Hello, friends everybody is good, recently because of the influence of the outbreak, many companies began layoffs or due to funding problems to collapse, leading to part of the job losses, but this is only temporary, after a period of time, after the outbreak was found there must be a new opportunity, exercise together, today to recommend open source projects is a bible of the interview, This open source project includes technical interview questions from Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Meituan, toutiao and so on, as well as the answers, which are analyzed and summarized by experts, and can be used as a reference.

Without further ado, above.

The interview summary









The database

This project contains a lot of interview questions that you can refer to, or you can use it as a dictionary to look through and see if there is anything missing.

Project Address:https://github.com/0voice/interview_internal_reference

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