1. Source code analysis topics

Introduce the classical design ideas used in the source code in detail, see how Daniu is to write code, enhance the technical aesthetic, improve the core competitiveness.

To help you find the analysis of source code entry point, in the thought of a huge sublimation. Know what it is and why. Make your knowledge your own

2. Distributed architecture

How does the system architecture meet the challenge of high concurrent traffic in the Internet era? As a technology developer, how to deal with the skill crisis brought by technological change. Based on the evolution of traditional architecture to distributed architecture brought about by the technical changes.

In the depth and breadth of technology has been leaps and bounds. To become the T-type talents needed by the Internet industry

3. Microservices Architecture topics

SOA has become a standard solution for Internet companies to cope with complex business requirements changes and user expansion, and the framework related to microservices was born for this purpose.

4.Java architecture learning exchange platform

Here to provide a learning platform for you, Java architect group: 697579751

Those with 1-5 work experience, who do not know where to start in the face of the current popular technology and need to break the technical bottleneck can add group.

After staying with the company for a long time, I was very comfortable, but I hit a wall in the interview when I changed my job. Need to study in a short period of time, job-hopping can be added to the group.

If there is no work experience, but the foundation is very solid, Java working mechanism, common design ideas, common Java development framework master proficient can add group.

5. Performance optimization

Fully understand the concept of performance optimization, understand the underlying mechanism, help scientific tuning case so that you are no longer just a spectator

6. Engineering projects

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer or architect, you need to start here

1. Master automatic deployment skills;

2, for the small white can quickly improve

3. Bonus points for senior developers

7. Double 11 project architecture practice

Use cloud server to build a real development and deployment environment, students to participate in the development of a thousand people involved in the project. In the actual combat of the project to introduce big data related content, after learning can get started

1. Ability to independently develop and build distributed architecture system

2. At least 2 years of Internet development experience after learning.