Server Push is an umbrella term for a particular kind of technology. Generally, the client and server interact in the following ways: The client initiates a request, the server returns the response result after receiving the request, and the client receives the response result for processing. It can be seen from the above interaction process that the client needs to independently initiate a request to the server to obtain relevant data.
In most scenarios, the “active” behavior of the client will suffice. However, in some scenarios, the server is required to “actively” push data to the client. Such as:
- Chat room or conversation application
- Real-time data monitoring and statistics
- Stock finance kind of board and so on
This type of application has several important characteristics: it requires high real-time performance, and the client cannot expect the data update cycle. When the server obtains the latest data, the information needs to be synchronized to the client. This scenario is known as “Server Push.”
“Server push” technology has a long history, from the initial simple polling, to the COMET based on long polling, TO THE HTML5 standard SSE, as well as the implementation of full-duplex WebSocket protocol, “server push” technology continues to develop. This article will introduce the basic principles and implementation of these technologies to help you quickly understand and master the basic principles of various technologies “server push”. The full demo address will be attached at the end of the article.
1. Simple polling
Simple polling is the humblest technical way to “solve” this problem.
Simple polling is essentially creating a timer in the front end and querying the back-end service at regular intervals and processing the data if available.
function polling() {
fetch(url).then(data= > {
}).catch(err= > {
}).then((a)= > {
setTimeout(polling, 5000);
Copy the code
At the beginning of polling, the back end sends a request, waits for the response to end, and then requests data at a certain interval, and so on. The effect is as follows:
The advantage of this approach is that it is very simple and requires little additional configuration or development.
At the same time, the disadvantages are also obvious. First of all, there is an obvious delay in data acquisition in this polling method. To reduce the delay, the polling interval can only be shortened. On the other hand, a full HTTP request is made for each poll, and if there is no data update, it is a “wasted” request and a waste of server resources.
Therefore, the polling interval needs to be carefully considered. If the polling interval is too long, users cannot receive updated data in a timely manner. If the polling interval is too short, too many query requests will be made, which will increase the burden on the server.
With the development of Web applications, especially the development of Web application requirements and technologies in the Era of Web 2.0 based on Ajax, the “server push” technology based on pure browser begins to receive more attention. Alex Russell (Lead project for the Dojo Toolkit) calls this “server push” technique of HTTP long connections without the need to install plug-ins on the browser side “Comet.”
COMET is commonly used in two different ways: http-based long-polling techniques and iframe-based stream patterns.
2.1 Long Polling Based on HTTP (long-polling)
In simple polling, we make requests to the back end at regular intervals. One of the biggest problems of this approach is that the data acquisition delay is limited by the polling interval, so the service cannot get the data it wants to push in the first time.
Long polling is an improvement on this basis. After the client initiates a request, the server holds the connection until the data is updated on the back-end and then returns the data to the client. The client sends the request again after receiving the response, and the cycle repeats. On the difference between simple polling and long polling, a picture is worth a thousand words:
In this way, the server can send data to the client in time once it wants to push it.
function query() {
.then(function(data) {
// The request ends, triggering an event to notify EventBus
eventbus.trigger('fetch-end', {data, status: 0});
eventbus.on('fetch-end'.function (result) {
// Process the data returned by the server
// Initiate the request again
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This is an abbreviated version of the front end code that uses EventBus to notify that the request is over. Upon receipt of the end message, Process (Result) processes the required data and calls Query () again to initiate the request.
On the server side, take Node as an example, the server only needs to listen for a message/data update and then return it.
const app = http.createServer((req, res) = > {
// A method to return data
const longPollingSend = data= > {
// When data is updated, the server "pushes" data to the client
EVENT.addListener(MSG_POST, longPollingSend);
req.socket.on('close', () = > {console.log('long polling socket close');
// Remove the listener when the connection is closed to avoid memory leaks
EVENT.removeListener(MSG_POST, longPollingSend);
Copy the code
The effect is as follows:
2.2 Stream mode based on IFrame
When we embed an iframe in the page and set its SRC, the server can “stream” content to the client over a long connection.
