In March 2018, Ali Cloud launched CPFS product for file storage. After nearly a year of public beta, CPFS is ready for commercialization and will provide more customers with high-performance parallel file storage on the cloud.

Rock-solid HIGH-PERFORMANCE computing storage

File storage CPFS target computation-intensive business scenarios such as genetic computing, oil exploration, and meteorological analysis. Machine learning, big data analysis and media file processing, etc., provide Ali Cloud fully hosted high-performance computing storage, perfect to meet users’ demanding requirements for performance and security.

  • Super throughput and IOPS

CPFS evenly distributes data on a storage cluster with strips so that computing nodes can access data in parallel. Therefore, the throughput and IOPS increase linearly with the number of storage nodes. In addition, an Infiniband network with high bandwidth and low latency is used for data interaction. The storage cluster provides high aggregation bandwidth and IOPS.

  • Pangu 2.0

CPFS persistent storage is based on feitian Pangu 2.0 distributed storage system and achieves ultra-high disk read and write performance through extreme performance optimization. Support multiple data copies, can provide 11 9 data reliability, and passed the ali Double eleven super high pressure test perfectly.

  • Deep optimization for high availability

All nodes are highly available. The CPFS cluster scheduler automatically switches services to other nodes and also takes into account load balancing. The whole switching process is not perceived by users, providing high availability far higher than traditional two-node HA.

  • Elastic extensibility

Supports online capacity expansion. All data is stored in striped mode and automatic load balancing is supported after capacity expansion. In this way, linear performance growth can be achieved and the throughput and storage capacity of nodes can be utilized immediately to meet service growth requirements.

  • Low cost

Data is stored persistently in EC mode, which ensures data reliability and maximizes available storage space of the storage cluster to improve storage performance ratio.

Simple application, seamless integration with Ali computing ecology

CPFS supports POSIX/MPI interfaces. Traditional application software can directly switch to CPFS to access data without modification, naturally supporting high-performance computing software in the industry. CPFS can seamlessly connect with Aliyun’s storage and computing services. User data can flow between OSS, NAS and CPFS, and data can be archived to lower-cost storage media. CPFS data can be directly analyzed in Ali Cloud’s container services, batch computing and E-HPC, seamlessly connecting with ali’s entire computing ecosystem.

The formal commercialization of file storage CPFS has further improved Ali cloud storage products and provided customers with more choices for their business.

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