“Write to design, meet dreams, love life”

It’s a lonely planet

I’m glad I met you.

— To design

February 12, 2019 The mood is fine

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Some people say that doing design is like giving birth to a child, pregnant with a baby, once the birth, but also have to endure ten levels of labor pain to produce the work. It’s not easy.

However, the customer does not feel ah, the pain is not in their body.

“Colorful black”, “Small while big”, “Give me before you leave work”


It’s already a lame joke. This is just talk, heart complain complain, can really beat up? Have what bitterness bitterness also can only grumble, swallow to the heart.

Today, let’s talk about the bitterness of designers, what we feel the bitterness of the list? (There is a full video at the end of the article, more exciting!)

TOP 10

Do you have any idea what it’s like to have a bunch of people standing behind you telling you what to do?

The perfect plan clearly conceived by oneself was changed and changed by a group of people, and finally became four different.

“Wai, who is in charge of you? Will you stop quacking like a duck?” Of course, monologue!

 TOP 9 

Every time is to fast off work point just say have XXX to do, the ya how not early say??

“I believe you!” every time.

Every designer has cried out many times, “I’m not an artist, I’m a designer! I’m not an artist, I’m a designer! I’m not an artist, I’m a designer!”

 TOP 8 

The painstakingly designed drawing was taken by the client.

For a long time a long time call to ask about it: “please tell me the picture I designed…”

“Oh, we didn’t use your drawing!”

“Well, pay…”

“We didn’t even use your map and asked for money… We came to you to give you a chance…” Knock, knock, knock, hang up…

There is a saying, in the treaty of party A, no money will be given without adoption, even if the idea may have been plagiarized. Are you angry? !

 TOP 7 


“Swish and skip.” “Swish and swish.”

“And then the back of that what thing, and then is the kind of…… Do you understand?”

“Well, that’s over to you, OK?”

You know what a hammer! A face meng force, but also pretend to understand the appearance: “OK, thank you ~”

You never know what the customer needs, in fact, even customers do not know what they want! Anyhow do what wrong what, ceaselessly change change change change……

TOP 6 

It’s a pain to discuss a proposal with a client. One minute you’re saying one thing, and the next minute you’re insisting you’re saying another.

If you’re a designer, who do you talk to? Woo woo woo woo

TOP 5 

“I want this blockbuster feeling, rest assured that money is no object.”

Then, big square cast out a hundred dollars!


Clients are not stupid. They don’t even want $50 special effects, but they want $5,000 special effects for $50.

TOP 4 

It’s often changed east and west

“Make the logo bigger”, “Can you make it bigger while shrinking”.

Every time is changed to change to death, do not know how many versions have been changed, the customer still used the original one.

“I also learned to design for two years oh ~~” the customer’s confidence may come from these two years!

TOP 3 

It’s two hours before the end of work. New demands come in.

“Give it to me by the end of the day, trust you!”

In the client’s mind, there is no concept of time, only the concept of unpaid overtime. I don’t care if you’re off duty as long as you’re busy.

 TOP 2 

Friends ask for free

There is no free lunch. Friends or interests?

TOP 1 

Say what you will and do what you will

“You just play it by ear.”

The result of every random play is all kinds of dislike.

“What you give is too casual.”

“Because you’re in a hurry to….”

Do you know what happens when you piss off a designer?

It’s: Great!

“A Letter for You”

Introduction to PS a full set of notes barrels | | Adobe CC2018 family CC2018 latest | UI terms | in both Chinese and English basic knowledge of mobile terminal size | | | VI design map template font to Dribbble declaration | | senior player guide the designer’s revolution Migrating to party a to come to you | why other people’s LOGO is worth 8 million? | how much money do you value of one hour? Never in love with person for design | | if I can I want to in love with design

“If you like it, share it with the first person you think of

If you like it, pay attention to it silently

Reply “good morning/good afternoon/good night” to design to say hello to you every day ~”