The introduction

When it comes to Alibaba, the keywords that people outside the industry associate with it are “transaction”, “Taobao” and “Alipay”, but for programmers, it is alibaba’s vast technology system that is most attractive. As a matter of fact, Ali, as the no.1 Internet company in China, has attracted much attention for its internal technical system and development. For programmers, to work in Ali is to improve and learn their own technical level.

In fact, the technical exchange atmosphere inside Ali is extremely strong, and technical personnel often exchange their learning experience and technical summary. What we want to share today is the “Java architecture Training notes” presented by Alibaba developers, which take us deep into the kernel and refuse to be cheated!

Alibaba battles SAIC to lose billions of dollars in market value overnight

The core content of the Java Architecture Growth Note is as follows:

1. Frame construction base:

  • JVM performance tuning (How to understand performance optimization +JVM memory management mechanism +JVM execution subsystem + program compilation and code optimization + practice tuning cases and solutions)
  • Java program performance optimization (elegant object creation + notice object applicable methods + class design pitfalls + generics need to be aware of the issues +Java method pit + programming rules applicable)
  • Tomcat (linear model analysis + production environment configuration + operating mechanism and framework + for concurrent optimization + for memory optimization + handwritten Tomcat combat)
  • Linux Basics and advancements
  • High-performance Netty framework
  • MySQL (Analysis of BTree mechanism + in-depth analysis of execution plan + MySQL index optimization + slow query analysis and SQL optimization)
  • Advanced concurrent programming

2. High-performance Architecture:

  • Redis high performance cache database (Redis foundation + master-slave mode +Redis common commands and application scenarios +Redis client + Persistence + Sentry core mechanism + high availability cluster + atomicity + application scenarios code development and design analysis actual combat)
  • FastDFS Distributed file storage combat (file storage combat + file synchronization combat + file query combat + distributed deployment combat)
  • Distributed solution combat in high concurrency scenario (distributed primary key generation solution +Session cross-domain sharing combat + distributed transaction solution combat + distributed lock solution combat + distributed single sign-on SSO combat + Distributed scheduling task combat + distributed configuration center)

3. Open source framework analysis:

  • Spring5 overview
  • Spring5 Framework system
  • Spring5 environment construction
  • IOC source code parsing (basic container implementation and composition + way to assemble beans +BeanFactory source code analysis +BeanDefinition source code analysis +Bean lifecycle + dependency implementation)
  • AOP source code parsing (Section-oriented basics +AOP source code analysis +Transaction Transaction Analysis +Spring Cache framework source code analysis)
  • Mybatis (Mybatis composition + core source code analysis + handwritten Mybatis framework)
  • Spring MVC (Usage and Process parsing + Composition + Advanced Technology + Handwritten Spring MVC Framework)

4. Microservice Architecture:

  • Past and present lives of service
  • RPC solution based on distributed thought
  • Dubbo application and source interpretation
  • Spring Boot (SpringBoot and micro service difference and connection + rapid construction of SpringBoot engineering + core component analysis + rapid integration of Mybatis combat + rapid integration of Dubbo and case combat + rapid integration of Redis and case combat + build Swagger plug-in API management and interface testing system )
  • Docker virtualization technology (Docker introduction, installation and use +Docker composition + deployment script + service orchestration + distributed cluster deployment + image + running applications + cluster actual combat + dynamic capacity expansion)
  • Spring Cloud application and source code interpretation

5. Team writing development:

  • Git (Basic working principle + Common Operations and problem solving)
  • Maven (Important commands + private server -Nexus+ popular plug-ins + Architect’s special understanding)
  • Sonar
  • Jenkins

6 B2C mall project actual combat

  • System design (architecture design + database design + deployment design + basic development framework)
  • User management subsystem (Permission control + single sign-on)
  • Commodity Management subsystem (Commodity management + classification + release + Top selling commodity ranking)
  • Search subsystem
  • Background system (daily management + online IM system + user behavior analysis + report big data query optimization)
  • Distributed Scheduling system (Data statistics + Data synchronization + Task scheduling configuration)
  • The payment system
  • Order subsystem

01 frame build base: deep into the core, straight clapping, refused to Mongol circle

This is a complete version of Java architecture training notes. Click portal ** after you like this article

1.JVM performance tuning

2.Java program performance optimization


4.Linux Basics and Advancements

5. High-performance Netty framework


7. Advanced concurrent programming

High Performance Architecture: It’s all you need to be an Internet architect

1.Redis high performance cache database

2.FastDFS distributed file storage

3. Practice of distributed solution in high concurrency scenarios

03 Open source framework: Standing on the shoulders of giants, harvest a different vision

1. Spring5 overview

2. Spring5 Framework system

3.Spring5 environment construction

4.IOC source code analysis

AOP source code analysis


7.Spring MVC

Microservices: You don’t know about microservices? Pay raises and promotions are indispensable

1. Past and present lives of service

2. RPC solution based on distributed thought

3.Dubbo application and source code interpretation

4.Spring Boot

Docker virtualization technology

6.Spring Cloud application and source code interpretation

Team development: Make your team development 10 times more efficient

+ + Sonar Maven + Jenkins (Git)

06 B2C project mall combat: roll up your sleeves to do practical work, project experience that thing


If you’re still asking me today, “Why do programmers need deep learning?” “It just means you’re not interested in development, you’re not passionate enough about programming, and you don’t have a clear plan for where you want to go in your career.

As a developer, learning is essential for programmers, not only to be the best in the industry, but also to ensure that they are not obsolete in the market.

For the last time: from now on, go deep into the kernel and refuse to fudge!

This Java architecture notes, click portal ** after you like this article