For example, we can return javascript code wrapped in a Script tag to the client, and that code will be executed in the iframe. So if we define a handler function process() in the parent page of the iframe up front and write in the connection response every time there is new data to push. The code in the iframe then calls the process() function defined in the parent page. (Isn’t it a bit like the way JSONP transfers data?)
// Data processing methods defined in the parent page
function process(data) {
// do something
// Create an invisible iframe
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'display: none';
// SRC points to the back-end interface
iframe.src = '/long_iframe';
Copy the code
Node is used as an example for the back-end
const app = http.createServer((req, res) = > {
// A method to return data, which is assembled into a script and returned to iframe
const iframeSend = data= > {
let script = `<script type="text/javascript">
parent.process(The ${JSON.stringify(data)})
// Note that the content-type of the corresponding header is set
res.setHeader('content-type'.'text/html; charset=utf-8');
// When data is updated, the server "pushes" data to the client
EVENT.addListener(MSG_POST, iframeSend);
req.socket.on('close', () = > {console.log('iframe socket close');
// Remove the listener when the connection is closed to avoid memory leaks
EVENT.removeListener(MSG_POST, iframeSend);
Copy the code
The effect is as follows:
However, there is a slight flaw in using iframe, so the iframe is never loaded, so the browser will always have a loading flag.
In general, two COMET technologies, long polling and iframe streaming, are useful because they are highly compatible and do not require new features to be supported by the client or server. However, it is recommended that you consider some mature third-party libraries in your production environment in order to handle the problems associated with COMET usage. It is worth noting that socket. IO also falls back to long polling mode in browsers that are not WebSocket-compatible (which we’ll cover later).
However, COMET technology is not part of the HTML5 standard and is not recommended for compliance purposes. (especially since we have other technologies)
3. SSE (Server-Sent Events)
SSE (Server-sent Events) is a part of the HTML5 standard. This implementation is similar to the iframe-based long connection pattern we mentioned in the previous section.
HTTP responses have a special content-type — text/event-stream. This header identifies the response as an event stream. The client does not close the connection, but waits for the server to continuously send the response.
The SSE specification is relatively simple, mainly divided into two parts: the EventSource object in the browser, and the communication protocol between the server and the browser.
The object can be created in the browser using the EventSource constructor
var source = new EventSource('/sse');
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The response content of SSE can be regarded as an event flow, which is composed of different events. These events trigger methods on the front-end EventSource object.
// The default event
source.addEventListener('message'.function (e) {
}, false);
// User-defined event name
source.addEventListener('my_msg'.function (e) {
}, false);
// The listener connection is open
source.addEventListener('open'.function (e) {
console.log('open sse');
}, false);
// Listening error
source.addEventListener('error'.function (e) {
Copy the code
EventSource works by listening for events. Note that the above code listens for the my_MSG event, SSE supports custom events, and the default event listens for message to get data.
In SSE, each event consists of two parts: type and data, and each event can have an optional identifier. The contents of different events are separated by empty lines (“\r\n”) containing only carriage returns and newlines. The data for each event may consist of multiple lines.
- A blank type indicates that the line is an comment and will be ignored during processing.
- The type is data, which indicates that the row contains data. Lines starting with data can appear more than once. All of these rows are data for that event.
- The type event indicates the type of event that this line is used to declare. When the browser receives data, an event of the corresponding type is generated. For example, I made a custom one up here
Events. - The type id represents the identifier used to declare the event in this line.
- Type Retry, which is used to state how long the browser waits before reconnecting after a connection has been disconnected.
As you can see, SSE is indeed a relatively simple protocol specification, and the server implementation is also relatively simple:
const app = http.createServer((req, res) = > {
const sseSend = data= > {
// Pay attention to text data transfer
res.write(`data:The ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n\n`);
// Note that the content-type of the response header is set
// GENERALLY SSE data is not cached
res.statusCode = 200;
EVENT.addListener(MSG_POST, sseSend);
req.socket.on('close', () = > {console.log('sse socket close');
EVENT.removeListener(MSG_POST, sseSend);
Copy the code
The effect is as follows:
In addition, we can consider using SSE with the benefits of HTTP/2. However, the potentially less good news is that IE/Edge is not compatible.
