This is the first day of my participation in the More text Challenge. For details, see more text Challenge

I believe that in daily development, the deployment environment needs to be operated many times, switching between various software. Each time you do this meaningless repetition, as shown below.To address this pain point, AFTER comparing several IDE plug-ins, I’d like to share with you the one that I think works best, Alibaba Cloud Toolkit.

What is Alibaba Cloud Toolkit

The Alibaba Cloud Toolkit plug-in integrates seamlessly with major ides and other AliYun products, helping you greatly simplify the deployment of your application to servers, especially Aliyun servers. You can also simplify application development, testing, and diagnostics with its built-in Arthas program diagnostics, Terminal Shell terminals, and MySQL Actuators.

1. Deployment mode of Cloud Toolkit

The various operations, switches, and commands are integrated into the plug-in through configuration. Greatly simplifies our normal operation process.

2. Common functions

  • The deployment of application
    • Deploy an application to THE ECS: After coding, use Cloud Toolkit to quickly deploy the application to the specified ECS directory.
    • Deploy to EDAS: By associating native code with cloud applications, you can automate deployment.
    • Deployment to Kubernetes: By associating native code with the cloud container, you can automate image upload and deployment.
    • Deploy applications to remote servers: Support the SSH standard protocol and deploy applications to any machine.
  • Built-in Terminal: Within the local IDE, developers can use the built-in Terminal directly to quickly log in to any machine that supports the standard SSH protocol.
  • File upload: Within the local IDE, developers can upload local files or remote URLS to the specified directory on the server with one click.
  • Built-in DATABASE SQL Console: Within the local IDE, developers can browse the RDS resources of Aliyun. If the user name and password have been configured, you can use the built-in SQL Console to connect to the RDS instance and quickly execute SQL statements.
  • Arthas diagnostics: Arthas is available in the local IDE for remote diagnostics.
  • Create a Dubbo application: Quickly create a Dubbo application in your local IDE.
  • SSH agent function: You can use Cloud Toolkit to support SSH agent function. You can add agent machines, add deployment machines, and set agents to quickly get through the network environment.

The ones I use most often are deploying applications to remote servers and using built-in terminals instead of XShell. Here are some examples from these two aspects.

Ii. Installation and Deployment (based on IntelliJ IDEA)

1. Install

Search for Alibaba Cloud Toolkit installation in IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

2. The configuration

This item is required if services need to be deployed on aliyun servers. This parameter is not required if the server is deployed on a common server or Intranet.

  1. To obtain the AccessKey.
  2. In the IntelliJ IDEA menu bar, choose File > Settings. In the left navigation bar of the Settings dialog box, choose Alibaba Cloud Toolkit > Accounts.
  3. In the Accounts interface, enter the AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret, and click OK.

3. Deploy the application to the Linux server

Adding a Server

  1. In the top menu bar of IntelliJ IDEA, choose Tools > Alibaba Cloud > Alibaba Cloud View > Host
  2. In the Host TAB, click Add Host

3. In the Add Host dialog box, set the Host List, Username, Password and Tag parameters, then test the connection, and click Add

The deployment of application

  1. In the IntelliJ IDEA top menu select Alibaba Cloud > Deploy to Host… .
  2. Set the deployment parameters in the Deploy to Host dialog box, and then click Run.

After the operation is complete, a deployment log is displayed in the console area. You can check the deployment result according to the log information.

😂😂😂 The edge crashed just now, I thought the edited ones were gone, but fortunately they were automatically saved in the draft box. Give the Nuggets a thumbs up.