
I haven’t updated it for a long time. I have been busy with interview, graduation project and thesis recently.

But I didn’t want to stop the habit of taking notes, so I secretly made a scene and surprised them.

School recruit face classics, interview difficulty medium, see official old man see a lively line.

After a month of battle, invested in Ali and Tencent, the specific departments are not launched here, are the core departments, provide a large stage, as for the final choice of which company to go to, you can pay attention to the end of the article.

Let’s review the interview experience of this month.

This article will not leak the questions, just based on my resume, to expand on the topics that may be asked.

Last but not least, the following are my personal opinions. My personal ability is limited. I hope you can correct me if there is any mistake.

A simple introduction

Class of 2021 graduates, TianTianUp, double non-undergraduate university (Jiangxi Normal University), no mistake, that province “sky-high” bride price.

In 21, it should be considered a relatively late start. In July of 2020 summer vacation, I started to seriously “review” the front end. At that time, EVEN JS scope, closures and browser cache were not clear. Because start late, so subsequent missed autumn recruit.

Now I realize the importance of vision.

At that time, I learned a little VUE in my junior year and did something that looked awesome. I felt it was awesome, so I joined Ali in spring recruitment, and the results were terrible.

The point was not at ease, or continue to play, continue to play the game.

Fortunately, after awakening, just have the story of netease behind.

Well, it also led to a lot of follow-up links behind other peers.

In autumn recruitment, jack, Sanyuan, Lin Budu, Dan Ge, Chenghe and other big names were all offer harvesters, Tencent, Kuaishou and BYTE SSP, all of which impacted me as a cute new student.

I made up my mind: I also want to go to the core department of big factory, to do interesting things.

With a plan, the next step is to read technical blogs, practice, summarize and write blogs.

Stay up countless nights, countless weekends wandering in the community, do not understand this knowledge point, look up the document, do not understand another article, try to do it again.

So insist on half a year, 2021 spring recruit, the result let me satisfied, but the result is still some regret.

Satisfied place: borrowed the interview opportunity, followed the big man exchange to learn a wave.

Regret: Other big factories did not try, did not take the opportunity to interview with other fields of bigwigs. I think the reason can be attributed to:

  • Unable to find the inner promotion of the core department of the big factory, I hope to go to the core department.
  • Need written test, feel the process is slow, no one follow up.

So the interview opportunity is mentioned later.

In the whole process of spring recruitment, let’s talk about the change of mentality, confusion — tension — calm — confidence, finally to the letter of intent, to get the offer.

Small tips ⬇ ️

If you are in school, I recommend you to read sanyuan students blog, full of dry goods.

The interview chance

Basically I rely on internal promotion, Tencent documents, is a school recruitment big man to help push, think resume is ok, gave an interview opportunity, just reluctantly give me through. It is really a reluctant opportunity, because the school is really compared with 985, there is a big gap, but fortunately I have a netease internship experience buff, plus some blog notes and other notes output, so I have this opportunity to interview.

Push in, push in, push in. This is the fastest and most effective way to get the results, reviews, and follow-up interview process in the first place.

As for the others, Meituan, Baidu, Shopee go through the official website process, the written test is required. Tencent side to all four director of the time, I basically gave up.

The best way is to find reliable push it, such as the autumn wind big guy, byte to find SSH (Hao God), very reliable.

A good resume is also important:

  • School 985,211.
  • Large factory internship experience, many offers.
  • Solid foundation, read the source code, understand the framework design ideas.
  • The community has a certain influence and insists on doing blog output.
  • Open source contribution, open source project maintainer, love front end.

Basically, I will grasp one or two of them, strive to do well, there will be subsequent interview opportunities.

Once you have an interview, all that remains is how to prepare for the interview.

How to prepare

This link summarizes particularly well, I basically read it review.

Bitable. Feishu. Cn/app8Ok6k9qa…

However, after the meeting, I feel that the accumulation of the usual, basically around the project, before the project should be well prepared, such as project difficulties, how to optimize the project, project highlights.

