
“One day, quantum databases are one of the key technologies for us to transform other planets.” Wang Yicheng, a senior product expert at Alicloud, speaks at the AliCloud 2018 Cloud Database Intelligent Future Conference in Beijing, Capital of China, Jan 17, 2018. In addition to ali Cloud a new generation of NoSQL to NewSQL fusion, NewSQL product family release, in this conference is more interesting, Ali Cloud database team imagined the next 20 years of data development of the whole trend.

“One day, quantum databases are one of the key technologies for us to transform other planets.” Wang Yicheng, a senior product expert at Alicloud, speaks at the AliCloud 2018 Cloud Database Intelligent Future Conference in Beijing, Capital of China, Jan 17, 2018. In addition to ali Cloud a new generation of NoSQL to NewSQL fusion, NewSQL product family release, in this conference is more interesting, Ali Cloud database team imagined the next 20 years of data development of the whole trend.

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