Why is an apartment in the same area more than half cheaper than a house? Is it really developers conscience found? Or is there more to it?”

There are a lot of articles on the Internet to say this, but none of them is complete and clear. Today, I will explain it to you once and for all. If I speak well, I hope to pay attention to it, and there will be many dry goods to share.

1. Low threshold of apartment

The slogan of the apartment is “unlimited purchase unlimited loan, cheap unit price, cost-effective.

It can not be denied that apartments do occupy the advantages of convenient transportation and developed business, and the price and housing are cheaper, even more than half of the price in some cities, with low threshold and low conditions.

But is the apartment really that good? Today I’m going to tell you what’s going on inside. Makes you more aware of the nature of things.

Many people don’t have a long-term view, but find that buying an apartment is cheap and can solve the housing problem.

I have a friend in Beijing who bought an apartment near the subway in 2016 at a price of more than 1.2 million yuan. Last year, he sold the house for less than 1 million yuan. That’s $200,000 for four years, taxes on other transactions.

But maybe you think it’s okay, he put $600,000 down, $600,000 on the loan, and he paid over $100,000 in interest over four years. Does that still suit you?

May you have not recognized more serious problems, most of the city is to recognize housing and recognize loans, as long as you have loan records (national network), then you use is two sets, two sets of means better down payment ratio, higher loan interest rate.

Be sure to remind everyone here, cherish their first set of purchase qualification, cherish their first set of purchase qualification, cherish their first set of purchase qualification, life is once.

The first set of rods to buy qualifications is the lowest, but also the lowest cost for ordinary people to use, can quickly achieve in the big city.

Do you still think apartments are cheap? Let’s not say how much more a house would go up over 16 years, because we certainly can’t be satisfied with that.

Is the apartment still available? Only share the purchase of dry goods, take you to buy real.

We will tell from the following aspects, the apartment and housing issues clearly, say thoroughly.

2. The cost of living in an apartment is different from a house

2.1. Utilities:

Residential belongs to civil housing, water and electricity charges according to the standard of civil water and electricity;

Commercial apartment belongs to commercial, water and electricity are charged according to the standard of commercial water and electricity.

In the long run, a house can save half as much on utilities as a commercial apartment.

2.2, gas

Houses will be connected to gas, most apartments are not connected to gas, can only use electricity to live.

2.3 property fees

The property cost of an apartment is much higher than that of a house.

To put it simply, the cost of living in an apartment will be much higher than that of living in a house, which may cost less than an iPhone a year.

3. The comfort of apartments and houses is different

General residential ladder for two or two ladder four households, less personnel, will not cause trouble to travel, privacy is also better;

Commercial apartments usually have two floors and ten households, or even more. There are too many people and they are messy. Security and privacy cannot be well guaranteed.

3.1 House Type:

Residential types are various, many north and south transparent, lighting is stronger, the area is large and small.

The apartment type is single, and most of them are oriented in the same direction. The area is generally small, so living in the apartment feels like a school dormitory.

3.2 Density:

The spacing between residential building and building is bigger, need accords with the country “residential building designs norm” regulation, right to privacy, ventilated, daylighting is pretty good.

Most of the apartments have very little space between them, and in short, the houses are very dense. Direct privacy, ventilation, lighting will be poor.

3.3 Purpose:

Residence: very onefold, be to live. The residents are relatively fixed, the community also has security guards, not the community owners can not casually in and out. The community environment is better, the family life is more comfortable.

Apartment: residential, office, commercial. The people coming and going are very complicated and the doors are open. There is no concept of community, naturally there is no community environment, go out is the road, walk to the park.

4. Additional attributes of residence and apartment are different

Located in 4.1,

Residence: Can settle.

Apartment: most are not allowed to settle down.

4.2 School District:

Residential: there is a corresponding school, and is recently enrolled.