Here’s a recommended link:

Don’t panic when you’re asked about your project experience. Follow this step and your answer will be amazing

Juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

As for the rest, it’s more about showing your strengths and shining points to the interviewer.

Surface result

Basically are all around my resume, if you are interested, you can contact me to get a PDF, you can give your reference.

I don’t have a lot of skills on my resume, but I’m pretty sure everything I write will be worth a few words.

From my resume, IT mainly involves the following points:

  • React section, there’s a lot you can ask.
  • Browser-specific.
  • Computer networking section.
  • Algorithms and data structures, basically this is my killer card.
  • Webpack related, and also involving Babel.

As I look back at my interview, it was all open around these points. May I be the reason for this year’s school recruitment, a lot of times, the inspection is my learning ability, understanding ability, the degree of love for the front end of these aspects.

Based on these points, let’s talk about what I will pay attention to during the interview process and what topics will be discussed around my professional skills.

To introduce myself

An important part of the interview process may set the pace for the interview. It will ask you questions based on what you have to say, and it will give the interviewer time to reacquaint himself with your resume.

Introduce yourself to the interview.

Follow the principle of minimalism, focus on the important points and ignore the details.

A small reference:

  1. Who I am.
  2. My highlight, can describe a few points, recent experience.
  3. Why DO I need this job (which I’ve neglected to introduce myself)?

Focusing on the above points, I will highlight my experience in university, mainly related to algorithm, and then what I gained during my internship at netease. In the meantime, I will continue to update my blog and write a summary.

Basically, the interviewer would be interested in my gold-digging blog and my algorithms experience in college, and it would be a lot easier if I got into my area of expertise.

Keep in mind that interview is dealing with people, it is important to learn how to present yourself and communicate properly with the interviewer in a timely manner.

The above are some points I will pay attention to, I also do so, try to focus on their own highlights to expand, of course, some interviewers have their own style, may be the first to ask you about the project, so how should we grasp it.

Project related

I think the project-related topic is a very difficult topic, which can be extended to many topics. I have listed some interesting ones:

  • Project difficulties. (How to find the problem, solve the idea, the final result)
  • Did you consider optimizing the project? How did you optimize it? What was your thinking?
  • The organizational structure of the project, your understanding of its existing structure, what are its strengths and weaknesses that need to be improved.
  • If you were to build a project from zero to one, what points would you consider and what processes would you need to pay attention to?
  • The code specification in the project, do you have a plan for the project, what is the plan for the code specification that you know.
  • Talk about how you tested on the project, what are the unit test scenarios, can you talk about them?
  • Why TS was introduced into the project and why it was done.

But for this year’s students, ask the project is around your resume to ask, such as my project at that time, I think there is no good difficulty, I will focus on the next, I am how to optimize the project, optimize what points.

After the whole interview, they will ask if you can talk about the optimized areas in your project in detail.

At this time, really want to grasp the opportunity, when asked what you know, you have to have a clear idea, can refer to the STAR rule.

Review the four elements of the STAR Rule:

  • 3. What Situation do things take place in, and in what context;
  • Task: How do you define your tasks;
  • Action: To analyze the situation, what kind of Action you adopted and what specific work content you did;
  • What are the results? What value did you bring? What did you learn and learn in the process?

Here’s a quote that I think is pretty good:

Often most students at the beginning of the direct introduction of what to do and the realization of the process, is relatively clear, the content is quite technical content. But a lot of students tend to miss the Situation and the Result part which is the background and the Result. Or panic when the interviewer asks for more details. These reasons are often due to their own experience before the interview will not be clear about the context and summary is not comprehensive and in-depth.

Basically, that’s all I can talk about the project so far. By the way, if you are dealing with the core department of a large factory, you might also need to pay attention to the understanding of the organizational structure of the project, so that you can realize a project, what points need to be considered in the whole process.

This piece can really focus on preparation, with my spring recruitment experience to talk about, is the key.

After talking about the project, I would like to review the professional skills listed in my resume.

