
First, send resume

Two, prepare for the interview

Third, the technical side

Four, the fitness room of the second side of technology

Five, three aspects of the death of product managers

Six, summarized

First, send resume

  1. Looking for a push. Big companies send resumes as far as possible to find internal push, whether school or social recruitment. School recruitment can be found on Niuke.com or Zhihu, and social recruitment can be found on Weibo, Zhihu or headhunters. It’s not a buff to your resume. It’s a progress bar to track your interview progress.
  2. Don’t duplicate your resume. I helped HR research the recruitment system in the company for a period of time, and the recruitment system usually has its own de-weight function. That is, if you find someone to push in, and you vote in the official website again, so that the source of the resume will be converted from the internal promotion channel to the official website delivery, and some companies will give priority to the screening of internal promotion, so it is not necessary to repeat the resume. When people are looking for internal tweets, they will tell you that you should not go to the official website post after internal tweets, the same reason.
  3. Here I add a delivery metaphysics I share on my planet, many students say very good.

Two, prepare for the interview

  1. Ali-promoted resumes do not have to do the interview questions on the website, including skills and qualities, but finishing the interview questions seems to speed up the promotion process. I didn’t do anything for a week, so I went to the official website for an interview, and received the interview notice the next day. I also have a few friends who didn’t do the interview questions and got the interview call a few days after me.
  2. Document the interview. This is a senior brother gave me experience, to record the interview process asked by the interviewer and their own answers, instant noodles after the replay. From introducing yourself to answering questions, see if your speed, expression, logic and so on can be improved. Since the iPhone has no recording function, I bought a recorder.
  3. Warm up. Ali was the first big factory where I had an interview, and it was also the first time I had a remote interview. I wanted to go there very much, so I was very nervous. I only had 5 days to go to the first interview after receiving the interview notice, so I only slept for 10 hours in these 5 days, stayed in the overnight study room every day, took a shower in the dormitory in the morning, and checked the questions every day.

If I in the delivery of Ali before, first cast some of my intention is not so strong, or I prepare ali interview will not be so panic, chaotic hands and feet. That’s why it’s so important to warm up before a formal interview. I was also told in the third interview that my resume is not good, which is also the result of not doing a good warm-up.

  1. Create your own review system by writing a blog or document. If you do not do a good job of sorting and summarizing when you study and prepare for the interview, you will be very painful in the review, like a headless chicken.

Third, the technical side

  1. On the one hand, it is really pure technology, the interviewer is based on his questions, from Java class, collection to JVM, multi-threading, and then to big data framework, all skills required by the job, it can be seen that these questions are prepared by the interviewer in advance, rather than according to my resume to ask.
  2. When answering questions, if it is their more skilled, usually in-depth study, can answer a little more detailed, a little more. After all, the interview time is limited, is an hour, will answer more, will not proportion. Therefore, I answered several questions in detail, and related to my project.

I only failed to answer two questions well, but I was quite satisfied with the rest. Therefore, after the interview, the interviewer asked me to wait for the second interview notice. I immediately saw the changes of the progress bar on the official website, and was excited ~

Four, the fitness room of the second side of technology

  1. After I finished, my cell phone immediately changed the static tone to vibrate + maximum volume, for fear of missing the interview call. Whenever the school recruitment season, there will always be posts like “010 – which big factory is this phone number?”, many school recruitment interviews are coordinated by the interviewers themselves, for example, my two sides are technical interviewers who call me, so sometimes miss really miss.
  2. At three o ‘clock in the afternoon, WHEN I had changed my clothes in the gym and was about to train, a phone call from Hangzhou suddenly appeared on the screen. I was so scared that I hid in the corner of the closet and put on the earphone and started to communicate with the interviewer. The interviewer didn’t even ask me to introduce myself at first, he just told me who he was and we started the interview.