Apartments: Most apartments don’t have a school,

Xiao Zhang thinks maybe some people will argue, THE apartment I see can settle down and go to school, yes. Which is only a few, can not be generalized, speaking from the whole country is also very few.

Why some apartments can, some places zF attract development preferential treatment.

5. The purchase cost of a house is different from that of an apartment

PS: The following is greatly affected by the policy, so do not hesitate.

residential apartment
The first set of For most homes, the down payment is 30%. For example, in some cities, 20% down payment has been introduced Most apartments have a 50 percent down payment or more.
Two sets of 40% ~ 70% down payment Same as above
The interest rate The first set of LPR plus 30 basis points or so, the interest rate is lower LPR plus 60 basis points or so
Loan fixed number of year Up to 30 years The ten years
Accumulation fund You can use a provident fund with a lower interest rate of 3.25% You can’t use
policy The limit for purchasing credits Unlimited purchase and unlimited loan (Beijing needs to purchase in the name of the company)
Taxes and fees Deed tax: 1%~2% individual tax: 1%, full five years do not charge value-added tax: 5.6%, full two years do not charge tax is lower Deed tax: 2% individual income tax: 20% difference VALUE added tax: 5.6%, full two years difference charge, less than two years full charge.

Whether you buy or cash out later, you will find that the cost of an apartment is much higher than that of a house.

6. Are apartments really profitable?

Zhang answers this question, you go to the door of the second-hand intermediary to see, how many houses are displayed at the gate or posted in the propaganda column, and how many apartments are the ratio of apartments to houses?

You may be disappointed. You may not be able to find an apartment. Why? Spring river warm duck prophet, intermediary will certainly be good to sell, will attract customers to consult in the most conspicuous position.

Whether you buy a house or an apartment, there will inevitably be a time when you need to sell, and a house is a better way to sell than an apartment.

The apartment’s own appreciation is insufficient, which I do not sell the line? In any case, the apartment is not a little cheaper than the price of the house. Okay, let’s talk about rent returns.

If you rent, would you rent without an apartment in a neighborhood? Would you rent a house with too many people?

Yes, unless it rents much less than a house.

We take a look at the price-to-rent ratio, price-to-rent ratio and rental returns of large and medium-sized cities in the first half of 2021.

You may not understand, for example, Beijing’s rent to sell ratio is 643, what does that mean? The price of an apartment in Beijing is 643 times the monthly rent, or 643 months of rent, or 53 years and six months, if you cover the cost of buying a house with rent. How long do you own it? The apartment is only 50 years old.

7, the most essential difference between residential and apartment: different attributes

Residence and apartment are the biggest distinction still attribute is different, say frankly some of it is land property is different.

Nowadays, cities are planned first and developed later. Before developers take the land, the property of the land has been defined.

I’m sure you’ve seen a picture like this, a land use plan, where you can see a detailed plan for an area.

Each color represents a different meaning, yellow is the first class and second class residential land, red is commercial and financial land.

In each area, how many apartments to build, how many people to live in, the corresponding supporting facilities have already been planned.

Apartment land is commercial land, residential land is residential land.

Commercial land for 40 years, comprehensive land for 50 years, residential land for 70 years, industrial land for 50 years, while apartment use is commercial land.

8, summary

After comparing the apartment with the residence, it is found that the apartment has neither hukou nor degree, nor living quality, and its later income is much lower than that of the residence.

For ordinary users, it is important to remember to stay away from apartments and shops (shop pit is bigger, it used to be three generations of one shop, now it is three generations of one shop, I have the opportunity to tell you about shops).

Buy a house only buy ordinary house, ordinary house, ordinary house. I hope I can make you understand, pay attention to Xiao Zhang, only share the purchase of dry goods, to avoid the pit.

Life is not easy, buy a house can not be careless. I will continue to share, we have more than ten years of real estate research, committed to sharing dry goods, focusing on actual combat, in-depth explanation of how to buy a house, buy a good house.