After two years of working as an Ali interviewer and meeting over 200 people (according to the statistics in the system), I am leaving now. Here are some ali tips for the interview.

1. Education background is not important in Ali. It is basically a bachelor’s degree. A lot of small company background also can enter Ali, because exactly Ali is in the layout of this business. There is no difference between a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. Resume screening is also the first round for the HR outsourcing assistant, the second round for the direct boss, and then the direct boss calls you directly or asks the assistant to make an appointment with you.

2. The first interview is very important. The first interview with Ali is basically your direct leader of the business, that is, the person with the most contacts in the future.

3, the second side is the boss of the boss, he almost pays attention to whether the person has height, ask wider questions, here is also easy to hang. He died because he and the guy he met had different opinions about you

4. All kinds of cross surfaces in the middle are processes. As long as you don’t go too far, almost everything is ok. Finally, THERE is HRG. Ali’s HR is the most powerful of all companies, and it can veto you. In addition to asking technical questions, business questions, he will focus on your character, resilience, character and other so-called “values.”

If you are senior enough, or if your salary is too high, you may have an HRD, or big HR boss, to add to your HRG. Or upgrade. Ali’s interview process is extremely long, usually about two months. I can’t help it. There are so many people, the department is too busy, and the interviewer has limited time.

For a lot of netizens put forward questions, the workplace also answer one by one.

Q: was the cross technology 4 sides to fail, generally what happened?

A: It’s not a cross, but a more suitable person has entered, so you are right in the cross here, and the front is not so good, so directly… You know,

Q: Why does HR like to ask about technology, and ask amateurish questions, and not happy to find out?

A: Some people like to brush their presence and create a “professional HR influence tied to the business,” which is a bit disgusting.

Q: MY resume has not been screened for many times. I heard from my staff that the evaluation is not good. I did not attend the interview, how can there be a bad evaluation?

A: Ali recruitment platform through, that is, every interviewer can see the past evaluation, if someone played bad evaluation, almost will refer to, maybe you are not good, old? Or maybe the old company had a bad reputation.

Q: why do I always die in the end?

A: Not ali enough? Be realistic, introspective, optimistic, and compare those three. Ask what was the most difficult thing for you and how did you solve it. Ask what was your most fulfilling project. You can be realistic, introspective, optimistic.

Q: The interviewer said that I lacked methodology. I was familiar with the project, but the language was poor. How could I make up for the methodology (or what was the formula?)

A: Is technology also about methodology? This is actually simple, watch Ali technology sharing, learn the methodology. This basically means jumping out of the technical details of the work, summarizing the big picture, and then using refined words to take a cool noun group, such as: The goal is to build a new government service system of “three integration, five cross, and full integration”, to realize the undifferentiated fusion acceptance of business integration, technology integration, and data integration, as well as the whole business management across strata, across regions, across systems, across departments, and across industries.

My interview

Focus on computer fundamentals. The skills needed for their post delivery are skilled enough, and the knowledge needed for other posts should also be understood.

Bonus points for algorithms. Many people are not aware of the importance of the algorithm, foreign enterprises are asking the algorithm, the domestic algorithm is also essential now, is the industry tuyere, master the algorithm will get more opportunities.

Focus on technical perspective. Technical vision is a point that we tend to overlook, including depth and breadth, including Ali, many large factory interviews are very important to this. Some people do well in interviews, but give the interviewer the impression that they have a tunnel vision.

Include the things you are most familiar with on your resume. If you just use it and don’t understand its principles, you will be at a disadvantage when interviewing. The same is true for projects. It is best to prepare for questions that may be asked in the project, including the logic of the implementation and what the advantages of this implementation are.

Never fight a battle unprepared! Prepare early, prepare more!

After reading this, believe that two things will also help you in your personal development:

1. Click “like” so that more people can see this article, and your recognition will also encourage me to create more high-quality content.

2, Make yourself stronger: think about it, if you want to continue in the testing industry, your experience and functional testing skills are not enough, you need to move up, you need to keep enriching your technology stack! What are you waiting for?

Finally: [Tutorials that may give you a boost]

These materials should be the most comprehensive and complete preparation warehouse for those who do [software testing]. This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey. I hope it can also help you! Everything should be done as early as possible, especially in the technology industry, we must improve our technical skills.

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