Of course, there are ways to write an IE compatible Polyfill. However, since the XMLHttpRequest object on IE does not support retrieving part of the response content, XDomainRequest is used instead, which, of course, causes some minor problems. If you’re interested in the implementation details, take a look at the Polyfill library Yaffle/EventSource.
4. WebSocket
WebSocket, like HTTP, is based on TCP. In fact, WebSocket is not only limited to “server push”, it is a full-duplex protocol, suitable for complex two-way data communication scenarios. So there are more complex specifications.
When the client wants to establish a WebSocket connection with the server, during the handshake between the client and the server, the client will first send an HTTP request to the server, including an Upgrade request header to inform the server that the client wants to establish a WebSocket connection.
Setting up a WebSocket connection on the client side is very simple:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws: / /');
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Of course, like HTTP and HTTPS, WS has its counterpart, WSS, for establishing secure connections.
The request header looks like this :(note the Upgrade field)
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh; Q = 0.9, en. Q = 0.8 cache-control: no - Cache Connection: Upgrade cookies: Hm_lvt_4e63388c959125038aabaceb227cea91 = 1527001174 Host: Origin: Pragma: no-cache sec-websocket-extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits Sec-WebSocket-Key: 0lUPSzKT2YoUlxtmXvdp+w== Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Upgrade: websocketCopy the code
The server processes the request after it receives it, with the following response header
Connection: Upgrade Origin: Sec - WebSocket - Accept: 3 noojezyscvfef0q14gkmrpv20q = Upgrade: WebSocketCopy the code
Indicates that the WebSocket protocol is upgraded.
Note that there is an sec-websocket-key in the request header. This has little to do with encryption or security, but is mainly used to verify that the server “understands” WebSocket correctly and that the WebSocket connection is valid. The server uses sec-websocket-key and follows a fixed algorithm
mask = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // A specified string
accept = base64(sha1(key + mask));
Copy the code
Generate sec-websocket-Accept response header field for browser validation.
Next, the browser and server can happily communicate in both directions.
I won’t go into the specifics and details of the WebSocket protocol (data frame format, heartbeat checking, etc.) for space, but there are plenty of good articles on the web and resources at the end of this article for those interested.
Here is a brief introduction to the use of WebSocket.
On the browser side, after a WebSocket connection is established, onMessage can be used to listen for data messages.
var ws = new WebSocket('ws: / /');
ws.onopen = function () {
console.log('open websocket');
ws.onmessage = function (e) {
var data = JSON.parse(;
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On the server side, WebSocket protocol has many specifications and details to deal with, so it is recommended to use some third-party libraries with complete packaging. Examples include websocket-node in Node and the famous Of course, there are many open source implementations in other languages. The node code is as follows:
const http = require('http');
const WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
const app = http.createServer((req, res) = > {
// ...
app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080);
const ws = new WebSocketServer({
httpServer: app
ws.on('request', req => {
let connection = req.accept(null, req.origin);
let wsSend = data= > {
// Receive the data sent by the client
connection.on('message', msg => {
connection.on('close', con => {
console.log('websocket close');
EVENT.removeListener(MSG_POST, wsSend);
// When there is data update, use WebSocket connection to send data to the client
EVENT.addListener(MSG_POST, wsSend);
Copy the code
The effect is as follows:
Write in the last
As a special technology, Server Push plays an important role in some business scenarios. To understand the implementation principles and characteristics of various technologies is helpful for us to make certain choices and judgments in actual business scenarios.
In order to understand the content of the article, I organized all the code in a demo, interested friends can download here, and run the view locally.
The resources
- w3c: Server-Sent Events
- w3c: The WebSocket API
- Comet: “server push” technology based on HTTP long connections
- HTML5 Server sent Events (SERVER-sent Events
- What is Sec-WebSocket-Key for?
- Deep dive into WebSockets and HTTP/2 with SSE + how to pick the right path
- MDN: Server Sent Event
- The WebSocket Protocol