JS based

These are some basic questions, so it’s best to go over them and not lose a lot of points.

For example, I have an understanding of asynchronous programming, so I have to take a look at asynchronous programming solutions, how they evolve, the pros and cons of each solution, and finally, I will expand on the shortcomings of async solutions, error catching, and talk about Babel, Does the existing Babel community implement error catching for async syntax, and discusses the shortcomings of the plugin in the community?

In conclusion, I will focus on the basic points of the interviewer’s questions, and describe the relevant parts. If the interviewer is interested, he will follow your thinking to ask.

As for the interview process asked JS basic related questions, here will not list.

The React related

In the second part of my resume, React is related, so I summarize some questions that can be asked:

  • How the React framework works and how it is implemented.
  • React Updates the process.
  • React setState.
  • The difference between VUE and React? How to distinguish them from project selection?

React framework understanding, vDOM, patch, batch update, rendering process, what went through.

React source code you are interested in, you can pay attention to casson, his top-down learning React source code is recommended to learn.

React, of course. There are so many things you can ask about React:

  • For example, let you write a Hoc component, to achieve similar functions, what is the idea.
  • For example, what is your understanding of Hook? I was asked about the implementation principle of Hook in the interview, and I also looked at the general process because I like to toss about.
  • The react-Fiber mechanism was introduced. What problems were solved, how was the specific process, and what changes were made to the data structure?
  • React time slicing

This time I asked several React related questions. I paid more attention to the process of reacting. Did you pay attention to the process and what you learned from it? Write on resume read React principle related, must be careful!!

Fast forward to the browser section.

Browser dependent

This is also one of my expertise points on my resume, and there are several points here.

  • Enter the URL to the page render.
  • What is the port number for DNS resolution? Why is UDP used?
  • You know so much about the rendering process, layering, layering, drawing, rasterizing thread pools, GPU acceleration, can you tell me how it affected your development? (In fact, at this time, I was mercilessly hit in the face, what is the use of knowing this, then asked me)
  • Browser cache. (You can expand it to see how Webpack hits the cache, and then you’ll be in familiar Webpack territory.)
  • Browser process architecture history.
  • Browser kernel. (You can understand that)
  • Browser garbage collection mechanism.

When asked about the browser cache, I will talk about how to hit the cache with Webpack. For example, when talking about the rendering process of the browser, we all know some specific processes, such as layering, drawing, rasterization operations, and then we can actually think about the specific use, here we need to use the performance of the browser to see.

There are a lot of key indicators in it, such as the details of Long Task execution. I communicated with the interviewer about the investigation of Performance problems, and how I grasped the Performance related details. Of course, the memory usage and whether there is a memory leak can all be relied on it.

If I have to sum up, I think even if it is the eight-part essay, we should try our best to show the highlights.

Recently I have been learning about Performance optimization. There are still a lot of things to learn about Performance optimization. Please keep following me

Webpack related

Basically, if you look at the section on my resume that says this, some of the questions are:

  • Webpack packaging principles.
  • Import is ultimately compiled and packaged into webpack.
  • Route lazy loading principle is what, can combine webpack to say.
  • Have you ever written a Webpack Loader or plug-in?
  • How webpack does performance optimization.
  • You know how Babel works? What Babel is for.
  • Tell me about the common Babel libraries and which ones you have used.
  • Have you ever written a Babel plug-in? What is it for? How to write the Babel plugin
  • Do you know how to convert to AST?

Basically, whether you practice, because their resume written in this respect, may ask more.

For example, when asked how Babel works, you can say:

The translation process of Babel is divided into three stages: parsing, transforming, and generating. Taking ES6 code translation into ES5 code as an example, the specific process of Babel translation is as follows:

  1. ES6 code input
  2. Babylon parses to obtain the AST
  3. Plugin uses babel-traverse to traverse the AST tree and get a new AST tree
  4. Generate ES5 code from the AST tree with Babel-Generator

Basically at least know its general principle, usually if there is accumulation, in fact, the problem is not big.

