages over Oracle?
  6. How do you distinguish a FLOAT from a DOUBLE?
  7. Distinguish CHAR_LENGTH from LENGTH?
  8. Please briefly describe the four transaction isolation levels supported by InnoDB in Mysql and the differences between them.
  9. What is the use of ENUM in Mysql?
  10. How do I define REGEXP?
  11. The difference between CHAR and VARCHAR?
  12. What can be the string type of a column?
  13. How to obtain the current version of Mysql?
  14. What storage engine is used in Mysql?
  15. What is the Mysql driver?
  16. What does TIMESTAMP do on the UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP data type?
  17. What’s the difference between primary keys and candidate keys?
  18. How to use Unix shell to log in to Mysql?
  19. What is Myisamchk used for?
  20. MYSQL database server performance analysis method commands are available.
  21. How do I control the maximum size of the HEAP table?
  22. What is the difference between MyISAM Static and MyISAM Dynamic?
  23. What is a Federated table?
  24. What happens if a table has a column defined as TIMESTAMP?
  25. What happens if the maximum value in the table is reached when the column is set to AUTO INCREMENT?
  26. How do I find out which automatic increment was allocated on the last insert?
  27. How do you see all the indexes defined for the table?
  28. What do % and _ mean in the LIKE declaration?
  29. How to convert between Unix and Mysql timestamps?
  30. What is the column comparison operator?
  31. How do we get the number of rows affected by the query?
  32. Is Mysql query case sensitive?
  33. What is the difference between a LIKE and a REGEXP operation?
  34. What’s the difference between BLOB and TEXT?
  35. What is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object?
  36. How do we run batch mode in mysql?
  37. Where will the MyISAM table be stored and its storage format provided?
  38. What are the different tables in Mysql?
  39. What is ISAM?
  40. What is InnoDB?
  41. How does Mysql optimize DISTINCT?
  42. How to enter characters as hexadecimal numbers?
  43. How do I display the first 50 lines?
  44. How many columns can be used to create an index?
  45. What’s the difference between NOW () and CURRENT_DATE ()?
  46. What objects can be created using the CREATE statement?
  47. How many TRIGGERS are allowed in the Mysql table?
  48. What is a nonstandard string type?
  49. What are generic SQL functions?
  50. Explain access control lists?
  51. Does MYSQL support transactions?
  52. What is the best field type in mysql to record currency?
  53. When are MYSQL tables vulnerable to corruption?
  54. Mysql > select * from ‘mysql’ where ‘privileges’ are stored.
  55. What types of locks are available in Mysql?



If you want to quickly learn and master the use of MySQL, and want to be familiar with or proficient in your resume, you need to pay attention to learn. The above MySQL related learning documents can be shared with you for free, you just need to give me support!

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