The second interview has several more questions about algorithm and project scenario than the first one. It is ok to talk about algorithm ideas. Some questions about Java and big data do not overlap with the second one, so it can be seen that he also has the interview records of the first one. After 40 minutes of asking for a call, the interviewer hung up without even giving me a chance to ask back.

Because I cherish the opportunity of the interview, I talked directly with the interviewer even when I was in the gym, and didn’t make an appointment with him for another interview. Judging from the interview process, the interviewer was in a hurry and seemed to have arranged every time. In my study group, there are also a lot of people because of this situation missed the big factory interview, some is did not receive a phone call, some is about the time with the interviewer, finally nothing, so we and face and cherish ah, for their own want to go to the factory, or have to pay more attention to it.

Five, three aspects of the death of product managers

After finishing the two sides of the technology, the little sister who helped me to push inside said that I was good in the first two sides and got A. The three sides were really my most “speechless”, the most rewarding and the most meaningful interview. Although I was badly abused, it still helped me A lot.

  1. Project business. The interviewer first asked me to give an introduction to the project, and then kept asking me about the business process, the division of labor, and whether I had any opinions about the project and could I improve it.

To be honest, I was confused by the question. Although I had a reasonable understanding of the technical stack of the project, the business could not be transferred by constantly asking me. So in addition to technology, we should also pay attention to the business of our projects.

  1. Project architecture. The interviewer asked me how much concurrency the project could handle, what the pressure data was, and asked me, “What is the measure of the stability of a system?” .

I was like, “This is for testing, this is for architects, this is for me.” But now that I think about it, a good development engineer should have this knowledge, but also with these questions to develop, whether from a macro perspective or user thinking, for the system and users.

After the interview, I immediately went to the library and borrowed a book called “Technical Architecture of Large Websites: Core Principles and Case Analysis”. It took me one afternoon to read it thoroughly and another week to sort out the contents of the book. After sorting out the contents of QPS, load balancing, second kill architecture and so on, I easily grasped them.

  1. Projects that fit the position. I am a big data development engineer, but there are only two web distributed projects on my resume, so I was trampled by the interviewer, who kept asking me why there is no big data project on my resume, the project can better consolidate the theory, why I do not do related projects because I know so much about theory, etc. Well, it’s a bad question.

I thought to myself: Don’t big factories pay attention to the theoretical basis? What happened to the project not being important? That’s naive. That’s based on a project. Some time ago, there was a little brother in the group who had a good foundation, but also because the project was suspended by the interviewer. After completing the project, he opened it.

After the three interviews, I began to arrange the study of the big data project the next day, and the interview of some big factories went smoothly.

At the end of the interview, the interviewers on three sides asked me if I had any questions I wanted to ask, so I asked them what I had been saving up for a long time:

A. I asked Ali about a custom message queue in maxcompute and how it differs from other message queue components.

The interviewer replied, “I used to be in technology, but I’m now a product manager and I haven’t been in technology for a long time, but other people in my group do, so I don’t know.

B. The Dubbo community has recently become active again. Is there a renewed effort to develop Dubbo?

The interviewer replied, I don’t know.

Six, summarized

  1. Ali’s interviewers are all good, the interview content is the most comprehensive I have interviewed so many companies, and the questions are not particularly difficult, they are more suitable for the work scene.
  2. The project is very important, the project is the stepping-stone is also the big head of the interview, if I do not have two projects on the resume, it is estimated that the resume is difficult to be picked up, and into the three. A lot of interview questions are from the perspective of the project, and you can also answer the project, which is very good.
  3. In addition to the technology used, focus on the business and architecture of the project, preferably all together. I recommend two books: “The Road to Big Data: Alibaba’s Big Data Practice” and “Technical Architecture of Large Websites: Core Principles and Case Studies”. You will gain a lot after reading them.
  4. Only with more interviews can you change your “I thought” thinking into “So.” A lot of things are not what you think, you need someone to hit you in the head to wake up.

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