This article is the transcript of my video recording at station B ~

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Don’t forget to give a thumbs-up after watching the video. There is my collection of “front-end interview guide” in the introduction of the video.

Why is your resume always going nowhere?

Why did the interview pass you by?

Is it the moral decay or the distortion of humanity behind it?

Please pay attention to huan Ming Hui school recruitment series video, take you gallop school recruitment, offer get hand cramps.


To introduce myself

Hello everyone, I’m Huanminghui. Today’s topic is recruiting interns and how to write resumes for junior developers. Before we start, I’d like to introduce my work and internship experience.

I have interned in small companies in second-tier cities, start-up companies in Beijing, giant companies in the industry and leading companies in the industry.

One year after graduation, I moved to Alibaba to continue my front-end work. I am responsible for the campus recruitment of the team every year, and I have internally recommended and guided many students enrolled by the university/social recruitment to join Alibaba.

So, you can always trust BiliBili Up.

Today, no matter your skill level! Have project experience! Have practice experience! As soon as you click in, I’ll find a way to boost your resume acceptance rate.

Content abstract

Resumes are the first hurdle in the job search process, and most of them fall flat on the face of a brick wall, with a few pampered princesses receiving offers from companies in northern Myanmar.

This video is for junior developers and interns on how to write a resume, mainly for front-end development positions, but also for other positions.

I will record it in two parts. In this episode, I will tell you what level your skills should reach as a front-end intern, what is understanding, what is familiar, and what is proficient. And how to make your personal highlights come out of nothing, catch the interviewer’s eye, and get an interview!

In the next video, I’m going to show you how to extract project highlights and turn your most ordinary project into a cape on your body and become a hero who can get an Offer without standing in the wind!

The basic structure of a resume

The internship resume should mainly include the following parts

What should personal information include?

First of all, I’d like to ask you a question. Do you have your height/weight/photo in your resume? Height weight I feel is really unnecessary ah! As for the photos, if you really an, drop-dead gorgeous (like picture), can let the HR and the interviewer (very exaggerated a video) and pleasing to the eye, can really boost your resume well, put it for you, such as the UP the main feminine beauty, the screen returns to the portrait images), don’t put the photos, I’m afraid that was the only chance was gone.

I’ve also seen resumes that include high school/junior high/elementary/kindergarten education, so please promise me you won’t include it.

Personal information only need to write name/email/wechat /QQ/GitHub and other necessary contact information, education information, education/school/major/graduation date clearly write, remember here must write clear graduation date.

Technical stack and personal highlights

Some students took an active part in campus activities and participated in various computer, algorithm and entrepreneurship competitions. Some students even started companies and served as CEO, and received millions of investment (shaking hands with Jack Ma). Some students are in school all the time, playing games all day, bragging, sleeping late, skipping more classes than others, sleeping more time than others are awake.

But!! What’s the most important thing for a tech intern? Is it your people skills? Is it your internship experience? Is it your appearance level? No! All is not!

For the big companies, you are recruited to build up a technical talent pool so that you can become a permanent employee after a year and bring more value to the company. So pay more attention to your learning ability and technical foundation!

Where is the ability to learn? How many technical articles did you write in school? Did anyone give you a thumbs up? How many consecutive days is your GitHub active? Did someone give you a Star? Have you ever won a prize in a computer contest? Is the knowledge learned applied to the project?

Where is the technical basis? Do you have a solid foundation? Can you do all the interview questions online? Have you ever developed a product independently? Do you have an in-depth knowledge of the technology used in the project or just know how to use it?

If you have internship experience, if you have project experience, that’s great, but most of you haven’t broken through the shackles of traditional education, haven’t had internship experience until junior year, haven’t had much project experience in school.

Some of you have developed a lot of projects using Vue, and still don’t know how CSS/JS can be incorporated into HTML? Can Vue author Yu Yuxi be blamed for this? Vue was developed to reduce development costs and provide a new front-end development solution.

But! As a technical person, we can not stop at doing a package man, in addition to package, we also need a deeper understanding of the principle, which requires us to have a solid basic knowledge. Therefore, the recruitment of large factories not only depends on the development capacity of the project structure, the most important is the basic capacity. You’re going to be building wheels like Vue in your company in the future, right? How can you make a Vue if you don’t know how to introduce CSS/JS into HTML?