Babel handles async error capture conversion (asynC error capture conversion). Babel handles async error capture conversion (asynC).

When learning, do STH over and over again, it should not be a problem.

Algorithms are related to data structures

In fact, I wish the interviewer would ask me more about this, because during the university, I focused more on algorithms. I was lucky to meet an interviewer who also played ICPC, CCPC and other competitions. I used to be a passionate young man. Finally, I chose to bow to life because of life.

The conversation was very pleasant ~ it was also the first time. I talked with the interviewer about line segment tree, chairman tree, minimum cost flow, binary graph matching (Hungary) algorithm, difference constraint, Graham scanning method, finite state automata, AC automata.

I seem to have found my enthusiasm for algorithms in my sophomore year.

I remember that when I retired, I wrote such a sentence on my QQ signature: I love algorithm forever, no matter how many times it abused me.

May be really stay up countless night, just can have such feeling bar. A little bit off topic, if you are interested, I will update later, how I went to the path of algorithm, and what is the growth and harvest for me finally.

I don’t think there’s a clear scope for this part, because the algorithm is so broad, so let’s go over it.

  • A directed graph determines whether there is a ring.
  • Given an array, how to split it so that the sum of the two arrays is close. (Thinking of greed, the answer would be DP)
  • Json. The parse () implementation.
  • Common data structures.
  • Arrays are different from linked lists.
  • Time complexity and space complexity calculation.
  • Sorting algorithm.
  • What do you think of the algorithm and what does it give you.

Algorithm is very important, for your future development, I think it is necessary to learn. As for how to learn, I am not able to answer this question. If you need my advice, reading books is an option. If you want to deal with the interview temporarily, brushing leetcode will only have short-term effect.

Personal advice:

Project can be combined with the content of the book, points to brush, such as dynamic programming (dp project is difficult, I remember I was watching the book, it’s very clear understanding of it, and, of course, is another matter, to solve the problem of an algorithm through subject continuously consolidate you understanding of knowledge points, I think there is no problem, but as for the complete brush leetcode, cope with the interview, Do not start from the most basic, this way “overtaking”, feel not significant.

Above is my personal understanding, ability is limited, say wrong, you should see a joke.

Personal experience

When asked about this part, you may be asked by the director when you meet, or hr will ask. When it comes to HR, it is almost certain. But also can’t be careless, perhaps a careless, card your education what, a month of interview for nothing, or to be taken seriously, listed a few points:

  • Introduce yourself to the whole experience in as much detail as possible, when to touch the computer, when to touch the front end.
  • What do you think is the most proud thing, the most difficult thing about the whole experience?
  • What makes you proud and what frustrates you?
  • Future development, their own planning.
  • Why only now come autumn recruit, do not choose autumn recruit.

Take me for example, I am not an undergraduate, what I worry most is the card degree. At that time, HR asked me clearly, “Are you satisfied with your current university? How do you choose software engineering in a normal university?” There were many questions, which all bothered me.

But I don’t do it for nothing. Be honest about why you did poorly in high school and why you chose software engineering. Try to be honest and express your honest thoughts.


See here, may be for you, did not specifically say clearly, which knowledge points will be tested, which will not be examined.

When I met Tencent and Ali, I did not see the specific interview questions of my department.

In my opinion, it is more important to grasp the expression of professional skills and project experience, guide the interviewer to communicate with you in the field you know, and finally show your trump card in this field, so that the interviewer will be more favorable, and the subsequent communication will be more pleasant.

If you are interested in your resume, please refer to:

If you need to obtain a template PDF of your resume, email me (contact information at the end of this article) or reply to TianTianUp, resume.

The last

As a graduate, my first job is very important. Faced with a choice, I chose Tencent after careful consideration and communication with my predecessors.

In the final stage of the upcoming graduation, I should calculate handed in a satisfactory answer paper, the future is still a long way, let’s wait and see!

If you have any questions, please contact me at ⬇️

WeChat: DayDay2021

Finally, be a simple, free, loving tech person.