Based on the light characteristics of wechat mini program, it aims to establish a friendly, efficient and consistent user experience within the wechat ecosystem, and at the same time adapt to and support different needs of alumni to the maximum extent, so as to achieve a win-win situation between alumni and mini program service providers.

In order to avoid the attention of downstream users to be distracted by the surrounding complex environment when using the small program service in wechat, the small program should be designed to reduce the interference of irrelevant design elements to the user’s goal, politely show the service provided by the program to alumni, and guide them to operate in a friendly way.

Each page should have a clear focus so that alumni can quickly understand the content of each new page. Once the focus is established, other distractions unrelated to alumni decisions and operations should be avoided.


Component design

Form design

The modal window


The homepage design

Personal Homepage Design

Registered design

Search design

List class design

Group assistant design

Prompt Box Design

The background design