If you are a front end and are looking for a front end internship, the basic three languages, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, must be very solid. For example, how many arguments does setTimeout take? What does the third parameter do? How to implement a > 1 && a < 1 && a === 1 The return value is true. This is really not a problem for you. The first test is how familiar you are with the standards, and the second test is not only your basic knowledge, but your ability to use the basic knowledge to solve problems. So, if you’re looking for a front-end internship today, you know HTML/CSS/JavaScript by default, and you know it very well. If you don’t know it, learn it now!

HTML/CSS/JavaScript is just the basics of the front end, where there are a lot of peripheral and upper-level technologies. This is the front-end knowledge map released by Alibaba Front-end Committee. Of course, we can’t know all of them, but as an intern, you can have some interests and experience in one or several directions and be sure to write them on your resume.

How to determine the technology stack

Next, I will tell you that those we write proficient, those we write familiar, those we write understand!

Take front-end framework Vue, Webpack in r&d link as an example.

Using these libraries is routine for a front-end, and if you use them in your project, you can’t say I’m proficient, just that I know!

Take Vue as an example, you are familiar with Vue API, surrounding ecology, and immediately know where the problem is, it shows that you are familiar with Vue, on this basis, you understand the implementation principle of each module of Vue, and can write a simple version of Vue according to the principle of Vue, congratulations, master Vue

For Webpack, you can flexibly use a variety of Webpack configuration and plug-in workflow, indicating that you are a front-end configuration engineer familiar with Webpack, on this basis, you can implement Webpack Loader and Plugin according to the requirements, and actually solve a lot of packaging problems. You can even build your own Webpack and claim to have mastered it. I am proud to say that I am proficient in EVa.js. After all, I am the author of eva.js. I can say that.

In addition, many students have written on their resume that they know how to use Git and SVN, so please follow the above theory to see whether you know, familiar with or master. If you only know About Git, you might as well put your GitHub account on your resume.

How to create personal highlights

You may not be able to do it in a short time. If you watch this video in your first year of college, congratulations, you still have time.

If you’re a junior and running out of time, please keep reading.

Without any personal highlights, we have fewer advantages compared to competitors. Since we have no awards or patents, we will write articles and engage in open source!

We can precipitate technical articles at the same time as we study technology on a daily basis. This is the easiest way, but it also has a certain mental cost. If really lazy to think summarizing, you can go to the foreign technology community to find articles, translated into Chinese to Chinese technology community, both to learn English, and can learn technology, you can also post, win-win-win ~, when it comes to translation, you can also find the fledgling technology to translate documents, you may be the technology of domestic preacher.

In addition to articles, open source projects are a plus, and it’s best to have star’s open source projects. You may be thinking, I don’t know how to do open source projects, but here’s how to do open source projects.

Every month there are a lot of hot spots, like the Winter Olympics, synthetic watermelon, and so on, and we combine the hot spots with the technology that we want to try to implement the related projects. Then, publish the process and technical solution of the project to the technical community such as Nuggets, Zhihu and Sifu, and hang up the link on GitHub and ask them to click Star. Articles like this and hot link will be more popular, there will be a lot of likes, a content let a person have harvest, this person must be one button three links, right, right, right. Cheat the zan, beg to come later, we can write this project and article on the resume, is not very logical, out of thin air, kill three birds with one stone?

In addition, we can follow some big names on GitHub, including domestic and foreign ones. They will give Star to other projects on GitHub and also create their own projects. When this happens, you can just click on the project and see if there are any unresolved issues. Many of the issues are very simple, but the developers didn’t bother to change them, and then we have the opportunity to submit code to the open source community!

Here is an interesting story. When I was using a document generation tool called Docusaurus, which has 30,000 stars on GitHub, I met a problem and entered their open source chat room to ask a question. After I asked a question in poor English, someone replied to me. Then I added his wechat account and found that he was just a high school student. I thought, even a high school student can participate in the open source community, why can’t we college students? Recently I heard that he got the admission notice of Yale University, and is considering whether to go there. This story can be applied to you. A college student who participates in the open source project of Tens of thousands of Star often answers questions in the community and solves some bugs. Recently, I heard that he got an Offer from big factory.

Let’s see, what kind of resume can we write based on the above? You can pause for a moment, and I’ll put the resume template repository and some of the information in the video, if you need it.


OK, this video is mainly about two content, one is how to fill in personal information and education information, the other is how to judge their own technology stack, how to produce personal highlights, I hope you can learn something.

Of course, no matter how good your resume is, your technical level is not good enough to get the offer from a big factory. After watching this video, you will find that this video is not only about how to write a resume, but also about what big companies require of interns. In this video I’m going to show you a number of ways that you can write a good resume and improve yourself at the same time.

B station for attention, like, coin, collection

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